











Please Help - Friends of Children with Special Needs (FCSN)'s Fundraising Challenge


Albert and Anna Wang are dear friends of mine and have been a leading voice for the Asian American community, supporting civic engagement, community service and youth mentoring efforts. In 1996, they founded FCSN with 9 other families to support and educate their children of special needs and the children of other families. The vision is to build a “Dream Community”, a community of love, hope, and respect for the special needs, provide a village of support, and deliver happiness. Today, this 501(c)(3) organization is supporting over 200 students with special needs, with 100 fulltime and part time staff.
    During COVID-19 pandemic, FCSN has continued to provide support and training to the kids with special needs, but is now faced with funding loss from the government. They are now participating a fundraising challenge organized by the Gannett Foundation:
During the week of 9/21-9/28, if they receive the most # of donations (regardless of amounts), FCSN can receive $5000 donation from the Gannett Foundation
    During 9/21-10/16, if they can raise the most funds, FCSN will receive $25,000 donation from the Gannett Foundation
(Chinese) 讓我們用雙手托起“圓夢先鋒”的華府之夢: https://bit.ly/fcsnDream
   Any donation is appreciated. FCSN administrators will email a complimentary ticket for their virtual Gala on Sat. 11/7 at 4 pm to any donors of $20 or more.
    Please share this link with friends, family members, co-workers, and neighbors. WE CAN’T REACH OUR DREAM WITHOUT YOUR HELP & SUPPORT!







