













Erie Chinese Journal & Anne,

After a beautiful, moving inaugural ceremony, I know that you’re feeling as hopeful and proud as I am to commemorate the swearing in of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.
Today, the first Black, Asian American, woman Vice President in our nation’s history takes office -- a fitting rebuke to an outgoing administration marred by sexism, racism, and xenophobia. But that ends now, with President Biden and Vice President Harris ready to usher in a new era of freedom and opportunity for all Americans, regardless of race, gender, or party.
If you participated in this last election -- whether by donating your time, energy, or resources to Democratic candidates or by making your voice heard at the ballot box -- you made this moment possible, and I’m so grateful for your efforts. Thanks to you, President Biden and Vice President Harris enter office with Democratic majorities in both the House and the Senate, and with a clear mandate to lead our national COVID-19 response.
Even in the face of unprecedented challenges, including a resurgent pandemic, an economy in free fall, and a fractured, divided country, this administration has already hit the ground running. President Biden has a comprehensive COVID-19 recovery plan and has committed to prioritizing the economy, immigration, gun safety, and environmental reforms during his first 100 days in office. But in order to accomplish all this and more, President Biden and Vice President Harris need our support.
So as we look ahead to a brighter future for our country, I hope I can count on you to join me as we fight to build back stronger than ever before.

Thank you,









