











歷史友誼 患難與共 中猶麻將賽除夕夜啓動

    [本報訊] 2011年最後一天,應克里夫蘭猶太人博物館(Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage)和負責人之一David B. Schafer邀請本報記者 開會,主題內容是博物館要在1月24日至4月22日,舉辦紀念猶太人在中國的逃難歷史,其中有一項麻將比賽,另外活動期間雙方還要互相交流文化和飲食,展覽館將提供大量圖片資料電影給大家觀看,希望華人讀者參與這項有意義活動。

    猶太人和中國人有着一段難以忘懷的友情,早在1938年中國上海收留了三萬猶太難民。已故中國著名畫家陳逸飛先生導演的《逃亡上海》,這部紀録影片記録了一位猶太人在中國生活十年和中國人民結下的深厚友情。本報已經將這部影片贈送給猶太人博物館,在新春除夕之夜的捐款晩宴上本報將帶四位中國小姐義務擔任迎賓小姐。還有本報在David B. Schafer引薦下,採訪了猶太人Harry J. Abraham,他是1939年從德國和她的母親逃亡上海,當時他才15個月,他在上海住了7年,他在上海的這段童年生活給Harry J. Abraham留下了深刻的回憶。(他精彩的故事請看下期)

    這里克里夫蘭猶太人博物館(Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage)借伊利華報一角要感謝黃唯的慷慨捐款和黃唯妹妹東方之珠提供免費晩宴,還有麗華酒家和所以參與幫助這次活動的華人。

    “上海猶太人”中國救了我們” 二戰時期,由於納粹反猶狂潮,世界上不少國家對猶太難民關上大門,中國爲猶太人無需簽證即可進入的上海,成爲猶太難民的逃生地。從1933年到1949年,大批從希特勒屠刀下逃生的歐洲猶太人遠涉重洋來到上海,其總人數達3萬,他們與同樣受日本人欺壓的中國人一起生活,他們被稱爲”上海猶太人”
   “中國救了我們”,在採訪企業家Harry J. Abraham,他對中國人的寬容與善良由衷地贊嘆,他説每一個人都要從一個地方開始有一個起點,我的起點在中國,我渡過我的快樂童年,我從中國人那里,學到了很多優良的品質,更重要的是我能在中國自由自在生活。”

上海市虹口區文物保護單位,猶太難民在上海紀念館(原摩西會堂)位于上海市虹口區長陽路62號;由摩西會堂舊址和兩個展示廳組成,是“提籃橋歷史文化風貌區”的重要組成部分。該館是爲紀念二戰期間猶太難民在上海生活居住歷史的主題紀念館;始建于1907年,1927年遷至華德路(今長陽路)62號。二戰期間摩西會堂成爲猶太難民的宗敎活動中心,猶太靑年組織也一度將其總部設在摩西會堂內。摩西會堂,是整個上海有關“猶太難民聚居區”的文字和實物資料最多也最爲完整的地方。,上海猶太社團已成爲中國境內各猶太社團和聚居地中最大、最活躍且最具代表性的一個。這不僅因爲它由塞法迪猶太人、俄國猶太人和歐洲猶太難民三部分組成,而且還因爲它開展了廣泛而十分成功的經濟、政治、文化活動, 另外他們在上海有辦事處、會堂、學校、醫院、俱樂部、公墓、商會、50多種刋物、活躍的政治團體,猶太人靠的是團結與打拼擁有他們今天的社會地位。



MALTZ MUSEUM SETS UP PROJECT MAH JONGG Community Preview and Tournament Are Just a Few of the Events Planned
Clever marketers claimed mah jongg dated back to Confuciusm and other regal origins - though the game we know actually took shape in the nineteenth century. More than 100 years later, the game made its trek to America where it has been part of the country's gaming culture since 1922. Now in 2012, the game will be featured at the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage as it presents Project Mah Jongg.
Project Mah Jongg, an exhibition exploring the traditions, histor

y, and meaning of the game, was created by the Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in New York City. The exhibition was wildly popular and a traveling version was developed. Its only scheduled Midwest appearance will be January 24 to April 22, 2012 at the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage in Cleveland, Ohio, then it will go to the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles.
The colorful and entertaining exhibition includes original artwork by Christoph Niemann, Isaac Mizrahi, Maira Kalman and Bruce McCall; beautiful early game sets made of bone, Bakelite, and bamboo; vintage advertisements and household items; Chinoiserie; and instruction materials.
The Maltz Museum has added vintage mah jongg sets and rule cards from area Clevelanders, period costumes on loan from the Kent State University Museum, and a short film by area filmmakers Amy Wasserstrom Cummings and John Cummings. Titled May the Tiles Be with You: Cleveland's Love Affair with Mah Jongg, the documentary records the mah jongg memories of Clevelanders. Visitors to the Museum's website can submit their own stories about the game. Music for the exhibition has been provided by the Cleveland Chinese Music Ensemble.
The exhibition kicks off on Sunday, January 22 with the "Mad for Mah Jongg" Private Opening and Chinese New Year's Eve Celebration. The following day, the Museum holds a Community Preview before Project Mah Jongg opens to the public on Tuesday, January 24. Not only will people get a sneak peek at the exhibition and enjoy fabulous Chinese food, but games such as checkers and hopscotch will be played throughout the Museum!
February brings the first Maltz Museum Mah Jongg Tournament (Feb 13) and the first of three cross-cultural events with Li Wah restaurant in Cleveland's Asia Plaza. Visitors will tour the Museum and eat Jewish delicacies while eastsiders spend the afternoon at Li Wah playing mahj and enjoying a light lunch (Feb 15, Mar 14, Apr 17).
Throughout the exhibition's run, visitors will hear the sound of tiles clacking and people laughing as the Maltz Museum has added several game tables that can be reserved for play, and the Museum will be offering lessons every Friday afternoon in February. Among the other public programs:
screenings of Mah-Jongg: The Tiles That Bind (Jan 25) and Shanghai Ghetto (Apr 4)
a reading of A Brief History of Mah Jongg - an original one-act play written by local playwright Faye Sholiton to accompany the exhibition (Mar 7 & 18)
an afternoon of games and art at the Museum's Family Fun Day (Feb 26)
an evening of moonlight, music, mahj munchies and the ever famous mahj-tini (late March/early April)
Full details on the exhibition, programs, and events can be found on the "Happenings" calendar at MMJH.org. Tickets for all events and programs can be purchased by calling the Museum at 216.593.0575.
Docent-led tours can be reserved daily for adult and student groups, with discounts for groups of 15+ (reservations required). Packs of 35 or more tickets are available at a discounted price. Players Passes will be available for $20 for those who want to visit the Museum several times through the run of the exhibition. Pass holders will have the same benefits as Museum Members (discounts in the Museum Store and on public programs) during the run of the exhibition, January 24 - April 22, 2012.
To learn more about Project Mah Jongg, visit the official site at www.projectmahjongg.com
About Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage: The Museum of Diversity and Tolerance
Opened in 2005, the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage introduces visitors to the beauty and diversity of that heritage in the context of the American experience, promotes an understanding of Jewish history, religion and culture and builds bridges of tolerance and understanding with people of all religions, races, cultures and ethnic backgrounds. It includes An American Story, tracing Ohio's immigrant history and heritage, and The Temple-Tifereth Israel Gallery, an internationally-recognized collection of Judaica. One admission fee includes unlimited access, and all levels of membership include unlimited admission.









