











Obituary 訃吿:孫毅哲博士辭世

Dear Friend:

Per the request of Dr. Sunny Sun's Memorial Committee, CPEA is passing the sad news of Dr. Sun's passing and his obituary. With the extreme cold weather, we wish everyone take extra caution for a safe winter.

Obituary 訃吿

Sunny David (Yizhe) Sun (10.1964 – 1.2014), passed away suddenly on Saturday, January 25, 2014. Sunny was born in China, and graduated from Henan Medical University with his M.D., attended Peking University for his M.S., and received his Ph.D. from the University of Toledo. He had been working as a research scientist at Renovo, Inc.
Sunny will forever be remembered by his beloved wife Fengying Lu and by his children Nathan and Hope, whom he adored. Just like his name, Sunny was always known for being positive, optimistic, and having a cheerful attitude toward life and to his friends. Sunny touched the lives of many people with his smile, honesty and generosity; all the while maintaining his trademark sense of humor all the way to the end.
Sunny was a baptized Christian and a member of the Cleveland Chinese Evangelical Church at Cedar Hill in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. The Cleveland Chinese Evangelical Church (CCEC) will organize and help with donations. The money collected will be used to take care of the funeral services and to help Mr. Sun’s family.
Please make checks payable to the order of “Cleveland Chinese Evangelical Church” with a note of “Love offering”. CCEC will issue you a receipt for the amount of your donation for tax purposes. The family requests all donations be sent to:

MeiMei Tang, 2677 Green Road, Shaker Heights, OH 44122, U.S.A.
Friends and family are invited to attend a Memorial Service on Saturday, February 8th, 2014, at 2:00 PM at DiCicco & Sons Funeral Home, 5975 Mayfield Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44124.
孫毅哲博士(1964-2014),河南鶴壁人,先後就讀于河南醫科大學,北京醫科大學,和 University of Toledo,獲得醫學博士和生物化學博士學位。 現供職于俄亥俄州克里夫蘭一家生物醫藥公司。
2014 年 1 月 25 日克里夫蘭冰雪嚴寒,雪封車道,孫毅哲博士在鏟雪時誘發心臟病發作,搶救無效, 當日辭世,享年 49 歲。孫毅哲博士和夫人呂鳳英女士育有一子一女 (Nathan 和 Hope)。孫毅哲博士心地 善良,性格開朗,熱心助人,富于愛心,工作勤懇,任勞任怨。他的遽然辭世,使我們失去一位眞誠的好 朋友,生物醫學界失去一位聰穎睿智的科學家。
孫毅哲博士信奉基督,虔誠敬主,是克里夫蘭中華福音敎會(CCEC)的資深會友。他的辭世,也是 CCEC 敎會的一大損失。願孫毅哲博士在耶穌基督的懷抱中安息!克里夫蘭中華福音敎會 Cleveland Chinese Evangelical Church (CCEC) 正在組織安排孫毅哲博士的葬禮紀念事宜,並設立愛心奉獻捐款,請寫付個人支 票 To:Cleveland Chinese Evangelical Church,並在 Memo 處加注:Love Offering(愛心奉獻)。CCEC 敎會可 以爲您的愛心奉獻出具收據,用于減稅證明。 敬請將支票寄給 CCEC 唐師母:

MeiMei Tang, 2677 Green Road, Shaker Heights, OH, 44122, U.S.A.
Please contact the following friends if you have further question:
Pastor Minju Li 李民舉 牧師
(978)473-3150 Lminju@gmail.com
Dr. Yiying Fan 範一穎 博士
(803)603-7691 richard_fan90@yahoo.com
Dr. Bin Yang 楊 斌 醫生(216)213-9307









