












Educate a girl today and she will create lasting change for the next generation

 Fall 2017 Newsletter Scholarship Distribution Ceremony in October, 2017, to the Guanlan Sisters and Their Families by our Partner NGO, Shaanxi Benevolence Children’s Service Center (SBCSC) staff. A Letter from the Guanlan Scholarship Founder, Dr. Vilma Seeberg

Dear Friends of the Guanlan Sisters,
In this beautiful autumn season, Guanlan Scholarship enters its 17th year of helping some very special girls in western rural China with their education and dreams. We are sincerely grateful for your continued support of the Guanlan Sisters scholarships. Thank you for supporting us in jointly creating the legacy of the Foundation and enhancing the life pathways of those special girls, the Guanlan Sisters as they call themselves. Your generous financial contributions have helped more than 115 young Chinese girls from Anjinggou Village (pseudonym) in the Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi Province in Northwest China. With your help, 20 are continuing in primary school, 95 completedprimary middle school. An ever-increasing number of them have passed the rigorous secondary school entrance exam, 14 entered vocational upper secondary school, 32 upper secondary school; 28already graduated with a high school diploma, the goal of the Scholarship. We are proud to announce that 17 Guanlan Sisters went on to college. All who persisted through lower secondary school and further have transformed theircurrent and future families’ lives. Moreover, the Sisters have demonstrated that valuing daughters’changes communities for the better. This year, we accepted 11 new applicants whose parents are physically or mentally disabled and are facing serious economic difficulties. The girls’ continue the tradition of the Guanlan Scholarship showing their eagerness to get an education despite the terrible odds.
Our continuing mission is to offer Guanlan Sister an opportunity to continue their studies, to foster their aspirations, to enhance their capabilities, to live a life of dignity and respect. This means that we must continue our efforts for fundraising. Our long-term local agent, Pang Jian, has established a formidable Chinese non-governmental, non-profit agency and carries out the work of the Guanlan Scholarship meticulously. We are fortunate to have a committed, principled local administrator to oversee selecting scholarship candidates, distributing funds, and keeping track of the well-being of the recipients. In addition to the Scholarship work, he has built a child development center for the Anjinggou families who have migrated to Xi’an, which includes an after-school cultural program and a week-end orphan-home.
We have been able to involve a small number of Chinese philanthropists in the Scholarship, but still rely mostly on American friends. We are now gearing up to raise funds for the next academic year. The Guanlan Scholarship Foundation seeks to raise $ 6,000 for the 2018-19 school year. All but 10% of the funds go directly to the Guanlan Sisters to spend on schooling expenses.
We hope you will find it in your hearts to continue to help our girls. Every contribution helps so much and your donations are tax deductible. We will send you the acknowledgement of receipt of donation that you can use in your tax filing for 2017.
The generosity of friends like you who support this fund through your donations, extends the promise of the Guanlan Scholarship experience to many daughters of Anjinggou village. Please see the stories of three of them below.
On behalf of allof the teachers, staff, Guanlan Sisters and their parents, I want to take this opportunity to extend our many, many thanks for what you are doing to support these girls in their schooling through the Guanlan Scholarship Fund. Your investment in the future of those girls is making a tremendous difference, and we want you to know how much it is appreciated. This comes with our highest regards and warmest wishes.

Sincerely yours,
Vilma Seeberg
Founder, Guanlan Scholarship Foundation

 Our local agent Pang Jian (blue jacket) visits Guanlan Sisters’` families in their remote home village Anjinggou in the Qinling mountains of Shaanxi to select qualified applicants for the Guanlan Scholarship.








