











President Trump honors our fallen heroes


Yesterday, Americans paused to remember the men and women who have laid down their lives to protect our country—our freedoms, our way of life, and our home.
   More than 1 million U.S. service members have made the ultimate sacrifice since our Founding. For Memorial Day, President Trump honored these fallen warriors by visiting two important, historic sites.
At Arlington National Cemetery, the President joined Vice President Mike Pence, First Lady Melania Trump, and Second Lady Karen Pence for a wreath laying ceremony. After the playing of our National Anthem, President Trump stepped up to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to give an honorary salute.
   Later, he traveled to Baltimore’s Fort McHenry, the place where American troops held back a British invasion more than 200 years ago.
WATCH: President Trump visits Fort McHenry
   A fleet of some 30 warships attacked the fort relentlessly for 25 hours in September 1814. Through the smoke of battle, America’s battered flag stood strong. It was a symbol of the perseverance of U.S. forces, fighting off invasion and preserving our independence.
   “Every time we sing our anthem, every time its rousing chorus swells our hearts with pride, we renew the eternal bonds of loyalty to our fallen heroes. We think of the soldiers who spent their final heroic moments on distant battlefields to keep us safe at home,” President Trump said.
   “We remember the young Americans who never got the chance to grow old but whose legacy will outlive us all.”
   WATCH: Veterans honored at White House “Rolling to Remember” motorcycle event
   First Lady Melania Trump's message for 2020 graduates
When Coronavirus struck, the class of 2020 saw their lives change unexpectedly. Many students have missed out on traditional rites of passage this spring, including senior proms, graduation ceremonies, and other important celebrations.
   President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump want these students to know that our country stands with them. On Friday, the First Family hosted a group of students from across education levels for a special graduation ceremony at the White House.
   “You should all be proud of yourselves for crossing the finish line in this chapter of your lives,” the First Lady said. “Although today might not look or feel quite like you imagined, you’re still surrounded by the pride, love, and support of your family, friends, community, and our country.”
   America’s future is in good hands because of students like these. Our class of 2020 has set an example for the world—no disruption will stop them from pursuing their dreams.
   In photos: Class of 2020 grads celebrate at the White House!
President Trump to students: Your future will not be defined by this pandemic
Photo of the Day
President Trump participates in the Memorial Day wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier | May 25, 2020









