











Joe Cimperman議員隆重舉辦本年度連任競選準備儀式

    〔本報訊〕五月十一日,克里夫蘭議員Joe Cimperman在Massimo da Milano意大利餐廳,隆重舉辦了本年度連任競選準備儀式,中國城的亞洲商場老闆Donna Hom 和社會各界人士百人參與了這次活動,還有那天他全家出動,他的太太和女兒都到和現場。
       Joe Cimperman從1997年開始擔任克里夫蘭第13th Ward 議員,他管轄的地區包括St. Clair Superior, Goodrich –Kirtland 克城中國城等。
     Joe Cimperman是一位十分支持克城各個少數民族文化和敎育活動的議員。自2003年開始,克里夫蘭馬路上每年以中國動物屬象做成雕塑,來美化城市,Joe Cimperman是第一位支持這項活動的政府議員。
     Joe Cimperman關心中國城的華人社區,十多年來,他一直參與華人舉辦的活動。當中國城出現安全問題時,他也參加警察局組織的與華人溝通會議,同時他也接待來自中國的代表團,給中國代表介紹市政府和克城的經濟和文化建設。

Joe Cimperman議員全家

Joe Cimperman簡介:
    Councilman Joe Cimperman Born and raised in the St. Clair-Superior neighborhood, Joe Cimperman’s family was active in the Slovenian community. He graduated from St. Ignatius High School and earned a degree in English from John Carroll University where he was a Student Council President. While at John Carroll, Councilman Cimperman founded Project GOLD, an international award winning community service organization dedicated to helping families and Cleveland’s people in need.
   After college, Councilman Cimperman worked with Cleveland’s I Have a Dream Foundation. As a member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, the Councilman worked with developmentally challenged adults in Portland, Maine and at an AIDS Hospice in Baltimore, Maryland.? He returned home to serve the West Side Catholic Center.
    Councilman Cimperman is currently the Chair of the City Planning Committee, Vice-Chair of the Finance Committee and a member of the Health and Human Services Committee and Legislation Committee. He also represents Cleveland on the City Planning Commission, Cleveland Film Society, Advisor to Slovenian Museum and Archives, Advisory Board member to Shoes and Clothes for Kids, Board member of Computers Assisting People, and Tremont Resident Senior Corporation.









