











第一夫人梅拉尼亞·特朗普(Melania Trump)在RNC发表感人講話


First Lady Melania Trump delivered a heart-warming address at the RNC Convention.
“I know I speak for my husband and the entire family when I say we have not forgotten the incredible people who were willing to take a chance on the businessman who has never worked in politics. We know it was you who elected him to be commander in chief. And we know it is you who will carry us through again.”
“My deepest sympathy goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one and my prayers are with those who are ill or suffering. I know many people are anxious and some feel helpless. I want you to know you are not alone. My husband's administration will not stop fighting until there is an effective treatment or vaccine available to everyone. Donald will not rest until he has done all he can to take care of everyone impacted by this terrible pandemic.”
“It is in times like this that we will look back and tell our grandchildren that through kindness and compassion, strength and determination, we were able to restore the promise of our future. Businesses stepped up, and volunteers stepped in. People were eager to share ideas, resources, and support of all kinds with neighbors and strangers alike.”
“Growing up as a young child in Slovenia, which was under communist rule at the time, I always heard about an amazing place called America -- a land that stood for freedom and opportunity. As I grew older, it became my goal to move to the United States and follow my dream of working in the fashion industry.”
“After 10 years of paperwork and patience, I studied for the test in 2006 and became an American citizen. It is still one of the proudest moments in my life, because with hard work and determination I was able to achieve my own American dream. As an immigrant and a very independent woman, I understand what a privilege it is to live here and to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities that we have.”
“Donald and I are also inspired by the millions of Americans who wake up each day with a simple yet courageous goal of providing for their families and keeping them safe. You are the backbone of this country. You are the people who continue to make the United States of America what it is, and who have the incredible responsibility of preparing our future generations to leave everything even better than they found it.”
“Just as you are fighting for your families, my husband, our family, and the people in this administration are here fighting for you. No matter the amount of negative or false media headlines or attacks from the other side, Donald Trump has not and will not lose focus on you. He loves this country and he knows how to get things done.”
“I encourage people to focus on our future while still learning from our past. We must remember that today we are all one community comprised of many races, religions, and ethnicities. Our diverse and storied history is what makes our country strong, and yet we still have so much to learn from one another.”
“With that in mind, I'd like to call on the citizens of this country to take a moment, pause, and look at things from all perspectives. I urge people to come together in a civil manner, so we can work and live up to our standard American ideals. I also ask people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice, and never make assumptions based on the color of a person's skin.”
“To mothers and parents everywhere you are warriors. In my husband, you have a president who will not stop fighting for you and your families. I see how hard he works day and night. And despite the unprecedented attacks from the media and opposition, he will not give up. In fact, if you tell him it cannot be done, he just works harder.”
第一夫人梅拉尼亞·特朗普(Melania Trump)在RNC上发表了感人的講話。
   “ 考慮到這一點,我謹呼籲這個國家的公民花一點時間,稍微停頓一下,從各個角度審視事物。我敦促人們以文明的態度聚在一起,以便我們能夠努力工作並實現我們理想的美國目标。我還请求人們停止假借正義的名義進行的暴力和搶劫,永遠不要根據人的膚色做出假設。”


    “I came to this country as a foreign student with limited English and little money. I worked my way up, starting by waiting on tables to pay for my college tuition. Despite English being my second language, I became a public school teacher and later a high ranking State & Federal Government officer. I echo our first lady Melania Trump’s speech at our Republican Convention about ‘an amazing place called America--a land that stood for freedom and opportunity.’ This is why myself, and so many in the APA community are working hard to re-elect President Trump and Republicans.” -- Dr. Marina Tse, RNC Director of Asian Pacific American Media
   我是做為外國學生來到這個國家的,英文水平有限,经济条件不好。我首先用努力在餐馆做服务生的工资来著支付我的大學學費。儘管英語是我的第二語言,但我還是成為主流學區的公立學校老師,後來又成為州和聯邦政府的高級官員。我贊同我們的第一夫人梅拉尼·特朗普在共和黨大會上的講話:“一個名為美國的神奇地方,這是一块代表自由與機會的土地。” -- 共和黨全國委員會亞太裔媒體主任張曼君博士







