











America Can't Afford Tax Day
Under a Biden Administration


"Today is Tax Day, which serves as a fitting reminder that with less than four months until the November election, never has there been a clearer contrast between two candidates’ tax plans as exists between President Trump and Joe Biden.
   "While President Trump has time and again delivered on his pledge to cut taxes and expand opportunities for American families, Joe Biden is doubling down on his plan to impose massive tax increases on millions of middle-class families.
   "The kind of tax increases Biden envisions would throw a big wet blanket on the great American comeback President Trump is leading, and is just one of the many reasons voters overwhelmingly trust the president to rebuild our economy a second time.
   "Over 80% of middle-income Americans saw a tax cut thanks to President Trump, with lower-middle-class households actually experiencing the largest tax cut.
   "Nearly 30 million American households are now better off taking the simpler standard deduction, which the president and Republicans doubled -- a change that saves taxpayers $5 billion each year.
   "In the wake of tax relief, unemployment dropped to a 50-year low and the economy added so many jobs there were millions of more jobs available than there were workers to fill them.
   "Biden is on record saying his first action in office would be to raise taxes on the middle class, which is completely consistent with his 40-plus years as a career politician where he didn’t meet a tax hike he didn’t like.
   "No tax is popular, but Biden would bring back perhaps the most unpopular tax of all by restoring the Obamacare individual mandate tax. This would lead to 5 million low- and middle-income households choosing to pay the penalty for forgoing big-government run health care.
"These combined with all the other tax hikes Biden supports, such as raising the income tax by $2,000 on a typical American family of four, would place a $4 trillion burden on American families, businesses, innovators and job creators.
   "While Biden has made a career in Washington out of putting our country last, President Trump has put hardworking Americans first throughout his entire tenure in office, something he will continue to do when the American people reelect him to a second term on Nov. 3."Real Clear Politics

Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel
July 15, 2020







