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    杰克.韋爾奇早期任通用電氣公司總裁,在他任職期間被評爲世界上最好公司,同時他個人也不止一次被財富雜誌評選爲董事長兼首席執行官。他的妻子蘇茜, 是一個暢銷書作家和商業記者。

Jack and Suzy Welch brought their combined years of business wisdom to Cleveland on April 27, 2015 as guest speakers in the Ideas for Tomorrow speaker series sponsored by the Cleveland Clinic.
Jack Welch is best known for his prior role as Chairman and CEO of General Electric Company, which was named the world’s most valuable corporation and was voted the most admired company in the world on more than one occasion by Fortune Magazine.
His wife, Suzy, whom he married in 2004, is a best-selling author and business journalist whose past experience includes the editorship of the Harvard Business Review, authorship of a work-life column for O: The Oprah Magazine as well as several years at Bain & Company.
Together, they co-authored The Real-Life MBA which is sub-titled “Your No-BS Guide to Winning the Game, Building a Team, and Growing Your Career.” Jack Welch is now the Executive Chairman of the Jack Welch Management Institute, an on-line MBA program and Suzy Welch maintains a position on the advisory board.
In a conversational interview conducted by Cleveland Clinic President and CEODelos “Toby” Cosgrove, M.D., Jack and Suzy Welch shared insights from their experiences.
Mr. Welch was particularly critical of the academic tenure system in use by many colleges and universities in the U.S, stating that the system remained unchanged in the last one hundred years. He did not note, however, that while the system may have its drawbacks, it came into being due to the fact that in the past, professors could be terminated from their positions for expressing dissenting opinions or at the behest of large donors.
When asked by Dr. Cosgrove if the couple supported a particular candidate for U.S. president, they declined to say, but went on to comment that support of the middle class is essential to the prosperity and stability of the nation.
Mr. Welch highlighted the importance of good human relations, specifically noting that in the instances when it becomes necessary to terminate a person’s employment with a company, it should be done in a manner which preserves the dignity of the affected employee.
Dr. Cosgrove inquired as to the importance of Emotional Intelligence, known as “EQ” when considering a potential hire. Mr. Welch responded that on balance, he would be willing to sacrifice a certain amount of “IQ” (Intelligence Quotient) for EQ, another indicator of the value he places on human relations.
Mrs. Welch discussed the particularly difficult choices women must make as due to biology, the years to raise children coincide with the years generally considered the prime of one’s career.
Questions were taken from the audience, after which the couple was available to sign copies of their book.

   4月27日Jack and Suzy Welch夫婦來克利夫蘭醫院演講,給我啓發很大,知識不等於智慧,人最關鍵要有精神,如同運動場上能拿奧運冠軍的選手,成功的人靠的是目標能量與不甘心。
    因爲就是這個不甘心,改變了我的命運,只有自己能決定自己的快慢步調,生活中的一切是自己選擇的,好像從小到大我都在不滿足里生活。但有一點我對生活非常積極,從小到大在班上基本都是幹部, 參加社會各種各樣的活動,我喜歡看話劇和逛博物館,曾經我獲得上海演講比賽高名次,我常常被邀請去博物館講解名人的作品,社會大學讓我學到看到我未來的目標,我想做一個有價値的人,當一個人的生活是充實滿滿的,你自己就會不顧一切的偏執和勇氣,想要趕快憑着自己的力量站起來,能量就這樣慢慢積累起來,當自己可以站起來,可以站穩,可以在自己喜歡的領域,取得一點成績,可以交到一大群可以聽得懂你講話的人,那么你就感到自己活的挺精彩的,做了10多年的報紙,它眞的已經成爲足以溫暖一生的快樂。

    認識許先生很久了,4月26日,在Yellow Tail 見到他,他高興地拿了他最近畫的畫給我看,我看着他充滿喜悅的心情,想到人生智慧的一個重要方面,是分清什么是自己能夠支配的,什么是自己不能支配的。對於自己不能支配的,你只能順其自然。對於自己能夠支配的,你要努力,至於努力的結果是什么,也不妨順其自然。許先生就是這樣,70年代到美國留學電影業,那個時候生不逢時,自己開了2家餐廳,一個中國餐廳一個意大利餐廳,按照他説的那個時候坐在餐廳就能收錢。是因爲許氏人參找他合夥,他是一個藝術家,不願意去種樹根,他帶着他的夢想與畫到紐約去創業,創業失敗,但他屬於快樂的人,不因爲失敗而放棄,他明白人生許多痛苦的原因在于盲目地較勁。 在人世間找到最適合自己的位置, 要隨緣, 對老天要隨命。你要記住人無法支配自己的命運,但可支配自己對命運的態度,平靜地承受落在自己頭上的必不可免的困難,幸福快樂的生活是人人都想要的,幸福就是簡單。









