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Trump has no political experience. The only thing he understands is how to be a rich by bullying other and that is not who we need to be a leader for our country. He has no clear policies except to continue to use the TAX loop-holes for the rich people and himself. He has no clear policy on education. He does not respect women. I don't think all these women were lying when they came out and challenged him of making sexual advances when he said he just talk “lockerroom boys talks” and never done them. When something doesn't go his way he just blames others, such as DMC going after him, rigged election, all media supporting DMC and Clinton, lying women, and threatening suing them after election. He is completely is looking after himself and doesn't really care about our country.I think he loves his wealth, I don't think and maybe I don't know really know whether he loves this country. He brags of his worth of billion dollars and said that he is smart that he can use the current tax system to avoid paying Federal Income tax for many years. By saying that in front of 85 million people, he actually is referring to us as dumb. to lead our country? I don't know how we can even dream of it. I really don't understand how any first and second generation of immigrants or any woman even dream about voting for Donald Trump. I really I feel the man is very dangerous. I feel Donald Trump is an egomaniac. I think he would be a disaster if elected.The hatred, bigotry and racism that he is preaching are bringing out the worst in Americans. If people really feel the things that Trump is saying are true, I fear for our country.
If Hillary wins I think we have a much better position in the world.
-She understands foreign-policy, was Secretary of State.
-She has over 30 years of experience serving the public in various capacities.
-She is very concern about healthcare.
-She has concerns about our country education, policy that she is advocating tuition free for States run Universities to jump shift for many years to come.
-She has a program in which she would work with Congress to get more taxes from people that are making than $250,000.
-One can go online to check out her detailed policies I cited above, including making our country from GREAT TO GREATER.
I would love to see some campaign reform is in our country. Many countries have a much shorter election season than we have, about five or six weeks. Even five or six months wouldn't be so bad, not multiple years. We have been talking about elections for over a year now and it really doesn't serve anyone much good.
There is too much money wasted on the election. I understand there is marketing needed and competition needed in these political campaigns, however these candidates are spending an excessive amount to fund their campaigns where it could've been used for something more useful and actually help our country be better than just saying these words and slogans. I am advocating to limit on campaign contributions, due with all respect, my opinion the elections are being funded by the wealthy and that’s not what democracy is about. There should be a limit amount of funds for political candidates as it should be for the people, and not money hungry corporations buying their way into politics.










