











多年追夢無止境 搖滾聖地騰金龍




    認識ITM國際技術市場有限公司的創始人董事長JackCraciunIII杰克.克勒瓊三世,已經有五年之多,知道他有一個很大的願望,要將中國的龍鳳以搖滾的形式搬上舞臺,因爲克利夫蘭是世界搖滾之都,伊利華報連續幾年跟踪報道,2014聖誕節迎來他的合作夥伴Darren Anthony第一張唱片問世,還有他長達20多年的精心策劃的第一條龍劇本手稿出爐:吿訴中國文化的誕生與進化故事1.第一龍TM手稿,by Dr. George Smiga, STD: 一個文化的宇宙起源解釋的誕生:宇宙和地球的形成和演化。2.陰陽 by Lorinda Laughlin Plank: 自然與人文的平衡,自然與人尋求平衡的故事。3.第一鳳凰TM手稿,by Dr. George Smiga, STD:永無止境的人與宇宙的開端,4.第一龍TM音樂套曲 by Darren Anthony: 詩歌與音樂交融。這是一台中國文化的演變故事,是Jack CraciunIII杰克.克勒瓊三世做了20多年的夢想,他要將這台中國文化演變的故事,在美國,在全球舞臺上演。

    1985年,Jack拿着父親給他的$6000美元到中國,父親説了未來的世界在中國 ,他一到中國就去了香港,85年他在香港創建了“國際技術市場有限公司”,他從北京到上海、從汕頭到廣州、從武漢到深圳等地奔波,是因爲他私人的事,90年代回到美國。
    説實在話,隨着對Jack 進一步的瞭解,我發覺他就像中國的一瓶已經有半個世紀的醇酒。聽他講他的成功人生故事:他曾今在香港爲香港四大天王之一的黎明,在馬來西亞舉辦演唱會後,他就開始幫忙黎明開拓美國市場,黎明在美國的唱紅離不開Jack引薦,早在1994年,東方日報6月7日曾有過報道。爲黎明打開東南亞市場後,ITM開始準備爲劉德華、郭富城、梅艷芳、王倩雯、李克勤等人開發美國市場。南洋商報,明報等報紙也都報道了ITM在亞洲的成功業績,還有値得讓ITM驕傲的是Jack將美國巨星薈特妮休斯頓帶到了中國,在亞洲,在九十年代的香港,ITM是一個十分成功的國際技術有限公司,他們讓亞洲巨星唱紅東南亞及日本,同時他們還組織了歐洲演出團在美國的拉斯威加斯演出,ITM在亞洲娛樂界寫下了光輝的一頁。

   我常常想如果Jack 聽他父親的話:在中國創業就是把握機會,千萬不要忘記你的主要任務是把握和尋找任何一個機會,爲羅馬尼亞中國美國建立友誼和創造商業與文化交流機會做貢獻。Jack在中國和香港生活了二十年,如果Jack 再多獃10年,看看中國今天翻天覆地的變化,想他父親曾經説過未來的世界是中國。

Darren Anthony Establishes a Strategic Alliance with ITM

2015 First Major Music Release &The First DragonTM Music Suite(s) For Christmas this year, self-taught Cleveland musician, producer, composer, writer and vocalist Darren Anthony realized two of hislifelong goals toward transcending cultural boundaries through his new strategicalliance with global entrepreneurial leader ITM and the recent release of his first major music industry song placement on the seventh studio album of platinum-selling rapper, Fabolous.Entitled the “Young OG Project,”and released December 25, 2014, the album contains Cleveland native Darren Anthony’s "We Good," featuring platinum selling rapper Rich Homie Quan.

In 2011, Anthony was introduced to ITM, a company known for its legacy of broadcast and entertainment business pioneering throughout America, Europe and Asia.ITM’s legacy in groundbreaking news-worthy entertainment includes helping to Establish commercially successful FM Radio in Cleveland and around the world, producing the Music You’re My Mother (MYMM) television live concert series: MYMM the Agora and MYMM the US Army. The latter being a global cultural exchange, “First Rock Concert in Military History to Kick-off the Bicentennial of the United States” featuring Joe Cocker, Rufus & Chaka Khan, Pure Prairie League, Earl Scruggs and Barbi Benton, producing the first radio-thon in US broadcasting history to combat youth crime, benefiting the Robert F. Kennedy Scholarship Fund, and establishing Leon Lai Ming (The Heavenly King) Canto Pop star as the First Asian International Crossover Artist, among other accomplishments.

As an ITM intern, Anthony spent the next four years under the guidance ITM’s PhD-led team of researchers and authors learning to conduct research, as well mentoring with ITM’s global music industry associates to learn howto best advance every facet of his musical interests. Anthony’s internship also included the study of ITM’s new strategic-alliance developments pertaining to The First DragonTM Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange Enterprise?.
Prior to completing his own strategicalliance, Anthony agreed with ITM that he needed to develop his own performing-artist’s interests as a producer, writer, composer, lyricist and performer, under the guidance of ITM Associates, in perfect balance with his work developing The First Dragon?. To this end, ITMhelped him moveto Los Angeles to develop his career in tandem with the development of the First Dragon Music Suite? (completed), The First Phoenix Music Suite? (in early stage development) and the “Made in Cleveland” album (in final stage development.)
During his year in L.A., and guided by ITM Chairman/CEO Jack Craciun III, and ITM Associates Antwain Thomas and Robert Weakley, Anthony beat the odds andachieved a “one-in-a-million” success, when his song “We Good” debuted on December 25, 2014 to rave reviews, as the second song on the Fabolous “Young OG Project” album.
Anthony has now chosen ITM’s critical expertise as a global entrepreneurial leader to establish the ITM/ Darren Anthony Production Group, Ltd. Strategic Alliance. ITM’s agreement to form this alliance provides Anthony with the guidance and know-how to establish and run a company that will advance his career in the music and film industries. This strategic alliance, led by Craciun, Thomas and ITM’s team of music production, marketing and distribution experts, will guide him in his early-stage career development as a globally recognized Cleveland music artist and production company. Anthony’s company, Heights High Productions, has licensing and creative abilities that are catered specifically to the digital and global markets to enhance the future of his cross cultural interest to educate and entertain.
Anthony has now spent four years studying and working with ITM tohelpdeliver The First DragonTM to a global demographic of people clamoring to embrace Chinese culture. This endeavor required original research and manuscripts which were commissioned by ITM through its strategic alliance with internationally renowned educator and researcher, Dr. George Smiga S.T.D. The influence ofthe fine art andCalligraphy of ITM artist Aiqin Zhou, a living treasure of China, and her knowledge of Chinese culture assisted Dr. Smiga to produce, for the first time in history, original research and manuscripts telling the birth story of Chinese Culture and the evolution of Chinese Belief that precedes by millennia, then parallels, the belief of the Judeo/Christian tradition. Through her own research, ITM associate Lorinda Laughlin elaborated on Dr. Smiga’s work to clarify China’s achievements and contributions to mankind. For the first time in history, the birth story of Chinese culture and its evolution will be told through the mythology and lore of the dragon and the phoenix through The First DragonTM Literature:
Four Manuscripts
Telling the Birth and Evolution Stories of Chinese Culture
1. The First DragonTM Manuscript,
by Dr. George Smiga, STD:
The Birth of a Culture & itsCosmogonic Interpretations
(The Formation and Evolution of the Universe & the Earth)
2. The Yin and Yang Manuscript,
by Lorinda Laughlin Plank:
The Balance between Nature and Humanity
(Nature & Man seek Balance in all things)
3. The First PhoenixTM Manuscript,
by Dr. George Smiga, STD:
Never-Ending Beginnings of Man and the Universe (Phoenix appearance indicates a new era of blessings & prosperity)
4. The First DragonTM Music Suite(s)’ Lyrics & Manuscripts,

by Darren Anthony:
Bridging the Past with the Present
(The Evolution Story of Chinese Culture)
Inspired by this literature, his own research, and the art and calligraphy of Aiqin Zhou, and guided by ITM’s interest to promote a mutual understanding of cultures through education and entertainment, Darren has created lyrics to The First DragonTM Music Suite? which tell the evolution story of China’s culture, history, and mythology by lyrically bridging the past with the Present.
The Fine Art, Calligraphy, Literature, and Music establish the brand essences that deliver the intellectual property and consumer product lines of The First DragonTM Global Cross Cultural Exchange enterprise.
This first of three new CLE / Chinese Cross-Cultural Exchange albums, The First Dragon Music SuiteTM, features accomplished Rock vocalist David Merriam, Hip Hop & Rap vocalist Daren Anthony and was produced by ITM, Darren Anthony, Jackie Bertolette, David Merriam,and world renowned music composer and musician, Akron nativeJohn Stevens.
The second album, The First Phoenix Music Suite?, will feature 11 songs that tell the story of China's contributions to mankind as humanity seeks to find balance with nature in all things.
Completing the First Dragon Music Suite(s)TM is "Made in Cleveland" by Electrikk Sparks and The Children of the Rhyme. Produced by ITM, Ed Sparks, Darren Anthony, Larry Gaines, and Mel Hinchin, and featuring Rock & Roll inductee Mike "Kidd Funkadelic" Hampton on lead guitar, the“Made in Cleveland” Album tells the musical story of Cleveland's multi-ethnic Rock & Roll legacy.
The First Dragon Music Suite(s)TM are unprecedented, culture defining albums which merge the beats and vibes of China with the musical legacy of the rock & roll Capitol of the world, Cleveland, Ohio.The three albums deliver a new brand of spirit and energy featuring a Rock & Roll cross-cultural exchange never before felt or heard.
Darren Anthony has dedicated his life to pursuing a music career that transcends culture boundaries. With the first major placement of his song, “We Good” and his involvement with The First Dragon Global Cross Cultural Exchange?, Darren is well on his way to establishing himself as creative force capable of producing intellectual property relevant to globally diverse cultural demographics.
Soon the whole world will know why “He Good” and why Jack Craciun III has always said, “Where Cleveland Goes so goes the globe!”
Lorinda Laughlin Plank
ITM (US) Ltd.









