












Celebrate Asian/Pacific Americans' Heritage Day on July 8th
Come Join Us & Celebrate our Heritage
Rotunda, City Hall, 601 Lakeside Ave Cleveland, Ohio 44115

日期Date: July 8th, 2006
時間Time: 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
費用Admission: Free全免費
泊車Free Parking

演講安排Speaker Information
“Value of Immigration”
Margaret Wong—Guest Speaker
Joesph Miessner—Keynote Speaker

文化節目Cultural Program
Cultural Program performed by the performers from the Asian community;
Fan Dance & Indian Classical Dance;Other Activities
Asian Food Samples, Music, and much more Fun.

組織成員Member Organization
Asian Cultural Society of Ohio
Organization of Chinese Americans of Greater Cleveland (OCAGC)
Federation of India Community Associations(FICA)
Japanese American Citizens League (JACL)
Korean American Association of Greater Cleveland
Taiwanese American Association of Greater Cleveland (TAAGC)
Oberlin College Asian American Alliance
Philippine American Society of Ohio
Vietnamese Community in GreaterCleveland, Inc.
The Laotian Community of Cleveland
Asian American Chamber of Commerce

嘉賓Invite Guests
Hon. Mr.FrankJ ackson, Mayor, City of Cleveland,
Hon. Mr. Blain Griffin, Director, Community Relations Board,
International Community Council,
Presidents of Asian Organizations,
and several local government officials, Businessmen.
Asian/PacificAmericanFederation is a Non–Profit Organization

聯繫信息Contact Information
總裁President A/PAF:
Chetan Amin (440.946.2718)
文化節主席Heritage Day Chair:
Le Nguyen (216.644.2319)
GiaHoa Ryan (216.961.6005)
Rolando Santos (216.382.5144)
娛樂和文化主席Entertainment and Culture Chair:
OA Guo (440.339.8550)
Krishna Bhagvatula (216.287.0237)
食品統籌主席Food Co-ordination Chairs:
Vijaya Emani (440.846.3896)
Sis-enando(Andy) Yap (440.526.2547)
宣傳Publicity :
Joseph Meissner (216.687.1900 x5672)
Johnny Wu (216.373.3278)

贊助信息Sponsorship Information:
Gold: $2,000.00
Banner at the event area Booth / display area Recognition during the
event 1/2
Page Advertisement in the Program Book
Silver: $1,000.00
Banner at the event area Booth / Display area Recognition during the
event 1/4
Page Advertisement in the Program Book
All Banners will be provided by the sponsor;
A/PAF will arrange to display them at the event.
Souvenir Advertisement Registration Form
To registration, complete the form and mail today along with the Check
payable to A/PAF.

Please select the Package:
1. Gold Sponsor ($2000);2. Silver Sponsor ($1000);3. Back Cover ( $400.00 )
4. Inside Page ( $300.00 );5. Full Page ( $200.00 );6. Half Page ( $125.00 )
7. Quarter Page ( $75.00 );8. Business Card ( $50.00 );Mail form with check endorsed A/PAF to:
OA Guo, 207 General Lee St. LaGrange, OH 44050 Ph: (440)-355-4114
Chetan Amin, 1071 Cliffview Dr, Eastlake OH,44095 Deadline for the Ad —
June 23rd, 2006
All Contributions are tax deductible.
Tax ID: 341388220



