













    7月17日,我和像家人一樣的朋友唐可游華盛頓DC,因爲她的兒子在華盛頓,説我們可以住在她兒子家里,華盛頓很震撼,政治文化中心.沿路唐可給我講上帝講聖經,講她家史,她父親,唐炳麟與哥哥唐仲英。她有一個了不起的媽媽,她記得自己8歲那年住在上海,有過一段時間住和平飯店最高一樓,在屋頂上騎自行車。她説,人生無常,父親可以在中國一夜之間沒有一切,共産黨拿走了我們家的房地産,國民黨拿走了我們家的金條。爸爸是一個非常智慧的人,父親唐炳麟曾經創辦上海盛澤大戲院,後改上海麗都大戲院,唐炳麟還參與創辦億中銀行,哥哥唐仲英(英語:Cyrus Tan, 1930年-),美國華裔企業家和慈善家,唐氏工業集團董事長,他父親有三個太太,三個太太生的兒子成功合作。

   唐可(周唐可) 生於上海,在香港長大,五歲開始學鋼琴,19歲赴美深造,獲得卜鈡 士大學學士,茱麗亞音樂學院碩士,南加州大學鋼琴演奏學博士,52歲又返回校園再修得duke大學的神學碩士。按着她説的,我讀書都是靠奬學金,我一生都是好學生。
   這次和她一起在華盛頓度假,對她有了更深的瞭解,Lily她曾經受邀到五大洲演奏, 她以獨奏、重奏,並和樂團合作等方式在各國各地表演。1981-2009年Lily也曾走遍中國各地演出20多次,除了各大城市之外, 還包括遙遠的新疆 ,靑海,甘肅,吉林和內蒙等地。她曾經在1984年和中央廣播樂團合奏貝多芬第四鋼琴協奏曲,現埸轉播,據聞當時有300,000,000觀衆收視。Lily曾受邀到中國中央,上海, 四川,西安,天津,南京及瀋陽等各大音樂學院講學與演出。她和她的先生擔保了三十多位來自中國各行業的人才。

Dear Pu Ying
   I just realized that last week was National Friendship Week. How appropriate that we two friends should spend most of the week together on a road trip the Washington, D.C.! It was indeed memorable: the driving to and from Cleveland to D.C. seemed very short because we had such lively conversation along the way. Friends are friends because we have so much to share!
  Our background is very similar as we both came from Shanghai. We can communicate in several dialects and two languages. We can resonate with each other's experience. Pleasant times fly by quickly. But our memory trove has been enriched. Our memories are like jewels which we can bring out from our memory trove and share with each other making them shine with luster again. Friends, family, lovely places, wonderful experiences that have been buried deep in the recesses of our mind are once more trotted out to the fore to be savored again.
   We may only live once but when we share our memories with friends, our past comes to life again and we relive the highlights of our childhood, our youth, our middle age.... Between yours and my past, we wove a rich tapestry, a history worthy of a backward glance. We Chinese who have lived through the vicissitudes of our national history the past 5-7 decades really have a story to tell. How fortunate we are to have made a good life for ourselves in our wonderful host country--but we can never forget our roots. So when you and I shared the long hours driving to D.C. from Cleveland and returning we discover that we not only lived once but twice: reliving our unforgettablel memories a second time. Friends, family, lovely experiences and beautiful places flash by so quickly. But by recalling them to a friend, they all come to life for a second time. So we not only live once but we can live twice --sharing with a friend. Thanks also for adding treasures to my memory trove. What a happy carefree, fun trip, without having to rush, but basking in the warmth of perfect understanding and companionship!
Washington was hot and muggy, but we were smart enough to tour all the tourist attractions of the capital city in an air-conditioned car. Leave the walking to the young!
   D.C. is truly a capital city we can be proud of. Its well planned and imposing buildings and beautifully laid out and clean streets remind one that this is the way a capital of a great country should be! It makes me proud to be an American citizen!
   It was also fun eating and looking around in Chinatown. I have been to many Chinatowns in major cities of the USA such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Boston, Chicago, etc. One thing that is uniformly good is the food! We actually only toured D.C. for one whole day--but that is enough. The next day you were busy attending conventions and meeting dignitaries in Congress, while I was having quality time with family. Then it was already time to embark on the return trip.
   How gracious of you to insist that we stop by Hershey's since I have never been there before. That was a sweet interlude! If life is full of chocolates maybe there will be fewer warfare! Once again the return trip is full of nostalgia, sharing jokes, discussing ways to improve the present, and dreaming of the future. And the miles and hours flew by. How blessed we are to share meaningful time with friends after our own heart.
   More memories are stored up in our memory trove! The world should be full of good friends sharing good times --and bad times--together, and enriching each other's lives. That was one meaningful National Friendship Week--true friends multiply our joys and divide our sorrows. True friends bring out the best in us and point out our faults without being judgmental. We may not be able to choose our relatives but we can choose our friends! Lucky am I to have a friend like you! Let's do a trip together again some time soon!








