WASHINGTON — Republican National Committee (RNC)
Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel released the following statement on
today's impeachment vote:
"History was made today, but not in a way Democrats had hoped. With
this vote, Nancy Pelosi and her fellow impeachment crusaders have
ensured the reelection of President Trump and a return of a
Republican majority in the House," said Chairwoman McDaniel. "The
American people have turned on this partisan sham and see Democrats
in Congress for what they truly are: politicians whose sole focus is
to overturn the result for the 2016 election, not on the real issues
they promised to address. In 2020, voters will re-elect President
Trump and choose candidates who will truly work on their behalf
instead of obsessing over destroying a duly-elected President."
華盛頓 - 共和黨全國委員會主席羅娜·麥克丹尼爾發表聲明批評今天美國衆院的彈劾條款表決:
麥克丹尼爾表示:“美國歷史在今天被重塑,但不是民主黨追求的結果。實際上,通過這次表決,衆院議長南希·佩洛西和她的彈劾十字軍團確保了特朗普總統贏得明年的連任,也更加穩固共和黨重返衆院多數黨的地位。”麥克丹尼爾重申,“美國民衆徹底看清了民主黨熱衷黨爭的虛僞性及其背後的眞實意圖,民主黨政客的唯一重心就是推翻美國2016年大選結果,而不是他們鼓吹的民主與民生許諾。美國選民在2020年將再次選擇特朗普總統,支持並且擁護眞正代表他們利益、而絶不是沉迷于推翻民選總統的參選人。” |