Bennett小姐爲我們來上一堂健康課,她爲我們大家介紹由LifeVantage 公司提供的Protandim保健品,她做了Protandim産品2年,已經做到5
Joe McCord與20個大專院校一起共同硏究發明,他們選用了5種不同的自然生物與植物合成,當産品出現在市場上後供不應求,Dr.
Joe McCord 説: After Protandim we could no longer distinguish the 80
year old from the 20 year old.這個産品是科學與智慧的結晶。
在克里夫蘭只要認識黃玉蘭的人都會聯想她是一個做健康産品很多年的人,她自己講究營養和保健同時她是一個熱情眞誠的人,過去幾十年來她代理各種健康産品,只要對人有利有幫助,她都不辭辛勞幫忙她人。這次她來找我,是因爲我的工作忙壓力大,她對我説了這個産品會對我很有幫助:對肝腎血液循環等等。目前我已經吃了8天,感到不同于其他健康産品,這藥方便每天只要吃上一顆,價格可以承受,更重要的是這家公司只專注一種健康保健産品另外還生産一瓶乳液。這是與其他公司不同之處。本月23日,有醫生親臨克里夫蘭做健康保健品Protandim的專場演講。請大家不要錯過機會。 |
Joe Milton McCord (born March 3, 1945) is an
American biochemist. While serving as a graduate student, he and his
supervisor Irwin Fridovich were the first to describe the enzymatic
activity of superoxide dismutase.McCord has been a member of the board
of directors of the LifeVantage Corporation (makers of the dietary
supplement Protandim) since 2006.
Academic Background
McCord received a B.S. degree in chemistry from
Rhodes College (graduated 1966) and a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Duke
University (graduated 1970), where he also conducted postdoctoral
McCord has held biochemistry faculty positions at Duke University
Medical Center, University of South Alabama, and the University of
Colorado Denver.
McCord is a past recipient of the Elliott Cresson
Medal, the Discovery Award from the Society for Free Radical Biology
and Medicine (SFRBM), and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Oxygen
Society. He holds an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Buenos
Aires and has served as Honorary President of the International
Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health (ISANH) and as
Chairman of the Third International Conference on Superoxide
Dismutases at the Institut Pasteur.
McCord has served on the board of directors (Director
of Science) of the LifeVantage Corporation since 2006 and is listed by
the SEC as an insider shareholder.LifeVantage is a Utah-based
multilevel marketing company that distributes an antioxidant dietary
supplement known as Protandim. McCord has co-authored 7 studies on the
product and participates in distributor training. McCord served as
Chief Scientific Officer for LifeVantage from June 2011 until
September 2012, and then became a member of the company's science
advisory board.
Health and Success
Seminar by Dr. Skip and Jill Campbell
When: Wednesday January 23, 2013
6:45 PM - 8:30 PM
Where: Cleveland Hopkins Airport
Holiday Inn 4181 W. 150th St.
Dr. Skip and Jill Campbell retired from the Chiropractic industry
after 17 years to become full-time LifeVantage distributors. They have
reached PRO 10, which is the Highest Level of Success in the company.
Come and join us for an Inspirational Evening as they share their
stories and Teach You about Having Health and Success!
Write down ALL your questions because they will be personally answered
that night by Dr. Skip & Jill themselves!
Cost: FREE for Guests!
Please contact Ann Pu at (216) 324-2959