











Jan's Story


  The Griffin Gallery is a family-owned furniture and fine furnishings boutique located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, offering furniture and objects from around the world. Jan Griffin O’Reilly and her younger son Griffin O’Reilly Lewis began the adventure of owning an upscale home deccor retail business in 2004. Jan retired from her law office in that year, having practiced as an attorney for twenty-one years.
     The dream of having a shop like The Griffin Gallery developed over many years of our travels to various places in the world and obtaining beautiful art objects and collectibles on our trips. Over time, after scouring antique shops and art galleries in Europe and in Hawaii, we began to appreciate most particularly the fine detail and beauty of porcelains and ceramics, all influenced by ancient Chinese art. Jan, an avid gardener, came to love the birds and flowers motif in Chinese ceramics, porcelains and textiles, reminding her of their garden at home. Her interest then began to extend to Chinese antique furniture pieces, especially after visiting Honolulu and seeing so many exquisite and functional pieces in the galleries there. Jan decided that having a shop where such items could be offered for sale in Pittsburgh would be a more beautiful and harmonious way to spend her days, rather than engaging in the contention and argument that a law practice requires. And that was how The Griffin Gallery was born.
Jan’s older son Jack O’Reilly Lewis lives in Honolulu and until recently served aboard a fast attack nuclear submarine stationed at Pearl Harbor. Jack traveled throughout the Far East and sent many Chinese antique furniture and jewelry pieces from Singapore, Japan and Hawaii to Pittsburgh for sale at The Griffin Gallery. No one else in Pittsburgh offers such items.
       Our antique Chinese furniture pieces have been very popular. The pieces date from approximately 1821 to 1880 and currently include a 22-drawer black lacquer medicine chest from Shanxi, China; a 6-panel black lacquer namwood screen from Zhijiang, China; a large Duan Mu cabinet from Shanxi; a 4-drawer Elmwood side cabinet from Shanxi; and 2 very rare black lacquer children’s horseshoe armchairs, Elmwood with hard cane seats, also from Shanxi province.
      The arrival of these pieces in Pittsburgh was very emotional for Jan. Her son Jack had met with the vendor and arranged the shipment to Pittsburgh. We waited a long time for the shipment to reach San Diego, then shipped by railroad to Baltimore, and then shipped by a moving company truck from Baltimore to Pittsburgh. Jan had not seen the pieces, except by seeing copies of photographs. The shipment arrived, each of the Chinese antique pieces were carefully moved from the trucks to the sidewalk, and the crates and wrappings were removed, revealing the exquisitely beautiful surprises that Jack had selected for sale in our little shop. Tears of joy and wonderment steamed down Jan’s face as she saw the pieces for the first time!
All are welcome at The Griffin Gallery. We would be pleased to meet you and to show you our beautiful offerings.


