













黃翔和Mr. William Rock在共同斟酌自己的作品

本報上期刋登了標題爲“大膽創新中西藝術文化精髓合併交融”一文後,得到廣大讀者的熱烈反響,本報收到讀者來電來信,希望能更進一步瞭解這倆位藝術家。我專程去匹兹堡拜訪了黃翔夫婦和Mr. William Rock。
     這次見面我們大家談得十分投緣,我開門見山地對他們表達我的看法:當我第一次看到你們的作品時就説過:應當找一個好的經紀人將你們的作品介紹給大衆和整個社會,因爲這些作品太有震撼力了,一看到你們的畫就能感到一股能量,你們的畫是中西文化結合的一座橋樑和一種歷史的見證。同時我也説了,在他們創作的這么多作品里,許多都是已故的總統,我開玩笑地説:看看這些總統畫哪天有機會應該挂到白宮去。我的話語剛落,Mr. William就開口問我信不信有另外一種世界,也許人們認爲這是不可思議的事。我説您講的是不是靈界,我們大家都笑了,而Mr. William十分認眞地開始給我們講他的故事:早在開始和黃翔一起創作“世紀的群山”時,黃翔提出在詩畫項目中最好創作偉大的中國詩人和藝術家的形象。因爲“世紀的群山”詩畫項目是他們倆人一起共同創作的系列藝術作品,它融合了東方和西方的藝術,通過對人性的讚美來描述那些像屹立了幾個世紀的山脈一樣的偉人們,那些創造者,發明家和領導人等等。Mr. William過去曾經看過一本介紹中國偉大詩人李白和杜杜甫的書。但他對中國詩人不是很熟悉。有一天晩上,Mr. William開始隨手翻閲中國詩人的詩詞,在他讀了沒有幾段詩詞以後,他就感到很困,迷迷糊糊就睡著了,忽然一個幻覺出現了。這個幻覺栩栩如生,他清晰地看到他的長相,他知道這是一個中國古代人,那時刻他就像在觀看一部電影一樣,同時憑着更深的直覺,他感到幻象正在給他發送一條信息。這位正在樹林中的中國老人,他的旁邊有一塊巨大的岩石。四周很安靜,老人仿彿略微傾斜地靠在一棵樹幹上。老人蓄着長須和長髯,頭上還戴了一頂帽子。他身穿一件有兩片衣襟的長衫,長衫在靠近肩膀的地方還有一些圖案。老人看起來神采奕奕。當他睜開眼,就把老人的形象畫下來,他給了黃翔夫人張玲看畫時,張玲十分吃驚地説:這是中國著名詩人李白。其實現實生活中我們常日有所思,夜有所夢,每一個人都可能會産生幻覺,但是藝術家會在這方面異常敏感。接着他還講了他的另外一個夢,他和黃翔夫婦在一個橋上,只見黃翔夫人張玲手拿電話,在請求人來幫忙他們,好象過了很久沒有見一個人來,他忽然感到那橋自己開始移動,當他夢醒後一個直覺吿訴他,他們自己就是一個橋樑。
     我説我百分之百相信,因爲我也遇到過這種事,而我也眞的見過眞的有這樣特異功能的人,她能到陰界去走一走。這絶對不是迷信。我們那天四人談的主題沒有離開過靈界,更奇妙的是黃翔講幫助他翻譯第一部詩歌的那位詩人Emerson 先生. Emerson 先生的尊祖父在1844年第一次將中國佛敎的一張佛像帶到西方,而Emerson 先生在他很小的時候就和中國有緣,他也曾經做過一個夢,在他有生之年要翻譯一本中國書籍,他做到了,而在他翻譯好這本詩歌不久,他就往生了。同樣黃翔先生也曾有過類似的經歷。(詳細黃翔夢中故事,請閲讀下期報紙)


"The Century Mountain Project is an ongoing East/West artistic collaboration between the great Chinese poet Huang Xiang and myself. This is the painting we did of one of America's most influential thinkers and writers, Ralph Waldo Emerson. "The Preaching of The Buddha" appeared in Emerson's journal 'The Dial' in 1844. This was the first mention of The Buddha printed in the United States.
One hundred and sixty years later in 2004, Ralph Waldo Emerson's great-grandson Andrew Emerson translated and helped publish the first full book of Huang Xiang's poetry in English entitled 'A Bilingual Edition of Poetry Out Of Communist China'. Andrew Emerson called it " a rare privelage - indeed an honor - to participate in the introduction of a major Asian author to the English-speaking world."
One hundred and sixty years apart, Ralph Waldo Emerson and his great grandson Andrew Emerson made significant contributions to bring Eastern thought and art to the Western world. Huang Xiang while working with Andrew Emerson was unaware of this connection.
It wasn't until a couple years after his own book was published that he learned his friend Andrew Emerson's great grandfather had first introduced Buddhism to the United States. Ralph Waldo Emerson was also instrumental in encouraging and helping another great American poet Walt Whitman publish his classic book of poetry "Leaves of Grass". Andrew Emerson offered the same type of help to Huang Xiang. Huang Xiang is often referred to as "the Walt Whitman" of China. In this painting Huang Xiang's beautiful calligraphy pays tribute to Ralph Waldo Emerson for helping Walt Whitman. Huang Xiang then honors Emerson's ancestor Andrew for helping him translate and publish his own book. This type of connection is much more than coincedence. It is a continuos thread that runs outside of conventional time and which may play out over several lifetimes. It is a form of higher intelligence and creative energy that we all have the potential to access. The truth is one - the sages give it many names. Some call it the Tao." -William Rock













