











ITM Invited to Meet with JinYi Group
Interest established to form an ITM-JinYi Group Strategic Alliance

o expand JinYi Group full service entertainment and production experience into global markets Beginning with the USA

美國公民Jack J. Craciun III对中国有着特别的感情,他热爱中国,从2017年到至今在中国生活了6个月,这是他第二次到中国去打拼,早在1985年,父親給Jack 6000美元對他説:如果您想要繼承家業,那么你現在就要去中國創業,這錢是給你的全部創業基金。Jack在中國一待就是20年,他在中國時刻都記着他父親對他説的:創業就是把握機會,千萬不要忘記你的主要任務是把握和尋找任何一個機會,爲羅中美三國建立友誼和創造商業與文化交流機會做貢獻。


Newly established through mergers and acquisitions of five leading national China entertainment and event production, artist and venue development and management companies, the new JinYi Group is a truly modern and complex cultural education and entertainment production company, currently in the early-stage process of defining its strategic cooperation with the China Ministry of Culture. The JinYi Group of companies has over 50 years of experience in the production of large domestic cultural and modern entertainment events, artist development, and multimedia productions, including the planning, design, execution, and brand marketing of live cultural events, commercial shows, conferences, exhibitions and other major public events in close communication with cultural agencies in China and around the world.
Arranged through the fortuitous introduction of ITM Chairman/CEO Jack Craciun III to Chairman Ran Dong and Director Zheng Qiang of the JinYi GuangYuan Culture Development Co., Ltd by Linda Lin, (ITM China-USA Artist Agent and Executive Producer), an important and productive first meeting between the two companies was held on Monday, May 21, 2018, when Mr. Craciun and Jiang Xiao Yan, (ITM (China) Cross Cultural Exchange Advisor & Productions Project Manager),were invited to the new JinYi Group offices in Beijing to discuss expanding JinYi Group full service entertainment and production experience into China and global markets, with an initial cross cultural exchange focus with the US market and its modern entertainment artists.
The following ITM / JinYi Meeting Summary was prepared by the JinYi Group:
2018年5月21日下午,美國ITM集團公司(以下簡稱ITM公司)的Jack Craciun III先生(董事長/首席執行官)協同該公司蔣小言女士(ITM(中國)跨文化交流顧問/産品項目經理)一同莅臨北京金億廣苑文化發展有限公司(以下簡稱金億廣苑)旗下,位于朝外大街26號三層的朝外們“悅港夢想加”共享辦公空間,雙方進行了首次見面會議。這一重要的第一次會議,是依據Linda Lin女士(ITM中美藝術經紀人和製片人)的居中介紹,在Jack Craciun先生和金億廣苑認識後進行的
“Pursuant to the introduction of Jack Craciun and ITM to the JinYi Group by Linda Lin, ITM China-USA Artist Agent and Executive Producer, an important first meeting was held on the afternoon of May 21, 2018, when Mr. Jack Craciun III, Chairman/CEO of ITM (US) Ltd. (hereinafter refer to as ‘ITM’), and Miss Jiang Xiao Yan, ITM (China) Cross Cultural Exchange Advisor & Productions Project Manager, visited Beijing JinYi GuangYuan Culture Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called JinYi Group), and met in the ‘MyDreamPlus’ shared office, which belongs to JinYi Group.
Mr. Ran Dong, Chairman of JinYi Group and ShengYuanYuHui (Beijing) Culture & Media Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called ShengYuanYuHui), and Mr. Zheng Qiang, Director of ShengYuanYuHui, Mrs. Wang Ying, General Manager, Mr. Ge Gen Fu, Vice President, Miss Ran Zi Wei, Marketing Director, Mr. Fu Guo Yong, Arts Director, and Mr. Xu Jin, the translator, all expressed their warm welcome.
Miss Zhang Nan, the Community Manager of the JinYi company “MyDreamPlus” led a tour of the offices and shared JinYi’s corporate vision and mission. Mr. Craciun had an in-depth understanding of the design of the area, equipment, and arrangement of workstations through our introduction. After the visit, both sides sat down for further discussions.
JinYi Group introduced our case study and future development strategies in a PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Craciun affirmed its operating style and greatly praised JinYi Group for its performance over the past 20 years, especially in the in area of customized shows. After that, Mr. Craciun made a brief introduction of ITM and its major business modules, the Communications, Trading, Capital Funding and Consumer Products Divisions.
Mr. Craciun discussed the global branding and marketing values of ITM’s “The First DragonTM Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange News & Social Media Consumer Product and Intellectual Property (IP) Branding, Sales and Licensing Enterprises”, The First DragonTM Publishing, Ltd. and the non-profit entity, The First Dragon FoundationTM Ltd. Mr. Craciun explained to the JinYi Group how important it is at this time in history for them to establish similar entities, while they position themselves globally, to maximize the monetization values of their IP brands. In every aspect, the focus of The First DragonTM Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange is global marketing and branding of its newsworthy proprietary Intellectual Property, e-Commerce consumer products sales, and the sale of consumer product and Intellectual Property licenses. The purpose is to generate exceptional sustainable recognition with frequency to enhance economic rewards for generations to come.
During the communication, both sides found many common points in their business and established a preliminary consensus regarding their future cooperation. The both sides agreed to set up a long-term strategic cooperation relationship to expand our business globally. This cooperation will be a historical turning point. Our business will have a bright future.
The two sides held a preliminary discussion about the future direction of our joint cooperation. First, ITM will integrate outstanding performance shows from other countries and assist JinYi Group to introduce these shows into China market. Meanwhile, JinYi Group will integrate corresponding events and related IP from China market and assist ITM in exporting them. Second, both sides have a keen interest in the China and USA ‘small theatre performance’ market and will set up further communications and promotions of it.

At the end of this meeting, Mr. Craciun extended an invitation to all the team members from JinYi Group and ShengYuanYuHui to visit ITM and hold the second meeting next week.
Finally, a group photo was taken and this great meeting finished in a happy and peaceful atmosphere.”
Plans are now underway for Jack and ITM to meet with the Ministry of Culture, and a second ITM / JinYi Group meeting is now scheduled at the JinYi offices on Thursday, May 31, 2018 for introductions to ITM and to learn more about Jack Craciun’s global trendsetting legacy in the fields of broadcasting, multimedia and live entertainment production and artist development industries and his more than 33 years of dedication to Branding & Marketing the Culture of China to the World through Education and Entertainment by providing modern ITM global communications industry know-how through The First DragonTM Ltd, Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange Enterprise, the First DragonTM Publishing, Ltd., First Dragon FoundationTM Ltd. & The Future of Medicine, Inc.

Beijing Investors meet with ITM/Houlihan Strategic Alliance Leaders at Premier Development Partnersto discuss Development & Construction of Assisted Living Care Facilities
While Jack and the ITM (China) team were working on the above and other important new global business developments in China, back in the USA, ITM / Houlihan Capital Strategic Alliance leaders held successful meetings Cleveland, with two investors from Beijing, at Premier Development Partners offices to explore their interest in the Assisted Living Care Property Development investment “offshoot” of the AHS Mental Health Clinic Hospitals EB-5 Programs, and the “ITM China-USA Investment Cross Cultural Exchange Enterprise ‘Matching Fund (investment)’ Program.
ITM Houlihan Capital Alliance leader Andy Smith arrived from Chicago to lead the Beijing investor meeting. Naturally Ying Pu, ECJ Publisher, who responded to the Beijing investor interest to meet, attended with Lorinda Laughlin, President of ITM (US) Ltd. Jack Craciun was present via a videoconference call from China.
After the meetings, the investors traveled with Lorinda and Pu Ying to tour the AHS Hudson facility and also toured the assisted living facilities that ITM selected in Northeastern Ohio.
For our next meeting with the investors scheduled for June 8th at the offices of Premier Development Partners, Andy Smith is preparing a feasibility study and proposal pursuant to the investors’ interest to develop assisted living facilities, beginning in Northeastern Ohio. In addition, the investors have recently expressed an interest to consider the business development opportunities provided by the ITM China-USA Investment Cross Cultural Exchange AHS EB-5 / EB-1c and Capital Formation and Private Equity programs.
This new ITM China-USA Investment Cross Cultural Exchange Program development is a natural response to the ITM & ECJ China-USA Ambassadors Program cross cultural investment projects marketed consistently throughout many Chinese communities in China and the USA over the last 8 months - Thank you Jesus and a lot of hard ITM cross cultural exchange work in both China & the USA!

Prepared by ITM Communications Division
ITM (China) Ltd. ITM有限公司 (中國)

ITM (US) Ltd. ITM有限公司(美國)

The First DragonTM Ltd: 第一條龍TM有限公司 Web: www.itmltd.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jjciii
FB: https://www.facebook.com/jackcraciuniii










