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Yanlai Wu brought the fine art of Chinese dances to people of different ages and ethnic backgrounds all over the world. Born in Yunnan Providence, she was recognized as a top artist in performing dance in China, has received many awards and honors in her professional career and has performed, orchestrated and taught dance internationally.
At age of twelve, Ms. Wu was chosen as one of only twenty five youngsters in all of China to be accepted at the Affiliated Middle School of Beijing Dance Academy. Six years later Yanlai Wu entered the Beijing Dance Academy , where she graduated with honors in Performance Dance. Ms. Wu talent won her the opportunity to dance the lead female role in Quyuan, a large-scale dance drama celebrating the 30 th anniversary of the Beijing Dance Academy .
After graduation from the Beijing Dance Academy , Ms. Wu joined the premier Chinese dance company, - Beijing Youth Dance Troupe. She performed with the dance company at many international and domestic arts festivals, including the Hong Kong International Art Festival 1986, the American International Art Festival 1988, and the Chinese New Year's Eve Celebration 1988 seen on CCTV by over a billion people across China . Ms. Wu also danced in the Shenzhen-Zhuhai International Art Festival 1989 as well as many performing tours to Hong Kong , Singapore , Macau , New Zealand . She won the First Prize at Beijing Dance Competition in 1987, the Choreography Award at Guangzhou International Dance Festival in 1988, the Special Achievement Award and the Second Prize at Guangzhou Art Competition in 1989.
In 1992, Ms. Wu works with NASA, the New Arts Service Agency of Japan as a freelance dancer and a dance choreographer. She created many Chinese classical dances as well as Japanese and modern dance. Yanlai continued to display her talents as a principal dancer for Setsuko Ishiguro Dance Company and won Second Prize at the Foreigner Art Competition held by Fuji Television in 1992. She was the only dancer invited to perform at the high profile Paris-Tokyo 1995 Fashion Show for renowned fashion designer Iseey Miyake . After choreographing and producing the Dunhuang Dance Tour, Ms Wu performed in it from 1996 to 1998. She also served as an artistic consultant for Asia International Communications Co., Ltd. where she contributed dance choreography and performance, taught dance and coordinated advertisement activities. In 1999 Ms. Wu choreographed, produced and performed the epic “Dream Symphony”, - a large-scale performance of over 300 artists, reproducing the palace music and dance of the Tang dynasty
Ms. Wu taught at the Mitsi Dancing School in Houston from April 2003 to June 2004, until she moved to Pittsburgh where she has established her own dance school. With her extensive experience in dance performance and her professional training, Ms. Wu hopes she will be able to open a new window for the children here – showing the artistic world of dance and helping them appreciate the beauty of Chinese dances.



