


   一天我接到一位名字叫Cyril White的電話,他説他住休斯頓,他曾經見過我,他曾經是個運動員,他曾經在1999年到中國去打過籃球比賽,他還有一家公司在上海,TGBTG Sports, a sports management group based in Houston and Shanghai that owns the medial platform Chinahoops.net 他在電話里就常用中文與我交流,他吿訴我他太喜歡中國了,尤其是他周圍的中國人都非常熱情好客,如果不是疫情,他現在已經在中國了。
   目前Cyril White是做體育經濟一系列管理的人,他自己在上海創建的公司已經有20年。
   當時我與Cyril White在電話里聊的時候,我想起中美建交是乒乓球外交,當然一切都是天時地利,我對Cyril説,就目前看中美關係越來越多負面情緒,我們能不能現在一起做一些有益於中美友好合作關係的事,Cyril非常贊同,他也非常樂意,他是做生意的體育人,想更多地看到中美之間的友情,去做人民喜歡的事情。果然11月3日,我們相見在克利夫蘭Notre Dame College,眞有緣份,言語之間,我感受他對中國的感情很深,尤其他熱愛他自己做的事業,今年就在疫情期間他把美國的Football敎練帶到中國。他吿訴我:這兩年美國敎練在中國非常受歡迎。
   Cyril White在克利夫蘭停留二天,他還特意去了伊利華報報社,他吿訴我他的夢想,上帝非常眷顧他,他今天擁有的一切都是上帝給的。他非常樂意,説我們可以一起爲中美的體育做一些力所能及的事情。因爲美國NBA在中國大受歡迎,球員基本都是非裔,中國人給予他們的熱情和支持讓他們非常感動。
Cyril White希望我能與他一起幫助前NBA球員Ty Lawson。Ty Lawson在Instagram帖子上公開發表侮辱中國女性的言論,導致他被中國籃球協會終生禁賽。Cyril White對我説,Lawson已經道歉,作爲當過運動員的他,瞭解運動員的心里,他説Lawson 非常後悔他曾經説過的話,但這絶不是他想侮辱女人,這是文化差異。Cyril White非常誠懇地説:能不能給予Lawson機會讓他再次去中國,在中國的運動事業對Lawson的人生非常重要。

Zoom meeting
左:Cyril White(美國休斯敦)
右中:Ty Lawson(目前在非洲)

   11月8日,Lawson,Cyril White和我,我們三人一起在Zoom開了視頻會議,Lawson非常抱歉他曾經説過的話,他感到如果瞭解中國的文化他絶不會説這樣的話,他説他在中國這幾年,已經擁有華人朋友圈,大家都對他像家人,就在他被趕出來的前幾天,他還陪朋友去掃墓,他喜歡中國的傳統文化,喜歡中國的那種家人朋友之間的親情友情。

   Ty Lawson,中國人稱他泰·勞森,他1987年11月3日出生於美國馬里蘭州克林頓,他在2009年通過選秀進入NBA,先後效力于掘金、火箭、步行者和國王等球隊。Ty Lawson在NBA打了八個賽季,其中包括丹佛金塊隊的六個賽季,最後一個賽季是在2016-17賽季,為薩克拉曼多國王隊出戰69場比賽,職業生涯中平均每場得到12.7分和6.0次助攻。

   之後到中國,2017年8月9日簽約山東高速男籃。2018年4月13日簽約 華盛頓奇才隊 。2018年12月16日重回山東男籃。2019年9月30日加盟福建SBS潯興籃球俱樂部。曾經在一個賽季中,勞森爲福建男籃出戰了31場比賽,場均登場37.0分鐘,能拿下27.3分5.5籃板8.7助攻2.6搶斷,讓福建男籃成爲再次闖進八強的重要成員。

Basketball Star Ty Lawson Appealing CBA Lifetime Ban, Aims to Return to China
   Former NBA first round draft pick Ty Lawson is working hard to appeal his lifetime ban in the Chinese Basketball Association. Lawson was banned from the CBA in September of 2020 after making a social media post that was interpreted to be culturally offensive. Now, one year later, Lawson has played professionally in Greece, and most recently signed with US Monastir in the Basketball Africa League (BAL).
   Lawson played well for his team in Greece, and did not have any incidents on or off of the court while playing there.
"Ty Lawson is a great professional, and we are glad we had him on our team," said team head coach and general manager. "We only want first class people in our organization, and we never would have signed him to come into our country if we had any doubts about his character."
   Prior to the CBA ban, Lawson had played 3 seasons in China, 2 with the Shandong Golden Stars and 1 with Fujian. Lawson was one of the most exciting point guards in the Chinese league, averaging 26 points and 8 assists per game in 103 games played. He was a fan favorite in many Chinese cities prior to his social media post.
"It was an error of judgment, and I regret that I made that social media post," Lawson said. "I've always aimed to be professional and respectful of people in every country in go to. I am terribly sorry that I offended the people in China. It is not a representation of who I am as a person."
   With the 2021-2022 CBA Season underway, some CBA teams would still love to have Ty Lawson as an import talent for this season. Lawson said he is staying in shape and hoping that the CBA and China will be him in a different light one year later.
   "I made some good relationships with people in China while I was there, and many fans still reach out because they know my character," said Lawson. "If I am allowed to come back into China, I am definitely going to work closer with the CBA and league leaders to be sure foreign players understand some of the cultural differences so that this doesn't happen again.
   Lawson believes that each player coming into China should be given a team handbook, a code of conduct guide, and other helpful information that can keep foreign players in the right space abroad.
   "What I've learned most is that traveling abroad is bigger than basketball, and what is ok in one culture may be very offensive in another culture," Lawson said. "I hope that the Chinese leaders will re-evaluate my status and allow me to join a CBA team in the near future. I would not take the opportunity and privilege for granted."



    GM球隊經理George Gotzogiannis 他表示Lawson是守法守紀並且從沒用與其他球員在一起衝突的好運動員。他尊重他人,他是一個熱愛自己的事業的人。