












GCCCC Strengthens Business Connections for Cincinnati in China
By: Carla Walker

Since May of this year, Shau Zavon, President of the GCCCC has represented the organization in a leadership role as the Co-Chair of the Economic Development Committee of the Cincinnati 2012 World Choir Games. The goal of the Committee is to leverage the 2012 Games to strategically promote the Cincinnati region as a destination for foreign businesses. Former GCCCC board member Peter Song is also a member of the Committee.
In July, the Committee organized a business mission to four Chinese cities led by Mayor Mark Mallory in conjunction with the 2010 World Choir Games taking place in Shaoxing. The delegation included representatives from the Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Airport, Ulmer & Berne, SS&G Financial Services, Duke Energy, the Convention & Visitors Bureau, Kolar Designs, Procter & Gamble and the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber of Commerce.
From July 19 – 28, the delegation visited Shanghai, Changchun, Hangzhou and Shaoxing. It was a successful mission that included high level meetings with the leadership of Chinese businesses and Chinese government officials.
Shanghai began with a visit to the 2012 Expo. Our delegation was joined by other Cincinnatians in China for the World Choir Games bringing our delegate count to 28 people - a very strong presence.
Visiting the USA Pavilion, we were greeted by Martin Alintuck, the Pavilion President and CEO. He was familiar with the Cincinnati story and was impressed with the number of people we brought with us to sell the city.
We were received by the leadership of and in the same manner at each of the four other Pavilions for the seven hours we were on the grounds. The USA Pavilion, however, holds special significance because their corporate sponsors include Procter & Gamble as well as General Electric. Yes, a hometown connection but they are also sponsors of our delegation activities. Five Pavilions may not seem like a lot but for most attendees they see maybe one or two in a day.
That evening, the delegation hosted eighty guests - from throughout the Province - at our Shanghai-Cincinnati Business Reception. We were joined by Mr. Wang Lie, the Vice President of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. The program was brief but included comments from Mayor Mallory,Vice President of Shanghai CCPIT Wang Lie; both P&G and GE spoke about their connections to China and Cincinnati; and the President of Convention and Visitors Bureau touched on the 2012 World Choir Games and invited guests to visit Cincinnati for the Games in 2012. Committee co-chair Shau Zavon was the emcee of the reception and the networking and sentiments about Cincinnati were incredible!

The following day, additional meetings were coordinated with the leadership of General Electric, Zhangjiang High-tech Industrial Park, and Mr. Zhou Muyao, former Deputy General Director of the standing committee of the Shanghai People’s Congress and the former Deputy Mayor of Shanghai. The delegation had a great discussion about building relationship between Shanghai and Cincinnati throughout lunch with Mr. Zhou Muyao.
On the third day the delegation visited Changchun to meet with the leadership of the Dacheng Industrial Group, the leading corn processing company in China, which also has connections to the Cincinnati area through the Global BioChem Technology Group. The delegation introduced different facets of Cincinnati in an effort to attract one of the Dacheng Industrial Business Units to locate their North American headquarter in Greater Cincinnati area. At the invitation of Changchun Mayor Cui Jie, the delegation was treated to a luncheon featuring the foods of Changchun and Jilin Province and discussed the possibilities of the friendship city alliance.
Before visiting Shaoxing, the delegation stopped in Hangzhou where they had an opportunity to meet with Mr. Wang Jianman, a Vice Governor of the Province. Over late dinner, the group discussed opportunities for Hangzhou and Cincinnati to develop closer ties.
In Shaoxing, the delegation hosted a China-US Investment Forum with more than 60 registered attendees. Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory and Shaoxing Vice Mayor Xu Mingguang opened up the Forum. Special guests included Evan Felsing from the Office of the US Consulate General in Shanghai and Madam Li, the Director of the Liuzhou Office of Foreign Affairs. Forum presentations were made by Brian Berning, Managing Director of SS&G Financial Services; Brad Kaplan, Partner at Ulmer & Berne; Pingshan Li, Attorney at Ulmer & Berne; Chen Hao, Investment Representative of the Ohio Department of Development China Office; Gary Chan from the Midwest US EB-5 Regional Center; Manny Gonzalez, Vice President for Global Operations at Procter & Gamble; and Neil Hensley, Senior Director of Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber.
In Shanghai, Changchun, Hangzhou and Shaoxing, the delegation wanted to show Cincinnati in the best light and make a favorable impression. We were successful beyond anything I imagined. We helped further relationships and created new friends. We expanded on the awareness about Cincinnati. We have built a stronger foundation for business development in China. As well, the Economic Development Committee for the 2012 World Choir Games can be a model for leveraging large events, like the World Choir Games, to attract business interest in our region.
The Shanghai Business Reception and the US-China Investment Forum in Shaoxing were sponsored by Procter & Gamble and General Electric Aviation. The Ohio Department of Development Global Markets Division and the Greater China Office in Shanghai provided promotional and administrative assistance. Co-chairs Carla Walker and Shau Zavon managed the delegation in China.

Photo credit: Carla D. Walker
Carla Walker is the President of think BIG strategies, llc (www.thinkbigstrategies.com) and the Co-Chair of the Economic Development Committee of the Cincinnati 2012 World Choir Games.
Co-chair Shau Zavon is the President of Greater Cincinnati Chinese Chamber of Commerce, as well as President and CEO of Golden Nexus Group Inc. and Vice President of OwnerLand Realty Inc.







