











婦女要做金錢的主人 2006 Women & Money Conference

[本報訊]八月二十五日,在Cuyahoga Community Collage舉辦了2006年Women & Money Conference。本活動有Ohio Treasurer Of Jeannette Bradley 主辦,它的主題思想就是:女人,理好你的錢財就應該象照顧你的身體健康一樣重要。
    當日前往的有來自鄰近城市的三百多位女士,可惜亞洲人去的不多,這是州政府提供的一年一度免費講座,免費早餐午餐還有書本,從早上7點30分到下午4點,提供八大課程:Budgeting, Credit & Debt, Estate Planning ,Home Ownership, Insurance, Investments, Supportive Financial Attitudes, Kids & Money, Elder Care, Identity Theft and Retirement Planning +10 years。每一堂課45分鐘,讓每一位參加者都能學到許多常識。
    在午餐中間,Jeannette Bradley女士向大家發表了熱情洋溢的歡迎詞,同時她希望所有來參加座談會的女士要記住:我們女人做的最辛苦,而得到的最少。她希望所有女士要保護自己。

Jennette Bradley, Ohio Treasurer of State
Ohioans entrust State Treasurer Jennette Bradley's office with the oversight of billions of public dollars. As Ohio's 45th Treasurer of State, Jennette Bradley provides the experience and leadership necessary to ensure the safety, liquidity and yield of Ohio's public funds. In a career built on financial accountability and professional integrity, she is responsible for the collection, management and investment of $11 billion in public funds, and serves as the chief statutory custodian for more than $170 billion in Ohio's five pension funds and several state agencies. She also chairs the Board of Deposits.
State Treasurer Bradley made U.S. history in 2002 when she became the nation's first African-American woman elected as Lieutenant Governor. While in that role, she was also director of the Ohio Department of Cornrnerce, one of the state's chief regulatory agencies. Before serving as lieutenant governor, State Treasurer Bradley was a member of Columbus City Council for 11 years. In the private sector, she was senior vice president and public hinds manager for a large bank headquartered in Ohio and a senior vice president and public finance banker for a national securities firm. She also served as executive director of the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority.
Spring/Summer 2006

Greetings to the Women & Money Conference Participants:
Welcome to the Tre. asurer's 2006 Women & Money free financial planning conferences for Ohio women. Together with our Women & Money partners, I congratulate you for taking action toward improving your personal finances.
As Treasurer of State, I am extremely pleased to bring you this financial-planning forum to help you create a plan that will give you a solid foundation for success in your financial future. The Women & Money financial education series has subjects designed to meet every woman's interest. Whether you are anticipating making significant changes to your budget and/or reviewing your credit and debt management situation, or taking action toward a sound investment strategy for retirement, you will find useful information to help direct your actions to achieve your objectives.
I am very interested in your experience at the Women & Money conference today. Please be sure to fill out your evaluation forms. Let us know the areas of personal finance you would like to know more about or feel would benefit you and your family. My office and I strive to provide financial education information that will benefit all Ohioans.
Again, I join our Women & Money partners in hoping this conference is an enriching experience that will inspire you to gain the knowledge to better act on your financial Success.
Jennette B. Bradley
Ohio Treasurer of State



