













(本報訊)路穎報道:5月27日克利夫蘭籃球場座無虛席,這是克利夫蘭第一次東部籃球最後一場決賽,贏了就能打總冠軍決賽了,這是10年後再次顯示 Cavs球隊的風採,在人們歡呼聲中克利夫蘭Cavs球隊贏了,這是克利夫蘭揚眉吐氣的日子。希望未來的克利夫蘭文化經濟都能蒸蒸日上。下面是在現場觀看球賽的觀衆感言
As confetti poured down onto the court, simultaneously there was tears flowing down on many Cleveland fans. The Cleveland Cavaliers are the 2014-2015 Eastern Conference Champions after dismantling the Atlanta Hawks by a score of 188-88 on Tuesday night at the Q to sweep the series.
I am not a fan that can spit out stats from this upcoming season nor am capable to say I am a diehard Cleveland Cavs fan as I just started calling the Gund arena the Q. However, as my first Cavs game since Lebron's return, the final of the Eastern Conference has me hooked and couldn't be prouder of Cleveland. The vibe reminded me of how awesome it's to live and grow up in Cleveland. Hard work and dedication doesn't cut how they won, but from the atmosphere of the game, there was undeniable love and true feeling of family in the arena.
During the end of the game, where everybody was cheering and crying and many shouting, "I can't believe it." There was a sensation in not only myself, but many others that the Cavs are not satisfied. I know the cavs are not done. We know our boys are going to work hard and do anything to win, we deserve to win. Instead of saying, "I cant believe it." we deserve to tell ourselves to believe it.









