













6月22日早上7點我家小狗KeKe大叫,還沒有完全清醒的我便打開門讓小狗自己出去方便一下,沒有想到一只死鳥躺在我家正門口,腦子里第一個念頭就是不吉利,我便馬上給大慧法師打了電話,師傅要我善待這只鳥並把它埋在我家南邊。我按照大慧法師説的我在南邊挖了一個小洞,當我把它放進小洞里的時候,由於我挖的不夠深,它側躺不行,當我將它的臉超上,那一瞬間我看到它的眼睛還沒有完全閉上,但嘴巴開張,舌頭斜歪,我念了幾聲阿彌陀佛希望它以後不要再輪回畜生道,就當我蓋土的時候,有一股強烈的暖流照在我的心口,我沒有辦法解釋,這暖流從哪里來的,不過當時內心的感受是快樂的。無意間我想起5月21日我在Unity Chapel of Light敎堂聽密宗活佛Tulku Orgyen P'huntsok講經時發生的事也讓我無法解釋。


    5月21日我在Unity Chapel of Light敎堂第一次見Tulku Orgyen P'huntsok,他身材高大,雙眼炯炯有神,在他講課的過程中他始終帶着微笑,他給我留下很深影響,當日他除了講一些佛法知識外,重點講他目前在印度建佛堂寺廟。佛堂寺廟是給衆生修身養心,給大家帶來快樂的場所。我一邊聽他講課一邊拿起照相機給他拍照,連續拍了五張,而我拍下的每一張都是不同顔色,我十分好奇,同一個時間,同一個角度怎么會拍出不同的顔色,我去問了Tulku Orguer活佛,他笑着對我説以後你會知道。我知道在中國如果想在著名佛堂拍一些墻上經典經文,那么照片出來不是白的的就是黑的,誰也説不出這是什麼原因。

    Tulku Orgyen P'huntsok ,他有願望,他要沿着他前世師傅的腳步完成師傅們的願望,用他的一生獻身弘揚佛法, Tulku Orguer出身在印度,五歲的時候得知自己是活佛再生,他15歲決定投入佛門,歲跟着叔叔何謂密宗瑜伽身、心、靈同步修行,會讓大家超越了狹隘的自我,以靈性直覺的力量來喚醒和提陞我們生命中的無限潜能,大家在修行中會掙脫一切束縛讓身心靈到達解脫和喜悅,因爲每個人都有無限的智慧與潜能,只是我們沒有發揮出來。人和宇宙是相同的, 人在極度放鬆靜坐中,人會學習和充份地利用潜力,這種發掘內在無限潜能這是科學, 現代科學家們説,一般人最多只運用了這方面能力的2%,至於那些較爲特殊的人物——如大科學家、赫赫有名的領袖、卓絶的藝術家等——也只不過動用到全部潜能的8%到10%罷了。在修行中人會獲得意想不到的智能和力量。這就是要跟着上師在寺廟一起修行.

Tara T. Chokyi 是一位藝術家,她從19歲開始相信佛敎,是她將活佛 Tulku Orgyen P'huntsok 引見到克里夫蘭白玉寺的



A letter from Tulku Orgyen  P'huntsoktulku

As a Tulku, or reincarnation of a spiritual master, it is my responsibility to continue the spiritual lineage to which I belong. This entails the pursuit of my present inner spiritual path, as well as furthering the outer dharmic activity that began in my previous lifetime as Togden Sithar Rinpoche.
Togden Sithar was a master who maintained a strong spiritual legacy in “The Hidden Land" of Pema K?d, where he remained in constant retreat and helped develop the structures that would support retreat. Before his passing in 1970, he set the course for the continuation and expansion of dharma activity there in future generations.
Though mindful of my two-fold obligation, my focus in recent years has been on my own spiritual practice, as well as on gaining a western education, so that I teach the Buddhadharma as well as to explore the wisdom legacy of the West. Yet, as many of my friends here in the West are aware, I have long expressed a wish to spend at least some time every year in the sacred land of Pema K?d, which is so significant to our lineage. Many of my friends have also expressed a wish that they might join me there in retreat, and support others in long-term residential retreat in Pema K?d.
My recent sojourn in Pema K?d has inspired me to a renewed sense of urgency in this area of my life's work. There has been a decline of dharmic activity in the Pema K?d region since Togden Sithar Rinpoche's passing. My visit to Pema K?d renewed the hope among Togden Sithar Rinpoche's remaining students that, as the reincarnation of their beloved master, I might swiftly fulfill my commitment and responsibility to my spiritual lineage and to the retreat land at Pema K?d, my spiritual homeland.
And so, in order to reassure my people in Pema K?d of my commitment to the lineage and to the land, while there I initiated various projects aimed at revitalizing and restoring the retreat land and its dharma activities. I began these projects though the financial means that would support this effort was not at all clear to me at the time.
Now that I have returned to the States, I have come to understand that I will not be able to complete the work of restoring and sustaining this retreat land without the help of my friends. And so, I humbly ask for your support in helping me to accomplish this work. Whatever you can do, based on your understanding of the nature of this project and your insight into my aspirations for its fruition, will surely further it and bring measureless benefit to many.
May all beings benefit!









