













在都柏林浸信會(Dublin Baptist Church)和哥倫布地區浸信會聯合會 (Metro Columbus Baptist Association) 的大力支持下,都柏林浸信會華人敎會 (Dublin Baptist Chinese Church),將于2019年1月6號上午10: 30 在都柏林浸信會交誼廳正式成立。都柏林浸信會華人敎會將是都柏林第一間華人敎會, 也是哥倫布地區第一間華人浸信會敎會。
  李海龍牧師是都柏林浸信會華人敎會的創始牧師。李牧師出生於中國山東,畢業于美國西南浸信會神學院並獲得道學碩士學位。詳情請看dublinbaptistchinesechurch.com或跟李牧師聯繫pastor.h.j.li@gmail.com。都柏林浸信會華人敎會熱情歡迎你!New Chinese Church Starts In Dublin
    Dublin Baptist Chinese Church will hold its first worship service on January 6 at 10:30 am at 7195 Coffman Road, Dublin, Ohio 43017. Dublin Baptist Church and the Metro Columbus Baptist Association are helping launch the first Chinese Church in Dublin and the first Chinese Baptist Church in the Columbus area.
   Pastor Hailong Joshua Li will serve as the founding pastor. Pastor Li, born and raised in China, is a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. For more information, please visit dublinbaptistchinesechurch.com or contact Pastor Li at pastor.h.j.li@gmail.com.


Dear Brothers, Sisters and Friends,
Thank you for coming to the ordination service to witness God’s amazing grace and His calling!
When I was in College, I studied Reverend Martin Luther King Jr’s famous speech “I have a dream”. Since then, I often had dreams. To marry the person I loved- Shumei, To have a nice job-I did. To have children- I have two. Almost all ofmy dreamsbecame true. Being a Pastor wasnever my dream. My dreams were centered around my personal health, wealth, happiness and fame. However, being a pastor is what God called me for.
I was born and raised in China. Before I came to US in 1998, I had never heard of the gospel, or the name of Jesus. In order to socialize with other Chinese people in the US, I attended a Chinese Bible Study in a Christian home. It was difficult for me to put my faith in Christ because of my pride and the atheistic education I received in China. I believed that I could take good care of myself and that my life was full of potential. When Christians shared the gospel with me, I told them, “I will notbelieve in Jesus unless I personally experience Him.” In Spring of 1999, God spared the lives of my wife and I from what could have been a fatal car accident with an 18-wheeler.If it were not God’s grace and mercy, my wife and I would have been killed about 20 years ago. On that day, Shumeiand I confessed our sins and received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We were baptized on Easter Sunday of 1999 at First Baptist Church of Jackson, MS.
It was God who made me a new creation.I was very grateful. I was passionate to share the Gospel with friends and relatives. But I was not ready to become a full-time minister.God can use anyone of us to change people’s lives. Right?
I served in three Chinese Churches in the past 20 years due to family relocations. However, I never considered serving Godin full time ministry until one day in April 2014, when God’s calling came to me through his Words in Matthew 16: 26, “what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” These words came to me as “What will it profit you if you gain the whole world, yet many people forfeit their souls?” I quit my job and enrolled in Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in the fall of 2014 as a full-time student. Even though I have trouble speaking fluent English, Ihave fulfilled all the requirements for theMaster of Divinity degree including Greek and Hebrew. ThankGod for His grace!
Some of you may not know how I came to Dublin Baptist Church.How? it’s God’s amazing grace and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This past January, as a seminary course requirement, I needed a Southern Baptist pastor to be my mentor. Through prayer and google search, I found the senior pastorDr. JD Davis of Dublin Baptist Church. It is my great honor and great blessing to be mentored by such a great pastor, preacher, teacher, advisor,and encourager.
With Pastor Davis’ encouragement, I started to lead a Chinese Bible Study in February 2018. We continuously see God’s workand His blessings in this Bible study group. We are moved by the Christlike love and care of Pastoral staff, deacons, executive council and all of our brothers and sisters of Dublin Baptist Church.We have experienced how each ministry and department of Dublin Baptist Church works with and helps the development ofthe Chinese ministry.
Inthe Gospel of John 12:32, Jesus says “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”Therefore, the Mission of DBC Chinese Ministry is to exalt Jesus Christ, to share the gospel and to make disciples among Chinese people for the glory of God. In the Great Commission, Jesus commands us to go and make disciples in all nations.
Today, I have a dream. In fact, it is not a dream, it is a prayer. I pray that with God’s blessing and all your prayer and support, in January of 2019, a Chinese Chapel will be dedicated in Dublin Baptist Church, which will be aChrist-Centered, Bible-teaching, Gospel-Proclaiming, and God-glorifying Chinese Churchthat reaches out and disciples Chinese people for the sake of the Gospel. Let us continue to work together to advance the Kingdom of God!
Thank you,and may God bless you all!








