












Download: Asian Karaoke Registration Former(Chinese)PDF

  *If the song is not on the pre-selected list, you are responsible for bringing your own DVD or VCD. Please visit www.AsianCasinoErie.com for complete breakdown of available songs. *如果歌曲不在组委会提供的歌单上,请自带伴奏DVD或VCD。参赛曲目详细清单请登录 www.AsianCasinoErie.com。

Send Entry to / 報名表郵寄地址: Attention Marketing Department at
PO Box 10728, Erie Pa 16514
Phone number to call for questions: 814-866-8778. 有關其它信息,請致電814-866-8778

Contest begins Thursday June 10th, 2010, and will continue every other Thursday for approximately 4 weeks (June 10th, June 24th, July 8th, and July 22nd, 2010. Time of the contests: 8:00-10:30pm with registration starting at 7:00pm. 預賽將在2010年6月10日星期四開始, 隔周星期四舉行(2010年6月24日, 7月8日和7月22日), 預賽時間: 晚上8點到10點30分, 選手登記在7點開始.

Location of the contests: Li Wah Restaurant in Asian Plaza 2999 Payne Avenue Cleveland Ohio 44114
(Complimentary hors d'oeuvres will be provided by Li Wah). 預賽地點: 麗華酒樓, 平安路2999號, 克裡夫蘭, 俄亥俄, 44114. 麗華酒樓會免費提供飲料小食.

First 40 entries will be accepted, plus five alternates. Singers will perform for four minutes. Judges will select five semi finalists for each event to perform on Sunday, August 8th at Presque Isle Downs & Casino, in Erie, Pa at 2:00 pm. Busing from Cleveland to Presque Isle Downs & Casino will be provided on the day of the final competition will leave at Li Wah, 2999 Payne Avenue, Cleveland Ohio 44114. Bus leaves at 10:00 am arriving at Presque Isle Downs & Casino at 11:30 am and will depart 10:00 am from Presque Isle Downs & Casino to return to Li Wah at 11:30 am. Overnight accommodations will be provided on Sunday night following the event. 前40名報名者允許參賽, 另設5個候補名額. 選手演唱歌曲不短於4分鐘, 評委選出5名選手, 參加於星期日8月8日下午2點在賓州寶來客舉行的決賽. 決賽當天, 由寶來客賭場提供交通, 大巴早上10 點在麗華出發, 預計在11 點30 分到達賭場, 8月9日上午11 點30 分返回麗華酒樓. 食宿由賭場提供.

See the Complete Rules & Regulations online at www.AsianCasinoErie.com for more details.
請登錄 www.AsianCasinoErie.com 網站瀏覽參賽細則.

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, help is available. Call 1-800-GAMBLER.


$6,500 Cash Prizes - 獎金總額$6500!
1st Place-$5,000 – 2nd Place-$1,000 – 3rd Place-$500
第一名獎金$5000 - 第二名獎金$1000 - 第三名獎金$500

Registration form and regulations can be picked up at Li Wah Restaurant. 申請表格及競賽細則可在麗華酒樓領取.
All contestants must be 21 years of age or older. 所有參賽選手必須年滿21歲以上。

First Prize - $5000 第一名獎金$5000
Second Prize - $1000 第二名獎金$1000
Third Prize - $500 第三名獎金$500

Finalists will be offered transportation to and from the casino, hotel accommodations and complimentary meal for up to six people. 決賽入圍選手及其親友團(最多六人)交通、食宿費用由賭場承擔。

This competition is NOT limited to the Asian Community. 本大賽不局限於亞裔團體

All contestants must register via the Internet or mail registration form to/参赛选手可登录赌场网站报名, 或将报名表寄到:

Marketing Department at
PO Box 10728, Erie Pa 16514.

Phone number to call for questions: 814-866-8778 / 有關其它信息, 請致電814-866-8778

Registration form is available at Li Wah Chinese Restaurant. 申請表格及競賽細則可在麗華酒樓領取.

All entry forms must be received at least three (3) business days prior to event. 報名截止日期為預賽前3天。

Bring confirmation number to evening event at Li Wah Restaurant, 2999 Payne Avenue, Cleveland Ohio 44114. Registration begins promptly at 7:00 pm. Contest begins at 8:00 pm. 預賽地點位於麗華酒樓, 平安路2999號, 克裡夫蘭, 俄亥俄州44114. 參賽時請出示登記號. 預賽當天晚上7點登記, 正式比賽於晚上8點准時開始.

Each contest on June 10th, June 24th, July 8th & July 22th is limited to 40 participants plus five alternates. If more than 40 participants register for these events, we will utilize a first come first served registration system. An email confirmation will be sent as notification for the qualification of the event. 由於場地、時間限制, 6月10日, 6月24日, 7月8日和7月22日的預賽限額40人參加, 另設5個候補名額. 如果超過 40人以上報名, 組委會本著 “先來先到” 的原則決定預賽選手參賽權. 具體通知將以電子郵件 方式送達.

A total of top 5 semi finalists from each night will be awarded the trip to Presque Isle Downs & Casino for the Grand Finale on Sunday, August 8th, 2010. 每場預賽前5名選手將有資格參加2010年8月8日在寶來客賭場舉行的決賽。

Contestants will sing one four minute judged song. Contestants will be scored using a 50-point system:
參賽選手演唱一首不短於4分鐘的歌曲, 總分50分, 評判標准如下:

Vocal Ability (rhythm/pitch/phrasing) 1 - 30 points
聲韻(節奏/音律/音准) 分
Stage Presence (movement/confidence/command) 1 - 10 points
舞台表現(動作/底氣/台風) 分
Appearance (costume/attire) 1 - 5 points
外表(化妝/著裝) 分
Audience Response (metric clap meter) 1 - 5 points
觀眾反應(掌聲分貝測試表) 分

Should a tie occur the contestants will be judged according to the clap meter metrics, which involves audience participation. Should this method not break the tie, the judges will collaborate between each other and decide a winner. 若選手積分相同, 將以觀眾掌聲分貝表高低做評判. 如果積分再次相同, 評委集體討論做出最后決定.

Contestants are not allowed to leave the stage or stage area during their performance. Contestants may sing the same song as another contestant, however, it is not recommended. Contestants may sing selections from the songbooks provided (visit www.asiancasinoerie.com) or provide their own DVD or VCD. Contestants MAY NOT utilize live props. This will include back-up singers, dancers or animals. Non-human props such as costumes and other accessories are permitted. Musical instruments may be used. Such musical instruments must be hand carried. Larger instruments that utilize the aid of others to bring them on stage, or are difficult to handle are NOT permitted. An example of this type of instrument is a piano, harp, etc... Any prop used by a contestant must be carried on stage or into the stage area by the contestant, and must be completed in one trip onto or into the stage area. 參賽選手在表演時不得離開舞台區. 選手可以選用同一首歌參賽,但盡量准備多首歌曲. 參賽曲目請參閱 網站歌本 www.asiancasinoerie.com 或自帶DVD或VCD. 比賽為獨唱形式, 不得有伴唱, 伴舞或寵物串場, 允許穿奇裝異服或使 用道具. 可自帶手提便攜樂器, 不得使用大型或單人無法搬運的樂器, 如鋼琴, 豎琴等. 若使用道具, 必須由參賽選手自行 一次搬運 至舞台.

The competition begins June 10, 2010, and will continue every other Thursday (June 10th, June 24th, July 8th and July 22nd, 2010). Finals will be held on Sunday, August 8th, 2010 at Presque Isle Downs & Casino beginning at 2pm. A contestant may enter as many preliminary contests as desired to qualify for the final grand prizes. Winners of any cash prize must fill out a standard W-9 Tax form. Winners must provide valid photo I.D. 預賽將從2010年6月10日開始, 隔周星期四舉行 (20106月24日, 7月8日和7月22日). 決賽將 于2010年8月8日下午2點在寶來客賭場舉行。參賽選手可以多次參加預賽。獎金得主必須填寫W-9稅表並且出示有效照片 証件.

Contestants, their family or associates are not allowed to have contact with a contest judge before or during the final contest. Contact includes verbal conversations and handshakes. Presque Isle Downs & Casino will provide a judge’s badge to prevent contestants from approaching judges. This rule applies only before and during the time contestants are performing. It is not reasonable to expect contestants, their family or associates from having contact with a judge directly after all contestants have performed. 參賽選手, 家人及朋友禁止在決賽前和期間與評委有除口頭交流和握手以外的任何形式的接觸. 寶來客賭場將為 評委配發胸牌, 以免選手隨意接觸. 本規定僅限於選手表演期間, 比賽結束后, 選手, 家人和朋友可與評委自由交流.

Decisions of the judges are final. No arguing with judges is allowed. Any contestant, their family or associates who argue with a judge may be deemed to be using offensive behavior and the contestant may be disqualified from the event. No employee, past or present, of Presque Isle Downs & Casino or its affiliate companies, their family or any other individual connected directly with Presque Isle Downs & Casino may enter the contest. 評委的仲裁為最后結論, 不得與評委爭執. 任何選手, 家人或朋友若與評委 爭辯, 將被視作無理行為, 馬上被剝奪參賽資格. 寶來客賭場及其贊助商工作人員或前工作人員, 家屬不得參加此項比賽.

Presque Isle Downs & Casino reserves all rights to cancel or modify these rules at any time without prior notice. Complimentary hors d'oeuvres will be provided by Li Wah. 寶來客賭場對本規則保留一切取消, 更改, 解釋權, 無需另行通知. 麗華酒樓會免費提供飲料小食.
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Presque Isle Downs & Casino Asian Idol Karaoke Contest 2010
Contestant Eligibility and Release of Liability Form

______________________________ _________________________________
Legal Name 姓名 Stage Name (if any) 藝名(如果有)

______________________________ _________________________________
Street Address街道 City, State, Zip Code 城市,州,郵政編碼

______________________________ _________________________________
Home Phone Alternative Phone (Cell or Work)
家庭電話 其它電話(手機或辦公室)

Email / 電郵:

ELIGIBILITY: This contest is open to legal U.S. residents, age 21 years or older. Entrants must bring one valid form of Photo ID to the contest. This contest is open to amateur singers only. For purposes of this contest, an amateur is defined as someone who does not, and has never been in a band, or has never been paid to perform or signed to a major label music publishing or recording contract. The final decision as to a particular entrant's amateur status will be at Presque Isle Downs & Casino’s sole discretion. Participants cannot be included if he/she is on any excluded, management excluded, or self-excluded list. Winners will be checked for eligibility.
參賽資格: 在美國享有合法居住權的21歲以上的成年人. 參賽選手必須出示有效帶照片証件. 隻限業余選手參加, 本次大賽的業余選手 指參賽者沒有參加過樂隊, 沒有做過商業表演, 沒有和任何唱片公司簽過合約的人. 參賽條件解釋權由寶來客賭場決定, 參賽選手不可自 行決定. 獎金得主身份將受到審核再授予獎項.

Contestants may choose from our current song list or provide their own DVD or VCD.

As a participant of the Presque Isle Downs & Casino Asian Idol Karaoke Contest, I hereby give permission to Presque Isle and its designated photographer(s) and camera crew to record audio, video, and photographs of me as a karaoke contestant for the duration of the contest. I understand these pictures and/or video may be viewed by the public if Presque Isle Downs & Casino decides to air this event or use them in any form of advertising, which may include audio, video, or photographs of me.
作為寶來客亞洲偶像卡拉OK大賽參賽選手, 本人授權寶來客賭場在本人比賽期間拍攝, 錄像和錄音. 如果寶來客賭場公開播出 本次比賽或用於廣告素材,本人同意使用本人的聲音, 影像和照片。

I also understand that I am NOT entitled to any monetary reimbursements or reimbursement of any form if/when Presque Isle Downs & Casino decides to reproduce or make profits from the above items. I have no legal rights or ownership of the products produced by Presque Isle Downs & Casino or its designated representative/vendors to produce these items from this event. 如果寶來客賭場使用本人素材用於商業目的, 本人同意不向寶來客賭場索取任何版稅, 盈利, 本人對寶來客及其合作伙伴拍攝的影像資料沒有擁有權.

I hereby release and discharge Presque Isle Downs & Casino of any responsibilities or liabilities relating to this event.

______________________________ ______________________
Participants Signature Date
參賽選手簽名 日期

______________________________ ______________________
Presque Isle Representative Date
寶來客賭場負責人 日期

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, help is available. Call 1-800-GAMBLER.







