











美國人口普查局局長 Steven Dillingham 發表聲明:
提交完整而準確的2020 年人口普查人數

    2020 年 8 月 3 日 — 美國人口普查局繼續評估其收集和處理2020 年人口普查數據的操作計劃。今天,我們宣佈更新我們的計劃,其包括人口普查員奬並將雇傭更多的員工,以便根據法律要求和商業部的命令在法定截止日 2020 年 12 月 31 日之前加速完成數據收集和國會席位分配人數的統計工作。人口普查局的新計劃充分體現了我們堅定不移的信念,即致力于完整的人數統計、提供準確的國會席位分配人數並保障公衆和我們工作人員的健康與安全。
   * 完整的人數統計:強有力的實地數據收集操作將確保我們收到那些尙未自我回答 2020 年人口普查住戶的答案。
   * 我們將在不影響統計完整性的前提下提高人數統計的速度。作爲我們修訂計劃的一部分,我們將舉辦更多的培訓課程,並向人口普查員提供奬勵,以表彰那些最大限度地延長工作時間的員工。我們也會儘可能讓用于普查的電話和平板電腦設備得到最長的使用時間。
   * 我們將在 2020 年 9 月 30 日結束數據收集工作。自我回答選項也將在同一日期關閉,以便開始數據處理。根據這一計劃,人口普查局打算達到以前人口普查中收集住戶答案的同一水平,包括在那些難以算上的社區做宣傳工作。
   * 準確的數據和高效的處理:一旦我們的安全系統中有了自我回答和外勤數據收集的數據,我們計劃審查這些數據的完整性和準確性,簡化其處理流程,並優先國會席位分配人數的統計以便在法定期限之前完成。此外,我們計劃增加員工數量,以確保操作的滿負荷運轉。
   * 靈活的設計:我們的操作保持適應性,並將另外增加將有助于加快工作進展的資源。人口普查局將繼續分析來自其外勤工作的數據和關鍵指標,以確保我們的操作具備敏捷性,並達到法定交付日期的目標。當然,我們認識到無法控制的事件仍然可能發生,例如惡劣天氣或其他自然災害帶來的複雜狀况。?
   * 健康與安全:我們會繼續把員工和公衆的健康和安全放在首位。我們的工作人員將繼續遵循聯邦、州 (state) 和地方的指導方針,包括爲外勤工作人員提供適當的安全培訓和個人防護裝備。
   人口普查局繼續努力工作,將達到 2019 年 7 月 11 日頒發的行政命令 13880 和 2020 年 7 月 21 日辦法的總統備忘録的要求。專家小組正在審查爲此目的將採用的方法和其他選項。繼續收集和使用相關的管理數據。
   我們致力于爲提交完整而準確的 2020 年人口普查而努力工作。到目前爲止,接近全國住戶總數的 63% 即 9300 萬戶住戶已經回答了 2020 年人口普查。在我們成功和創新性互聯網回答選項工作的基礎上,人口普查局敬業的員工們包括將在未來幾周內部署在國家各地社區的臨時員工,將繼續努力工作,以實現準確的人數統計。
   我們感謝成千上萬個基于社區、企業、州 (state)、地方和部落合作夥伴的大力支持,爲我們在國家範圍內開展工作做出了貢獻。2020 年人口普查屬於我們每一個人。如果您知道有人尙未回答,請鼓勵他們今天就通過電話、郵件或者在網站2020census.gov 在線回答。

Statement from U.S. Census Bureau Director Steven Dillingham:
Delivering a Complete and Accurate 2020 Census Count

AUGUST 3, 2020 — The U.S. Census Bureau continues to evaluate its operational plans to collect and process 2020 Census data. Today, we are announcing updates to our plan that will include enumerator awards and the hiring of more employees to accelerate the completion of data collection and apportionment counts by our statutory deadline of December 31, 2020, as required by law and directed by the Secretary of Commerce. The Census Bureau’s new plan reflects our continued commitment to conduct a complete count, provide accurate apportionment data, and protect the health and safety of the public and our workforce.
Complete Count: A robust field data collection operation will ensure we receive responses from households that have not yet self-responded to the 2020 Census.
We will improve the speed of our count without sacrificing completeness. As part of our revised plan, we will conduct additional training sessions and provide awards to enumerators in recognition of those who maximize hours worked. We will also keep phone and tablet computer devices for enumeration in use for the maximum time possible.
We will end field data collection by September 30, 2020. Self-response options will also close on that date to permit the commencement of data processing. Under this plan, the Census Bureau intends to meet a similar level of household responses as collected in prior censuses, including outreach to hard-to-count communities.
Accurate Data and Efficient Processing: Once we have the data from self-response and field data collection in our secure systems, we plan to review it for completeness and accuracy, streamline its processing, and prioritize apportionment counts to meet the statutory deadline. In addition, we plan to increase our staff to ensure operations are running at full capacity.
Flexible Design: Our operation remains adaptable and additional resources will help speed our work. The Census Bureau will continue to analyze data and key metrics from its field work to ensure that our operations are agile and on target for meeting our statutory delivery dates. Of course, we recognize that events can still occur that no one can control, such as additional complications from severe weather or other natural disasters.
Health and Safety: We will continue to prioritize the health and safety of our workforce and the public. Our staff will continue to follow Federal, state, and local guidance, including providing appropriate safety trainings and personal protective equipment to field staff.
The Census Bureau continues its work on meeting the requirements of Executive Order 13880 issued July 11, 2019 and the Presidential Memorandum issued July 21, 2020. A team of experts are examining methodologies and options to be employed for this purpose. The collection and use of pertinent administrative data continues.
We are committed to a complete and accurate 2020 Census. To date, 93 million households, nearly 63 percent of all households in the Nation, have responded to the 2020 Census. Building on our successful and innovative internet response option, the dedicated women and men of the Census Bureau, including our temporary workforce deploying in communities across the country in upcoming weeks, will work diligently to achieve an accurate count.
We appreciate the support of our hundreds of thousands of community-based, business, state, local and tribal partners contributing to these efforts across our Nation. The 2020 Census belongs to us all. If you know someone who has not yet responded, please encourage them to do so today online at 2020census.gov, over the phone, or by mail.







