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We will be seen as a national leader of engineering firms – one with true passion for our clients’ projects;We will be viewed as a unique place to work and as an organization that strives for amazing productive results.
We all work together as a team to get extraordinary things done and to transform visions to realities!

    7月12日,哥伦布华人黄丽英与李兴达夫妇创办的公司Advanced Engineering Consultants迎来了20周年的庆祝活动,我带着好朋友唐可和Amy Ho 一起参加她们公司的年庆活动。他俩创办的公司已排名全美100家优秀公司之一,黄丽英女士的目标是早日成为全美最优秀的10家公司之一。

   Advanced Engineering Consultants(AEC)成立于1998年,它是一个高级工程顾问公司,它专门提供机械,电气,排水,消防技术工程等设计服务。 AEC公司总部设在俄亥俄州哥伦布市,另外还设在弗吉尼亚海滩和印第安纳州,最近在克利夫兰也准备设点,按照黄丽英说的:我们全体团队人员具有卓越的专业知识和丰富的经验能力,为客户提供有创意性,完整性,承诺最优质的工程服务,让我们的客户安心满意是我们的目标。
    有句话说:聪明的人是看眼前的风景,智慧的人有每一个5年计划,黄丽英她是一个智慧的人,她在大型工程公司工作10年后,决定辞掉了一份好工作,自己与先生在家里的地下室开始了她们的创业。黄丽英给自己的座右铭是:人不要怕冒险,当天我见到了一位黄丽英多年的老客户,James Penn,他还记憶猶新的告诉我,当年刚办公司的黄丽英到他所在部门竞争工程项目投标。黄丽英的自信,无穷的正能量,优秀的提案报告远超过所有其他人,James 第一次给了她公司MEP设计工程项目。而到现在20年,黄丽英公司已成功出色的为他所在部门完成了几十个工程设计。
   黄丽英从1988年开始,她走自己的路。她凭着她的大胆冒险,创新才能,以她独有的个人设计风格提供最优质的工程设计服务 ,20年后的今天,她的公司是一个备受尊敬的MEP公司,拥有近60多名员工,四个不同城市的办公地点,以及数千万美元的合同。她任总裁/高级电气工程师的职位,在这么竞争的行业,为她骄傲,而她总是非常谦虚地说:有先生还有全体员工齐心一致,走到今天,成绩是大家的。

   20年的创业有着甜酸苦辣,但更是有无穷的乐趣,黄丽英是一个心地善良,敢作敢为的人,在庆祝会上见到了俄亥俄州立大学工程设计审核,质量控制建筑师, Craig Henry, 建筑师的每一句肯定的话都给黄丽英今天交出的答案:黄丽英是第一个高级电气工程女博士,从她公司创办起,一直做俄亥俄州立大学各种项目工程设计。她是一位有思想聪明勤奋又从来停不下来的人,创新不怕困难使黄丽英这么多年来让公司一直在俄州最超前。建筑师举了一个非常贴切的例子,看黄丽英设计理念,造公司大楼,公司名气从市打入全国各个卅,毎一步都是她的瞻识与能力的写照,还有她的员工表示,老板总是乐呵呵的人,人们的眼里,这位女老板不知道困难,她对每一个员工如同家人。
   而我与黄丽英第一次接触,就是当年她参与Dublin竞选学区教育部董事会成员,差几票没有选上,后来我常常在华人的活动中见到他们夫妇的身影。他俩支持哥伦布州长竞选,他俩支持社区文化,就上月16日在哥伦布APAPA一天圆满成功活动后,黄丽英她们的丽达庄园为来自纽约的(Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York's 6th district )Grace Meng举办捐款活动,黄丽英表示:人们对政治已经参与,华人社团需要更多参与者,大家一起维护正义和利益。
   黄丽英创业AEC 20年,对事业精益求精,带领团队创新与创造,来满足用户的需求;她公司目标之一:节省不该用的资金和能源,提高精密的质量控制程序,确保效率,准确性和整体项目,就如同她做人一样的精致。我在她的身上学到:知识是人的力量,智慧是人的魅力,拥有大胸怀,让自己走得更远。 文:浦瑛


Advanced Engineering Consultants (AEC)is celebrating their 20th Anniversary this year. AEC was founded by Lisa Huang on September 16, 1998. While finishing her PhD at The Ohio State University, she left a large engineering firm and started AEC in the basement of her home. Over the last 20 years, she has grown the firm to over 65 employees across four offices in Ohio, Indiana, and Virginia, becoming one of leading mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) engineering firms in the nation. AEC's provides MEP, technology and fire protection engineering design services for building systems and site infrastructure; for both new construction and renovation projects. AEC is well known for their high quality, innovative engineering designs and services and their emphasis on customer service.
   The success of the firm and the reputation that Lisa has built has led to several large and unique projects. AEC’s projects are all around the national. one of AEC project is providing engineering services for the new Franklin County Correctional Facility. The new facility will replace the downtown Columbus Facility to support the correctional operations of the Franklin County Sheriff. Construction budget for Phase One is $150M and is being designed to reach LEED Platinum Certification with the US Green Building Council.
Over the last 20 years, Lisa and the firm have received numerous accolades and words of praise from clients, city representatives, and fellow peers in the A/E/C industry, and won many rewards including one of 100 MEP Giants, top 50 fastest growing companies, Columbus CEO top work places, smart 50, and Ohio Asian Leaders’ awards. The success of the firm is a result of Lisa’s drive and commitment to her vision of providing high quality engineering services with a personal touch.








