Hello everyone, The OSU K-12 Chinese Flagship Program will
offer high school Chinese language teacher training on June 19 in
Hagerty Hall of OSU campus. For more information about the training
agenda, please go to http://k12chineseflagship.osu.edu/html/News.htm#highschool.
The training is free, including lunch and training material. We have
12 participants already registered from across Ohio and they are
either teaching or will soon teach Chinese at high schools. This is
a good opportunity for Chinese language teachers to learn about the
OSU performance-based method and share experience. If you want to
participate, please send me an email.
BTW: If you have digital photos of your Chinese class and they can
be used on our website for educational purposes, please email them
to me. Thank you.
Kun Shi, Director
K-12 Chinese Flagship Program
The Ohio State University
2941 Kenny Road, Suite 200
Columbus, OH 43221-2430
Phone: 614-292-0460 ;Fax: 614-292-3194 E-mail: shi.7@osu.edu
Website: http://k12chineseflagship.osu.edu |