












Kuang-hsuan "Sam" Den -
(January 12, 1934 - August 31, 2012.)
权     2007年12月22日鄧光選黃玉蘭夫婦在慶祝伊利華報出刋第100期曁迎聖誕新年活动上发言

Today I buried my beloved father. For those of you who earlier received the news, I thank you so much for your prayers and support.
I would like to share with my FB family the eulogy I gave at this morning's memorial service. Special thanks to my cousin Gary Tang for the not-so easy task of translation.
"I'd like to express my dearest thanks and appreciation to everyone for coming. My family has been overwhelmed with the amount of love, comfort and support you have given us. It has made this difficult time much easier for us to bear.
首先, 我希望跟大家表達我最忱摯的感謝。 你們的關懷跟幫助讓我的家人,尤其是我母親,在這個傷痛的時候, 感覺到了滿滿的愛.
My father would have been happy to see this. 我相信我父親在天之靈也會感到欣慰的
I am especially grateful we got to hear from Mr. Wen and Ms. Zhang
我尤其感謝溫先生跟 Zhang 女士發表他們對我父親的追思。
I am so happy that all of us got to hear that even in the final year of his life, my father lived his life with such great energy, drive, and ambition. It truly gladdens my heart.
他們的追思讓我們瞭解到即使是到了我父親最後幾年的生命中, 他還是用積極跟活力努力的過好每一天. 這讓我非常高興.
To me, my father was the great constant in my life.
When I was a little boy my earliest conception of my father was of a quiet, dignified, and intelligent man who always took care of us.
我小時候對父親的印象是一個安靜, 正直, 聰明的人, 他永遠照顧著我們.
And right now I will always remember my father as the quiet, dignified, and intelligent man who always took care of us.
My father could always be depended on, because he always remained the same.
他讓我們依靠著他慢慢長大, 對我們來說父親永遠不變.
Years came and went. Presidents were elected and un-elected. The Berlin Wall comes crashing down. China hosts the Olympic Games. His grandchild, is finally born!
日子過去了, 我們都不知道換了幾個總統, 全球經歷了多少世代的改變, 北京申奧成功, 而我父親也終於迎接到了他可愛的小孫女.
Yet my father always remained the same. He wore the same clothes, had the same hair, had the same glasses. In fact, my father never even seemed to age!
但我父親始終如一. 他穿著同樣的衣服, 每天梳著同樣的髮形, 戴著他同樣的眼鏡. 似乎他永遠不會變老.
This face in this picture, is the same face that I saw driving me to weekly violin lessons, the same face I saw when he taught me about computers in high school, the same face I saw When he asked me if I had any "good news" for him, meaning if I had a girlfriend. The same face I saw when we traveled China for 2 weeks together for my 30th bday gift.
照片里的父親, 是那個我小時候每個禮拜帶我去練習小提琴的慈父, 是那個我上高中敎我如何開始用電腦的父親, 是我長大出了社會每次我打電話總是會慇懃的問我什麼時候要帶女朋友給他看的父親, 更是我三十歲帶我回中國看看那個當年孕育他的土地的父親.
And because his inward demeanor and outward appearance always remained the same, I always assumed he would be there. I could not imagine a world without him.
他偶爾靦腆的笑容跟一貫的穿著讓我覺得他永遠都會在我背後靜靜著守護著我們. 我沒有辦法想象他不在的一天.
But because I have the same memory of him year after year, I know that I will never forget him. The strength of his memory will always be with me.
但也因為如此, 我知道他永遠會活在我的回憶裡. 他回憶裡帶給我的力量永遠會陪伴著我一生
My father was also very no-nonsense person, and wanted things to get to the point. And it is our hope that this service reflect that. And although he was not one for lots of ceremony, he felt very strongly about showing respect.
我的父親做事簡潔有力, 他敎我們道理的時候也喜歡點到為止讓我們自己去思考跟反省. 我們家人希望今天這個追悼會反應我父親的精神. 他是一個低調但是不失禮節的人
In the spring of 2005 Willis and I accompanied my father to the funeral of one of his college classmates. During the memorial service it came time for my father to pay his last respects. He walked up to the casket, and spoke the last words to his friend.
2005 年的時候 我們陪我父親去參加他一個大學朋友的喪禮. 在他同學的追悼會上, 他緩緩的走到他朋友的棺木邊跟他朋友講最後的幾句話
While speaking, my father was crying. It was the first time i had ever seen my father cry. And then after he finished speaking, he bowed to his friend three times.
他眼淚隨著他的話流下他的臉頰, 這是我第一次看到我堅強的父親流淚. 他講完了他的話後, 他深深的跟他的摯友鞠了三個鞠躬
And so to conclude this service, and before we head to the cemetery to say our goodbyes, I would ask that we bow three times, all to honor and pay our repeats to him, this final time.
今天我希望在我們跟我們敬愛的父親做最後的吿別之前, 我們也同樣的跟他鞠三鞠躬來表達我們的不捨跟紀念他的一生." From Lana Den's son Warren Den









