領養中國孩子家庭協會代表Mrs. Lisa Kifer致詞
Good afternoon. My name is Lisa Kifer. I am both flattered and
honored to be asked to say a few words to you today but first my
family and I want to extend our deepest sympathy to Jim’s family.
Our lives as an adoptive family have had the great good fortune to
have known, worked, lived, and laughed with Jim for the past 8
years. As those of you who knew Jim personally are already aware,
Jim was a remarkable person: intelligent, energetic, enthusiastic
and generous, an incredible motivator, leader and friend. He was
full of life—larger than life really and unforgettable to all with
whom he came in contact. We have the greatest admiration and respect
for Jim and we will miss him greatly - more than words can ever
Today, however, I am here not to speak just for my family and myself
but for the thousands of adopted Chinese children, who through Jim’s
tireless and inspired efforts have and will come to know their
heritage and their birth country. Jim has made a huge, even
life-changing difference for the China adoptive community.
Jim was a true visionary. In 2003, the vision he saw involved
enhancing the lives of American adopted Chinese children through a
cultural exchange with China. Jim proposed to create an opportunity
for these adopted children to visit China with their families, in
order for the children to experience the culture, the history,
customs and language of their birth. Jim believed that with a better
understanding of China, the children would feel a deeper sense of
pride in their heritage and a true bridge of friendship between 2
great countries would begin to develop.
Jim was never intimidated by even the most daunting task and he set
out with the help of his friend Qiu Liguo from the Chinese Overseas
Exchange Association in Beijing to make the vision a reality. I was
so very fortunate to be asked by Jim to help him organize the first
tour group of adoptive families for a wonderful tour of China
subsidized by the Chinese government. In the summer of 2004, just 3
families, comprised of 4 adults and 5 children, traveled to China as
the “test case” for Jim and Qiu’s plan. I am so very grateful to
have been on that first trip along with the Bone family and the
Butterfield family, as it was the only trip Jim would be able to
make with the Adoptive Families’ China Heritage Summer Camp. It was
truly the trip of a lifetime for all of us and although we have
returned several times with Jim’s organization and had wonderful,
unforgettable experiences, the trip with Jim was special in a way
that could never be and most unfortunately will never be repeated.
It is a memory that I and the other families return to often and
which we treasure.
Though not able again to join the Root Seeking Summer Camp, Jim’s
enthusiasm never waned. He directed his seemingly tireless energy,
intelligence and generosity of spirit and purpose to the planning
and organization of the adoptive family summer camps. He was always
with us in spirit --- as well as quite often by telephone. He was a
master of persuasion as well, handling all the negotiations with
Beijing as to both the broad outlines of the program and the small
details. Imagine please the perseverance, time, effort and knowledge
it took to not only receive permission from the Chinese government
for this program and to convince them to be involved on a day to day
basis but also to persuade them to provide their financial
assistance to offset the costs for the families! It was important to
Jim that all families no matter their economic circumstance have
this wonderful opportunity to show their children that they were
considered welcomed, indeed at home, in China. Of course, Jim did
all of this as a volunteer for no monetary or financial reward. He
used his own resources, his own vacation time, his network of
friends and contacts to propel his vision from a mere 9 individuals
to 75 families, including 95 adopted Chinese children who have
participated to date. Jim’s organization now has its own website; a
book about the Adoptive Families’ China Heritage Summer Camp and
China’s adopted children has been published; and other groups are
now copying and using Jim’s ideas. His incredible legacy extends
beyond my daughters and Central Ohio Families with Children from
China and even past the American borders to the international
Chinese adoptees living through out the world.
How many of us can claim to have made such a difference in the lives
of so many? And yet I know that this was only a small part of Jim’s
life—he was that remarkable individual who was able to accomplish so
many good works that most of the rest of us can only stand back in
awe and admiration.
-- 獻給建軍