














Dear Mr. Birnbaum:
I am coming to you to alert you that MSNBC has inadvertently omitted Andrew Yang's photo on your slate of all Democratic 2020 Presidential candidates. Despite the fact that a handful of your hosts and hostesses interviewed Yang, his photo is still persistently left out from your Network screen at this writing, to my knowledge. If that has changed, please enlighten me by replying to this email.
I would like to mention a few of your shows broadcasted nationwide here as a reminder. Andrew Yang's photo was not included in a recent Andrea Mitchell report on Democratic Presidential Candidates 2020. I am deeply troubled by the absence of his photo as MSNBC is my top of the list watch of all T.V. shows/ programs. I prided that you report accurate, fair, democratic and complete news.
Moreover, it appears to me just about all your MSNBC talk host shows from Morning Joe to the 11th Hour have reported very few (& limited airtime) almost next to nothing, Andrew's policies for America. Morning Joe gave him 5 minutes & 20 seconds and Andrew Yang did not come in till the very ending session of his show. I woke up at 3:00 AM (PT) and waited until 5:50 AM (PT) to catch a glance of this interview.
I twitted to just every MSNBC host/ hostess I watch daily about this situation. As of this writing, nothing came back to me. This includes the following names: C Mathews, C Hayes, R Maddow, L. O'Donnell, and B Williams, the hostess of AM Joy and so forth.
Andrew Yang was one of only 6 candidates who had met both the polling (greater than 1%) and number of individual donors (greater than 60,000; now more than 100,000) as required by DNC to be included in the first two debates scheduled for June/July. Why is this fact not reported by your shows?
Andrew Yang was born in New York City, New York and his parents were immigrants from Taiwan. He is an American and he loves America like all Americans, if not more. Please check him out.
I sincerely hope YOU will look into this situation and fix it. It is not right to ignore (whether intentionally or not) a Democratic Presidential Candidate who really have something to offer our country without announcing him and letting Americans know. This negligence has already seen by some as deliberate disregard of people's will or DISCRIMINATTION against Asian Americans on the part of MSNBC, of which I hope you will prove these people wrong.
Thank you for your attention and I wait for your reply soon.
Sincerely yours,

Ray Hing
Former President of OCA Greater Cleveland Ohio
United Chinese Americans Life Time Member
APAPA California Life Time Member









