











敎中國武術的美國人Sifu Slaughter



2006年3月,我認識了匹兹堡開武術館的老師Sifu Slaughter,這位從八歲開始就對中國武術着迷的美國人,讓我十分好奇,因爲在他的身上我也能感觸到中國武俠人士的品位和對人的尊重。他説話間幾乎每一句話了都帶有YES,MA'M, YES MA'M。他一學一練35年,連他自己都沒有想到武術會成爲自己的專業,在武術界,他一路發展順暢,現在他在匹兹堡已經是一位有聲譽的中國武功師傅。他有一百多位學生,平時除了敎學生外,他還在老人院敎中國太極拳,他每年固定帶學生去各地參加比賽。他曾經去過中國,用他的話説:中國太美麗了。



和Master Leung Shum切磋武藝


     Sifu Slaughter在學習中國功夫的過程中,也愛上了中國飯菜,他每年都在NI‘S BUFFET中餐館舉辦他的慶祝活動。我邀請他今年十月來愛克隆參加武壇十一周年比賽,他十分高興地説,他們一定來參加比賽。同時他們也將組織隊員前往中國少林寺等地,去尋踪中國傳統武術功夫發源文化。

Mrs. PU,
     I wanted to drop a note in respect toward my Sifu and you, for taking the time to photograph Sifu Slaughters new school. I have studied Kung Fu under the tutelage of Sifu Slaughter for fifteen (15) years.
     Sifu Slaughter has not only been a teacher but also a friend and mentor. I began studying Kung Fu for healthand medicine. By that, simply stated Kung Fu helps individuals reach unparalleled heights in their life physically,mentally and spiritually. Age is not a factor. Sifu Slaughter teaches children ages 5-6 and up, as well as senior citizens 70,80 and above.
His clientele consists of: boys,girls,executives,doctors,professionals,women,youth groups ,law enforcement etc. What makes Sifu Slaughter a unique individual and teacher is his socioeconomic diversity in dealing with all walks of life. He strengthens confidence in individual abilities and will add personal time to anyone who might need extra help.
    Kung Fu/Tai Chi is not only an art ,it is a way of life. It provides young people(boys and girls) confidence,discipline,respect and protection. It supports business executives,professionals and middle agers physical,mental and spiritual strength in the sometimes stressful world we live in. The elderly are strengthened with joint and muscle flexibility.In conjunction with all the conditioning it also teaches everyone simple yet effective techniques to protect themselves.

    Over and above all the tremendous benefits Kung Fu and Tai Chi offer ,ITS ALSO FUN! Its enjoyable because of the dedication ,commitment and skills of Sifu Slaughter.

Thank you,
John Sisk


My home has peace
Lauren Gohh

    For the last eight years since I was five years old I have been taking Kung Fu. I started Kung Fu because when I was growing up in Canada, my cousin was always doing Kung Fu with my uncle, who was a Kung Fu Sifu in Hong Kong. Whenever I would go visit them, I would watch them do their forms, weapons and locks. I thought it would be cool to learn that kind of self-defense.

   Whenever I go out somewhere, I feel much more confident since I konw that I can defend myself. I really like Kung Fu because I get to learn forms and swords and fans. I a lot stronger with every class. Even though practicing isn't sometimes fun, I still do it because I know that if I do, I will get better no matter what.
     Over the past years, I have made a lot of friends. Everyone there is really nice and friendly. Whenever someone needs help on a form, there is always a person there to help him or her out. When I get into the classroom I see a lot of smiling faces. Everyone seems ready to have fun and work hard.

      Every once in a while we will have a demonstration or performance. We have gone to the CAST-P performance for Chinese New Year. We have also gone to High mark for international day, the dragon boat festival and more. We are doing another performance at the Dragon Boat Festival again this year.













