













你好!我叫马爱丽。我十四岁。我上STEM中学八年级。Learning to speak Mandarin Chinese has been an amazing experience, has shown me a new way to look at things around the world, has taught me different holidays and the way people look at things that are associated with that culture, all thanks to Liang laoshi’s teaching. As a student who has experienced learning a foreign language prior to coming to Stem, I was not as nervous as I thought I would be when I was introduced to Mandarin Chinese in seventh grade. However, I still expected the challenge that would come when learning a foreign language. Yet, I was pleasantly surprised how simple Mandarin Chinese actually was compared to the English language, how easy it actually was with Liang laoshi teaching, and how fun it was to learn and speak the language as the year progressed.
As seventh grade progressed to eighth grade, I can recognize characters, translate Chinese characters to English, and write characters as well. I practiced my Chinese through bell work and Chinese games, and as the year continued, we learned to write characters and were given many projects that challenged what we learned.
   The groups I was in for the Chinese New Year performance, which includes Taiji, Double Fan, Fashion Show, and Public Square Dance, practiced the new dances from September to January during our recess period to prepare for the Chinese New Year performance and practiced our older dances from the previous year in preparation for the Cleveland State University competition. Along with Chinese culture, all students in eighth grade had to cook Chinese food including酸甜鸡 (sweet and sour chicken), 饺子 (dumplings), 春卷 (spring rolls), and more, this gave us a real-life experience of Chinese culture other than Chinese New Year.
   I can proudly talk about my Chinese experience with others, I can proudly speak the language, and I can proudly write the language, all thanks to Liang laoshi’s teaching. I am happy that I have Liang laoshi as my teacher for Mandarin Chinese and I am excited to continue learning Chinese every day.马爱丽










