













    6月13日下午5點在克里夫蘭平安街華人敎堂舉辦了社區會議:主題是克里夫蘭Dave's超市將遷移到61街Chester Ave,這家由3代人經營的超市在克里夫蘭唐人街已經有80年的歷史,他們三代人爲克利夫蘭各個族裔的人們提供生活方便,治安穩定,同時也繁榮這條平安街。幾個月來華人社區紛紛議論:這條街最大的超市要搬走,这是对平安街一大损失。因为平时华人喜欢在那里购买新鲜水果和新鲜肉类,尤其对老人提供了许多方便。
   克里夫兰Dave's超市要迁移,这也是他们的梦想,换一个新的环境,扩建一个崭新的更完善的超市,为更多的人服务,因为人都喜欢做最好的自己,当然他们的离开,对唐人街华人尤其不会开车的人是很大的不便,我相信会有更好的一个唐人街在等待着我们,因为克里夫兰有一群阳光愿意付出精力时间的年轻人, 他们已经默默耕耘10 多年了。就像安良工商会主席何明说的那样:平安街我们需要的是平安,这家店在这里已经这么多年了大家对他很有感情,但相信克里夫兰唐人街会发展的更好。以下是他们几位年轻人对未来克里夫兰亚洲城的展望:


Agroup of dynamic Asian community leaders envisions a physical space that will serve everyone in the neighborhood and honors and respects the diverse assets of AsiaTown.
Our hopes and desires include a space for community gatherings and for healthy activities, opportunities for community groups to have offices, meetings and events, and the ability to bring important and helpful resources and services under one one roof.
We also see this time of transformation that will bring new energy, optimism, and reinforce the strong identity of AsiaTown and its many incredible people. It will be something that everyone will be proud to be part of.

Michael Byun,
Asian Serves In Action Chief Executive Officer


I want to see AsiaTown grow, economically, culturally and diversified, AsiaTown is vibrate, and by brining business, culture, art, and people into this community, it will help grow to become a safe neighborhood, to grow along like other neighborhoods while retaining it’s uniqueness.
Only those with passion for this neighborhood can bring changes, and we need passionate people to work together for the common goal than to try to capitalize its opportunity.

Johnny Wu
Co-Founder Cleveland Asian Festival
Secretary, St. Clair Superior Development Corp


Vision for AsiaTown
Wayne A. Wong
Cleveland Asian Festival, Executive Committee
OCA Asian Pacific American Advocates Cleveland Chapter, V.P. Administration

The economic development, growing popularity, and expansion of AsiaTown over the years has been gratifying to see. My Grandfather started one of the earliest Chinese Restaurants in the area in the 1940s. I grew up in what is now called AsiaTown so I have pretty deep roots in the neighborhood. I have many family and friends who live in, work in, or have businesses in the community. Because of this background and desire to share our culture, I (along with my wife Lisa) spend time and energy to promote AsiaTown through our volunteer work for organizations like the Cleveland Asian Festival and OCA Asian Pacific American Advocates, Cleveland Chapter.
Looking ahead, with Asians being the fastest growing minority group in the US, it is important for community organizations, businesses, political leaders, and community advocates to work together to address the many opportunities and many challenges of the growing Asian population. Unlike some other cities that have a centralized "Chinatown," Cleveland's AsiaTown is unique as it is geographically more widely distributed and is home to a nice variety of Asian businesses mixed with non-Asian businesses and residential neighborhoods.
While the growth has happened organically, in the last 5-6 years, community leaders have been planning strategically about the growth of the neighborhood. While the wonderful expanding Asian cuisine options and diverse Asian markets will always draw many non-resident visitors, in the years and decades to come, I would like to see AsiaTown also attract more residents so that it can thrive as a neighborhood. Significant challenges that need to be addressed include increasing modern comfortable housing, more community outlets, increased safety, and better youth education. Successes like the Cleveland Asian Festival has attracted over 45,000 people to AsiaTown in a weekend and has served as an economic catalyst for the neighborhood. I'd like for that same energy, diversity of people, and enthusiasm for Asian culture to exist year round in AsiaTown.


As president of the OCA Greater Cleveland chapter and co-founder of the Cleveland Asian Festival, my vision for the future is to see Cleveland's Chinese and Asiatown community grow in Northeast Ohio. As an American of Chinese descent, I want to utilize my dual culture to help foster a better understanding between the two and help make a difference. By highlighting Asian culture and diversity, we can educate and promote appreciation of the different cultures which in turn promotes better acceptance. As a welcoming city, Cleveland has a lot to offer with it's strong connection with the immigrant and ethnic communities.
Lisa Wong
President of the OCA Greater









