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   While at the middle school our teacher, Coach Liang gave us many projects to help us explore many aspects of the culture and the country. We had a group project that we had to pick traditional Chinese dishes that we then brought to class; this helped us learn the significance and meaning behind each of the dishes we made. From her teaching in class and the many projects we did, my Chinese has gotten a lot better. Not only did I have a great teacher who helped push me to do my best and taught me as much as she could, but she also provided many great learning opportunities and experiences. I was able to participate in many performances that not only helped me showcase my Chinese capabilities, but also allowed me to learn new things like dances and songs in traditional and modern Chinese culture. I participated in performances like the Chinese New Year; as aforementioned, but also in a University of Akron performance and many more. Along with performances I was also able to participate in activities like the HSK 1 test. I not only got a perfect score, but I also got a full scholarship for a summer trip to China. Not only have I had wonderful in-class learning, but also many great hands-on experiences that have helped further my knowledge of the Chinese language and culture. 洪小文









