一年前我到家住Youngstown,開了47年捲龍中國武術館的Mark Lee
Lee Pringle,整整隔了一年,我讀懂了這位帶有中國血統,愛中華文化藝術,做自己熱愛的事業的人。
Lee Pringle 在他幼小心靈深處就留下了對中國文化的印象。
Mark Lee Pringle
Lee Pringle與他的舞獅隊的精彩表演,讓氣氛非常熱烈....
Mark Lee Pringle 14歲開始學習武術,那個時候他就往克利夫蘭Rockwell
Mark Lee Pringle,一家人不求榮華富貴只求心安理得,現在他的孫子也在跟他學習舞獅,在Mark Lee
其實不是每一個人都在某一方面有多少多高天賦,Mark Lee
Lee Pringle,給您掌聲,您是走進夢想的人。
I love Chinese
By Mark Lee
My love for Chinese culture and
heritage started when I was 15years old. My parents told me I am
part Chinese and part Scottish. My 3rd. Great Grandmother was from
Shanghai. Plus I have other relatives from Hong Kong and Hakka
I want to learn everything about China that I can . My
parents sent me to Chinese American Culture school in Chesterland,
Ohio with professor Peter Wang.
I learned Mandarin language first ,.. and over the last two years
I’m now learning Cantonese. His wife, Dr. Rose Wang taught
Acupuncture and he also taught cooking and Chinese music.
I have studied Kungfu for 48 years now, and have been teaching for
28 years at my Kungfu school in Girard,Ohio.
I also studied Traditional Chinese Opera in New York City with
Master Hoy . I learned Opera singing, face painting, for Monkey King
& General Guan Yu.
My school performs Lion dance, Dragon dance , QiLin Dance, and
Buddha Monk routines for all cultural and Special events.
I can perform on suo na, er hu, and zhong ruan Music instruments.
“Coiling Dragon Chinese Kungfu School “ 527 Powers ave. Girard,Ohio
ph.# 330 545-2720 also on Facebook as “Mark Lee Pringle
'PART 1 '., Over the last few months I've been sharing more of my
Chinese heritage on here. After so many of you have messaged me
about taking Kung-Fu & Tai-Chi lessons, I thought I would show my
experience from the start. My traditional Chinese Kung-Fu training
started in 1972. (y) After I found out I was part Chinese, my
parents sent me for serious study with Prof. Peter Wang & Dr. Rose
Wang from the 'Chinese-American Culture Institute' in
Chesterland,Ohio Rt. 322. ( they have since retired, but the house
is still standing) These photos are from 1973 & 74'. 'Packard Park
Chinese Tea Garden ' Gazebo photos taken by one of my dearest
friends from High School, the late' Mike McAllister. He had his own
cameras, dark room, & print set-up. Julie McAllister Vugrinovich。 |