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     三月的一天,我接到了一個電話,他自我介紹説他叫沈璐,4月1日他將在克利夫蘭Severance Hall演出廳和克利夫蘭音樂學院交響樂團合作的貝多芬皇帝協奏曲音樂會,他已將票子寄到了伊利華報報社,這場演出是免費大衆,希望我們能派記者去觀摩。

    我應沈璐的邀請去觀看了他的演出,這場演出幾乎座無虛席,舞臺上的他給我留下了深刻的印象,他的演奏技巧優美成熟,中間休息我想到一樓去找一個好座位,當我走在一樓大廳暗道,迎面走來了沈璐,我們沒有約好,劇場這么大,這么多人,眞像老天安排一樣,我有點興奮,剛想伸手向他祝賀,他大方給了我一個擁抱,他説下半場沒有他的演奏,我們便一起走進一間後台琴房,沈璐爲我介紹了他CIM的博士韓國導師韓國著名鋼琴家Haesun Paik,同時他也介紹了現在正在跟他學習的三個不同年齡的學生,我目睹這位陽光瀟灑的鋼琴博士,零距離的感受這位鋼琴演奏家還沉浸在演出成功的喜悅中。




    沈璐對自己有更高的要求,他希望自己的鋼琴技藝能在前列世界,2008年7月,沈璐以優異的成績被美國著名的老牌音樂學府——新英蘭音樂學院録取爲碩士硏究生,9月初將赴美學習,師從世界著名鋼琴家Alexander Korsantia,説到這位世界著名鋼琴家 Alexander Korsantia,沈璐與他還有一段緣份;沈璐被新英蘭音樂學院録取爲碩士硏究生,他開始選擇了一位韓國老師,他給這位老師寫郵件與電話,從來沒有收到回音,有一天沈璐無意中在收音機聽到鋼琴曲,他沒有想到這就是 Alexander Korsantia,沈璐太興奮了,馬上與Alexander Korsantia聯繫,寄自己彈的曲子給 Alexander Korsantia,不久  AlexanderKorsantia給他回信了,他願意做沈璐鋼琴老師,這是巧合這是緣份。
    沈璐他在決定自己一生事業的時候,吿誡自己學無止境,音樂之路漫長,2013年他以驕人的成績考入美國克利夫蘭音樂學院,師從韓國著名鋼琴家Haesun Paik,攻讀演奏家博士學位。
    他在校攻讀博士期間,學習再忙他還珍惜參加校內校外每一場演出,並且得到許多優秀鋼琴家的指導,如:LeeKum Sing, ArieVardi, Boris Berman, ThomasUnger, Paul Badura-Skoda, Hung-Kuan Chen and Stephen Kovacevich等。20年琴鍵上的努力終于讓他在音樂的路上再創高峰,2014年,在美國希爾頓海德國際鋼琴比賽中,沈璐以精湛的鋼琴技藝力壓群雄,征服了所有評委,以全票通過獲得第一名,並且應邀在美國各地巡迴演出包括紐約卡內基威爾大廳演奏。沈璐還應邀給施坦威公司録制個人CD,並和希爾頓交響樂團演奏。同年7月,又應邀去休斯頓國際音樂節當客座敎授。
    沈璐吿訴我,現在攻讀演奏博士的第二年,完成學業後,他還將繼續跟隨他的博士生導師韓國著名鋼琴家Haesun Paik深造一年,當我問他未來的發展方向,沈璐回答得乾脆而自信,他説他想與各國樂隊合作演奏和敎學並進。沈璐從地球東方的中國,一路狂奔到西方的美國,成爲一位盛享美譽的鋼琴演奏家,一位跨越東西半球的鋼琴演奏家。

   Shen Lu, a native of Jiangsu, China, is already an accomplished international performer. According to distinguished pianist John O’Conor, “Shen Lu’s interpretations have great depth, his technique seems effortless, and he communicates wonderfully with his audience”. In addition to concerts at Beijing’s Central Conservatory Music Hall, Culture Center, and City Hall in his native China, he has appeared at Weill Recital Hall and Carnegie Hall in New York, Jordan Hall in Boston, Severance Hall in Cleveland, The Kennedy Center in Washington DC, The Country Museum of Art in Los Angeles, Flagey Concert Hall in Brussels, and the Seymour Centre in Sydney among many other major concert halls all over the world. He participated in the China International Piano Festival in Beijing, the Texas Piano Festival, the New Paltz Piano Summer in New York, as a guest artist for the Young Musicians Camp (YMC), the Young Pianist Series and the Green Lake Festival of Music.
Mr. Shen played Liszt’s Concerto No.1 and Huang Anlun’s piano concerto “ For Gulangyu” with the Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra, Brahms’ Concerto No.1 with the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, Chopin’s Concerto No.1 with the ferrol Orchestra, in addition to playing with the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra, Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra, and the New England Conservatory Philharmonic Orchestra. He has also played Mozart’s concerto No.21 with the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra and the Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie. His performance of the Saint-Sa?ns second piano concerto with the Central Conservatory of Music Youth Orchestra was broadcast on CCTV, the largest national television network in China. Most recently, Mr.Shen played Beethoven’s Emperor piano concerto with the Cleveland Institute of Music Philharmonic Orchestra under conductor Jaime Laredo.
Mr. Shen has a special interest in contemporary Chinese repertoire. He has performed works by Zhang Shuai, Chen Peixun, Gao Ping, and Tan Dun. Enjoying collaborative as well as solo performance, he was an official accompanist with the Central Conservatory’s Students Chorus, for both the New England Conservatory and Boston Conservatory. Mr. Shen recently played Dvorak piano quintet in A major with The West Edge String , Brahms G minor quartet with Aurora Quartet and B major trio with Sydney Trio.
Mr. Shen is a recipient of the Baogang Scholarship, the YAMAHA scholarship, the Professional scholarship at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, the Beneficial Society Scholarship in New England Conservatory, the Cleveland Institute of Music Professional Scholarship, the Women’s Committee Scholarship, the Mildred Drews Gilliam Memorial Scholarship, Carmen MihalacheDimulescu Piano Scholarship and the Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts Scholarship. Mr. Shen has won numerous international piano competitions including the gold medal for the 2014 Hilton Head International Piano Competition, No.12 Asia Hong Kong Piano Open International Piano Competition. Other events in which he has been a prize winner include New England Conservatory and Cleveland Institute of Music whole school concerto competitions, TOYAMA Piano Competition, Gualangyu piano competition, Jinzhong Competition, CCTV Competition, 59thWideman International Piano Competition, 4th Campillos International Piano Competition, 2nd Florida International Piano Competition and Iowa International Piano Competition.
Mr. Shen is currently pursuing his Artist Diploma at the Cleveland Institute of Music, studying with Haesun Paik. He earned his Bachelors Degree at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing under Wu Ying, and his Master’s and Graduate Diploma from the New England Conservatory in Boston under Alexander Korsantia. Mr.Shen’s other teachers included Li Siying, Huang Tiandong, Chen Zihua and his farther ShenGuofu. He has taken masters classes with Lee Kum-Sing, ArieVardi, Boris Berman, TamásUngár, Paul Badura-Skoda, Hung-Kuan Chen, and Stephen Kovacevich among others.
In 2015, Mr. Shen will be releasing his first CD recording on the Steinway & Sons label through Arkiv Music.









