











伊利華報未來-“O.K. I guess I’d better start at the beginning”


    無論你多么想改變這個世界,首先要改變自己。認識Dt.Kwaku Larry Woods已經有一段時間,因爲知道他太太的已故先生是爲馬丁路易斯工作的,是非裔人群的領袖。
    Dr. Woods也是一位奇才,是個醫生還是個音樂家,爲了伊利華報未來的夢想和願望,同時伊利華報爲慶祝黎華趙先生健身房鍛煉100天,7月29日在Fun Buffet,請黎華趙先生和Dr. Kwaku Larry Woods夫婦午餐,介紹他們認識。Dr. Woods夫婦倆已經好多年來,爲人類的心靈和平敎育一直不放棄做一些有價値的事情。

“O.K. I guess I’d better start at the beginning”

“You see, about 2 to 3 hundred thousand years ago, humanity started in what is now generally known as southeastern Africa, (this continent was called Alkebulan by the inhabitants and was named ‘Africa’- for Scipio Terence Africanus-the Roman general that defeated Carthage in the 2nd Punic war)”.

   “About 70 thousand years ago these Alkebulanese left Alkebulan via what is called ‘the southern route’ and traveled along the coast of Asia to reach Australia around 65 to 50 thousand years ago”. “Europe was populated by these same first humans less than 55 thousand years ago, (though the present Europeans also share genetics with other ‘near humans’ such as Neanderthals)”.
   “The Shang Civilization, (later replaced by the very dark-skinned Zhou Dynasty), was one of the first in what is now called China. They, along with the Qin, (remember the terracotta soldiers from the movie ‘The Mummy-3” with Jet Li? They were Qin Dynasty {221-206 B.C.} artifacts), Mongols, Huns, along with the Ainu and ancient Jomon of Japan-all represent the beginnings of the deep intimate association of people with Alkebulanese ancestry with Asia in general-and China in particular.

   “Now, let’s get personal. I grew up in Southeast Asia, (The Philippines, Kowloon, Korea, Japan, Cambodia, Viet Nam, etc.), as a teenager I was shocked to find out that the ancient Ancestors of most of southeast Asia were a very dark-skinned people that I faintly resembled,(most of my family have slightly slanted eyes). In the Philippines, they are known as ‘the Negritos” and still live in the mountains of the country today. None of this is ever talked about in world news or other mass media outlets, why? Why is the history and association of people of color with Asia never discussed? What is the fear, resistance, or barrier to discussing what was, what is, and what could very well be? Let’s see if we can find it, discuss it, and remove it”.
   “Start by looking at the picture of the young lady below, what race is she? Is she Asian, Alkebulanese, a mixture or what??
“She is actually one of the San people, the oldest human beings on earth. She is one of the group that left Alkebulan and settled all of Asia, Europe, and the Americas, (note the Luzia in Brazil). There is only one Race on the planet-it is the Human Race, and the vast majority came from what is now called Africa”.
    “The subject and arguments regarding racial identity started and is maintained by those with primarily European ancestry. WHY?
“It may be because of fear. Fear of elimination, fear of being ignored, fear of being dominated, fear of retribution for past wrongs, fear of the truth of history; but fear of loss of control played a large part”.
   “Now don’t get it twisted, I hold little hate, fear, or anger against Europeans in particular. I understand both their fear and the reasoning that gives rise to it, but to ignore history, anthropology, and the truth of reality gives all of humanity the wrong information and direction”.
   “Again, look at the picture above. What is it a picture of? You might say-‘a man’, and be correct-but what is the culture and heritage of this man? Would you be surprised to find out that this is a picture of An American? He obviously shares characteristics and features with most Asians and that, (by now), should be no surprise”.
    “Alkebulanese and Asians, (especially Chinese), built America. Comedian D. L. Hughly says, “White people never built America-they just handed out the work assignments-Blacks you man the farms, roads, and clear the land. Chinese, you build the railroads, and somebody get the Irish out of the taverns-those tunnels and canals aint gonna dig themselves”. (Note: the Irish were called the N_gg__s of Europe-my wife and I are both 11% Irish-thank you Ancestry.com).
   “Alkebulanese and Chinese have a history of conflict and cooperation. When there was conflict, it was usually over control of resources. When there was cooperation, wonderful things were created”.
I call upon our common ancestry, history, and humanity to institute a new era of that cooperation to create the next age of mankind; an age of brilliance, innovation, and elevation, based on the mutual concern and understanding that this planet and humanity itself may indeed hang in the balance. We have done it, we need to find the means to do it again.
“May the Lord bless you and the Ancestors continue to protect you”.

P.E.A.C.E.*(Proper Education Always Corrects Error)
  Abrafo Kwaku Amoa









