











RNC Statement on Judge Amy Coney Barrett's Nomination to the Supreme Court


RNC Statement on Judge Amy Coney Barrett's Nomination to the Supreme Court共和黨全國委員會關於艾米·科尼·巴瑞特法官提名至最高法院的聲明 WASHINGTON — Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel released the following statement on Judge Amy Coney Barrett's nomination to the Supreme Court:
"In selecting Judge Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump has picked an exceptionally qualified constitutionalist to serve as our nation’s next Supreme Court justice. Judge Barrett’s stellar career and character shows she is someone who recognizes the proper role of a Supreme Court justice is to interpret the Constitution as written, not to legislate from the bench.
"Not long ago Democrats said that Americans deserve a fully-staffed Supreme Court of nine justices. President Trump has done his constitutional duty by naming a nominee, and now it’s time for Democrats to make good on their words by joining Senate Republicans and committing to holding a fair Senate confirmation process."
  華盛頓— 共和黨全國委員會主席羅娜·麥克丹尼爾(Ronna McDaniel)發表了關於艾米·科尼·巴 瑞特法官提名至最高法院的以下聲明:
“特朗普在選擇艾米·科尼·巴雷特法官時,基于巴瑞特法官出色的職業生涯和品格,她是一位公 認的最高法院大法官的適當人选,这个人是解釋憲法的已成文法則,而不是在法庭上建立和進 行立法。 “不久前,民主黨人称美國人應該拥有一個由九名法官組成的人员配备齊全的最高法院。特朗普 總統已經通過任命一名候選人來履行他的憲法职责,現在是時候讓民主黨人加入參議院,並履 行其諾言,执行公平的參議院確認程序。”

The ruling is in: Judge Amy Coney Barrett is immensely qualified and should be confirmed to the Supreme Court without delay.
John Yoo, law professor University of California, Berkeley, Fox News: “Amy Coney Barrett should win the support of anyone who wants judges of intelligence, experience, and character.”
Nicole Garnett, professor of law University of Notre Dame, USA Today: “I've known Amy Coney Barrett for over 20 years. Her intellect and heart are unrivaled…an exceptional judge, award-winning teacher, generous colleague, loyal friend and loving mother. And the obvious pick to serve on the Supreme Court. She is brilliant, to be sure, but also humble, generous, loving, kind.”
Newt Gingrich, Fox News: “Judge Barrett is incredibly smart, has an impressive career, and is well-known as a caring, compassionate person…Judge Barrett is one of the most respected conservative jurists in the country, and conservatives have long hoped she would become a Supreme Court Justice. Her personal life is as impressive as her professional life.”
Carrie Severino, Judicial Crisis Network: “President Trump’s selection of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to be the next associate justice of the Supreme Court…is an inspired choice, one who combines impeccable character with exceptional qualifications.”
Noah Feldman, professor of law at Harvard University, Bloomberg: “To add to her merits, Barrett is a sincere, lovely person. I never heard her utter a word that wasn’t thoughtful and kind — including in the heat of real disagreement about important subjects. She will be an ideal colleague."
David B. Rivkin Jr. and Andrew M. Grossman, The Wall Street Journal: “Her opinions for the Seventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals show skilled legal craftsmanship and sensitivity for the people whose rights are at stake…Judge Barrett’s body of work shows her to be independent, discerning, diligent and fair.”
   现在裁定结果是:艾米·科尼·巴瑞特(Amy Coney Barrett)法官极具資格,應立即向最高法院確認。
   柳約翰,加州大學伯克利分校的法律教授 福克斯新聞 Fox News: “每一个需要智慧的,具有經驗和好品质的法官的人,都将会支持艾米·康尼·巴瑞特(Amy Coney Barrett)”
妮可·加內特(Nicole Garnett),聖母大學法學教授, 今日美國報 USA Today: “我認識艾米·科尼·巴瑞特已有20多年了。她的才智和內心是無與倫比的……一位傑出的法官,屢獲殊榮的老師,慷慨的同事,忠實的朋友和充滿愛心的母親。顯然是選擇她在最高法院任職。可以肯定的是她不仅人很聰明,也謙虛,慷慨,充滿愛心,友善。”
   紐特·金里奇(Newt Gingrich) 福克斯新聞(News Fox)的Fox News: “巴瑞特法官非常聰明,職業生涯出色得令人印象深刻,並且以关心他人,富有同情心而聞名……巴瑞特法官是美國最受尊敬的保守法學家之一,保守主義者一直希望她成為最高法院大法官。她的個人生活和她的職業生涯一樣令人钦佩。”
凱莉·塞維里諾 (Carrie Severino) Judicial Crisis Network: “特朗普總統選擇艾米·科尼·巴瑞特法官出任最高法院的下一任大法官……這是一個令人鼓舞的選擇,是將無可挑剔的品格與卓越的資格相結合。”
  哈佛大學法學教授諾亞·費爾德曼(Noah Feldman)表示 彭博社  Bloomberg: “巴瑞特(Barrett)是一位真誠,可愛的人。我從沒聽過她說過不和蔼或考虑不周到的話,即使在對重要案子有真正分歧的时候。她將会是一個完美的同事。“
   戴維·里夫金( David B. Rivkin Jr.) 和 安德里 . 格羅斯曼 (Andrew M. Grossman), 《華爾街日報》 The Wall Street Journal : “她對第七巡迴上訴法院的观点表明了,她對当人们權利受到威胁时,具有熟練的法律技巧和敏感性……巴瑞特法官的工作體系表明她具有獨立性,敏銳性,勤奮性和公正性。”







