












Growing up with Erie Chinese Journal


編者按:本文的作者是伊利華報社長浦瑛19歲的女兒陸穎,(Dianna Lu),在本次伊利華報10周年報慶活動中擔任代表華報的發言人,這是她在慶典大會上的發言稿

Dianna Lu 在伊利華報十周年報慶活動中


I remember the days when Mommy took Frankie and I to the movies after she completed an issue. It was a little celebratory ritual that we would do together. That was about 10 years ago. Today I stand here 19, at the Agora theater with all of you to celebrate 10 years of Erie Chinese Journal with all of you.
     The celebratory ritual didn’t even last for a year. ECJ became a real thing when I was 9. “It” warped into a baby. ECJ was like having a new baby brother. Now there were 3 of us she had to juggle time with. But like any child and like any family, we grew and learned from each other everyday.

Dianna Lu 與 Frank Lu 及Yuanhua(元華) 剛剛從印刷厰取出新出版的一期華報


      Growing up as the daughter of a publisher, reporter, advertiser and delivery crew. I have the opportunity to listen to all of her day. in the car. Frankie would have school to karate or soccer, wrestling to track to dance. Then there was me- ballet to tap class straight to swim practice. Wake up calls at 4:30 AM for morning practice, though you would sometimes still be awake from writing articles that you started when we fell asleep because that was the only time you could concentrate and you still drove me to practice.
     She would put meetings in between practices, meets, recitals, or even have the meeting exactly where we were having our afterschool activities. When we got home, there would be food on the table, though most of the time you weren’t present we always were full and happy.
See I have never really had to sacrifice anything in my life. I have always been given opportunities, like my education for an example. First I never wanted to go to an all girl private school at the age of 13, but since you had an advertisement with Hathaway Brown School she made me visit. It wasn’t easy on both ends. Both my parents knew this would be a huge challenge. One thing lead to another, and now I honorably can say I am a HB graduate.
      Another sacrifice she had to endure to be interested in sports. Since she’s a reporter is to interview athletes. First of all, my mom doesn’t know anything about sports. She would go to frankies soccer games when he was a munchkin and would “exercise” or I would like to call it “hide and seek with the sun” Nonetheless she would carry a huge umbrella when it was 70 degrees and sunny. I remember when she came to my State meet my freshman year, I saw her up in the stands more nervous than I was. To this day she still doesn’t know how to swim..
    Anyway, this is one of my favorite stories of all time. It was my first Cavs game. It was the Cavaliers vs. the Houston Rockets. It was when Yao Ming was still playing on the Rockets. She was escorted down to the mens locker room for some reason. She walked in without any warning. Suddenly 5 naked Houston rocket players were alarmed by a small asian woman. She did meet Yao Ming, he is also from Shanghai, so they spoke in Shanghai nese when they had their interview, but the picture she got with him is just priceless, as she couldn’t get the image of the naked men out of her mind, a mortified Asian woman with a very tall Asian man. On the elevator, Lebron James steps on. This was the time when Lebron was a big shot and everyone loved him. Daddy, Frankie and I were waiting in the car for her, she calls us all excited, out of breath, “I SAW LEBRON JAMES IN THE REFIDGATOR!” what we were not impressed. We were all sitting there dazed, then we knew she meant elevator. That was probably one of the funniest interviews/stories shes ever told.
    I’ve realized that not anyone could do what she does. She came her with very little, learning a new language, culture to having her own business. Basically creating a new life, all within 25 years. Lets here it for my unreal mommy Ying Pu…
    Almost everyone in this audience in the audience today are friends and if we are not, lets make that happen.


      Yuan Hua, you stayed faithfully be mothers side ever since the beginning. You have contributed writing, editing, and even more important, a best friend to her and the family. Please stand yuan hua
      I like to acknowledge Ben Chen, the Canadian layout master of ECJ. He has always been hand and hand there working with my mom. Its surreal that I have known his kids when the older one was still in the basket net. I remember singing lullabies to both of them and babysitting when they came to visit. His children are little genius’s. It might not be as impressive now because they are older but, these kids spoke 3 languages coming out of the womb. They speak perfect mandarin to dad then switch Guang dong hua (dialect) to mom, but at daycare through grade school spick spam English. Ben and his wife and two wonderful kids have been with ECJ everyday. Please stand Ben and family.


     A decade seems like a long time, yet it feels like it was just yesterday. Compared to a skyscraper such as World Journal, ECJ is as my mom would say a small potato. On the other hand, ten years is a milestone that is constantly and rapidly advancing is an achievement that we can be proud of. It means we have managed to establish ourselves in this industry.

2008年1月 Kitty Lee請浦瑛、Ben、元華及各自家人爲慶祝華報出版第100期同吃團員盆菜
  1. 伊利華報隆重舉辦 創刋十年慶祝活動
  2. 報慶:華報與讀者相知相伴 讀者與華報風雨同行
  3. 報慶:與伊利華報一起成長
  4. 報慶:參加伊利華報十年報慶有感
  5. 報慶:十年踪迹十年心 伊利華報十周年慶典隨想
  6. 報慶:兒媳在美辦報整十年
  7. 報慶:幕後及歡聚慶祝活動成功(圖片)
  8. 報慶:特別感謝
  9. 報慶:來自國內的祝賀








