Agora 劇院位于克里夫蘭凱斯大學附近地址,豪華氣派氣勢輝煌,設備先進,是克城人的驕傲和市內的著名地標建築,它于
1966年2月27日由Henry LoConti先生創立,當年Henry LoConti創辦的目的就是爲克里夫蘭觀衆帶來現場娛樂,爲鄰里之間的居民提供藝術享受。
LoConti先生説的那樣:這是自1966年以來第一次有亞裔人在Agora舉辦活動。從那個時候開始Henry LoConti把美國和世界的衆多明星都帶進了Agora,連他自己都沒有想到Agora成爲克里夫蘭舉辦國際演唱會場地,並成爲俄亥俄州各種演唱會首演劇院,克里夫蘭搖滾樂故鄉的命名也就是因爲Agora的創立。
Erie Chinese Journal for an evening of entertainment, dinner, and
friends. It will be a once in a lifetime experience. You will witness
in performances from eastern to western cultures. You are more than
welcome to join the party.
Agora 劇院創建人Henry Leconti致信浦瑛
Anne Pu, this party will be a successful event because this
will be the first Asian event at the Agora Theater. I share the love
of Chinese culture since my uncle Jimmy raised me in China town, whom
he was called “China’s town Mayor” when I was growing up.
– Henry Leconti |