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(本報訊) 9月28日,克里夫蘭 North Coast Community
Homes在Hunting Valley
Russ特意找到本報,希望本報能呼籲華人社團支持這項有意義的活動,組織籌備這次捐款活動的還有ITM的總裁JACK Craciun
據美通社-PR Newswire報道: 美國勞工部殘疾人就業政策辦公室 (U.S. Department of Labor's
Office of Disability Employment Policy)
(National Disability Employment Awareness Month) 中, Goodwill
Industries International 將鼓勵公私行業的雇主通雇傭符合要求的殘疾人士來擴大其員工隊伍。
雇傭美國殘疾人並不是一項慈善事業。大部分雇主報吿稱,雇傭殘疾人士沒有成本,或者費用很低。據 Job
Accommodation Network
North Coast Community Homes (NCCH)是一個無盈利機構,主要是幫助殘疾人和精神不正常者提供吃住行,美國社會十分重視這一群體。
另外ITM的總裁JACK Craciun III,表示:10月份著名藝術家周愛琴將來克里夫蘭舉辦畫展並首次對她的字畫舉行拍賣儀式。
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North Coast Community Homes “After Gala Chinese
Fine Art & Calligraphy Cross Cultural Exchange Auction”
Sponsored by: Jack Craciun III, ITM (US) Ltd, & The First Dragon
Ms. Aiqin Zhou “A Living Treasure of China”Is the Fine Artist &
Calligrapher of “The First Dragon ”
Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange Enterprise Aiqin Zhou is an
internationally renowned
Chinese artist, Calligrapher, and Poet, who at the age of
five began Fine Art and Calligraphy studies in Shanghai, China with
renowned artist Pan Lan and Prof. Cheng Zenglian. At the age of
thirteen she won the Shanghai Art Museum award for Brush Painting
and Calligraphy.
In 1983, at the age of 24 she won the highest competition and
coveted Full Scholarship Award issued by the leading graphic art
school of China, The Shanghai Art Institute. In 1988 Aiqin becomes
an International Treasure Winning Top Calligraphy Competitions
Awards in: Taiwan, France, Japan, Germany, the USA, and Switzerland
Aiqin earns the Highest Honors in China & Japan: “Artist Member of
the Chinese Societies of Fine Arts and Calligraphy” &“Artist Member
of the Japanese Societies of Fine Arts and Calligraphy” Aiqin Zhou
is Honored by Japan through the Agency of Mr. Nakajhima Moriari
Private Tutor in Calligraphy to the Japanese Emperor & the Chief
Examiner of Japanese Calligraphy “The Private Collection of the
Emperor of Japan.”Cosmos, (No. 52) (a Japanese arts monthly)Comments
by: Mr. Nakajhima Moriari “Aiqin Zhou…Presents the style of Chinese
artists. Her Calligraphy is elegant, glorious, and looks like Prince
Chen’s. I am very proud of her success. I expect her marvelous
achievement will be a Stimulus to Japanese art.”In 1994 Aiqin Zhou
received the degree of Master in Fine Arts from the Academy of Art
University of San Francisco, CA (The Largest Private Art and Design
University in the US).
The Lifetime Dedication of Aiqin Zhou has been the Study of Chinese
(Asian) and Western art, Modern Art, Art History, & Philosophy.
Her purpose: To culturally broaden her Chinese Spirit and enhance
its discipline and balance with Western art to achieve the talent
she would call upon to complete her interest to merge the two
classical art traditions with contemporary modern art.Among other
Important Accomplishments:
Aiqin’s Fine Art & Calligraphy has appeared in two PBS Documentaries
Titled: “Ancestors in the Americas” and “Qi-Gong” (Meditation), The
Aiqin Zhou, TV Special on KTSF-TV Her 2004 Chinese water color
portrait of President Clinton and his wife,Titled “Visualize a
Bright Future” now resides in the Clinton Presidential Library
Collection.During September of 2009, Aiqin’s Fine Art & Calligraphy
and her technique(s) were exhibited at the Celebration of the 60th
Anniversary of the Founding of the PRC held in Portland, Oregon.
There, her art and Calligraphy were heralded by Mr. Wu Jianmin,
member of the Diplomatic Policy Consultation Committee of the
Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Senior Diplomat, and Former
Chinese Ambassador to France.
Aiqin Zhou first met Mr. Jack Craciun, III, Chairman of the ITM
Group in San Francisco’s China Town during early 2008.
After attending several meetings held at the Asian Art Museum of San
Francisco and at art galleries in that city’s renowned China Town,
Aiqin Zhou accepted the ITM invitation to create the Fine Art &
Calligraphy of The First Dragon?
Chinese Global Cross Cultural Exchange Enterprise.Jack Craciun III:
An American-educated China Specialist Whose literally earth-shaking
work in broadcast and entertainment has consistently and repeatedly
redefined international consumer product manufacture and marketing
based on locating new demographic groups with expendable income &
their Media Networks.?
His hallmark humanitarian endeavors and initiatives perpetuate the
pioneering spirit of his family name, Romanian for “Christmas.”
支持慈善獻愛心 |
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