












APAPA 俄亥俄靑年分會後開展了兩場突擊性科普講座

編者的話 幾年前,休斯頓的著名媒體大俠李蔚華先生吿訴我,如果華人想在美國做些什么大事,只要掌握2件事情,選票和鈔票。李蔚華先生是美南集團董事長,他們在美國的華人社團有着非凡的實力,不僅有10大媒體報業,一家電視台,還有兩家銀行,加上房地産。2017年10月休斯敦聯合國日李蔚華獲全球公民獎。
我們希望有更多的學生像Andy Yu一樣,除了在課堂上有好成績,還能走進社區,參與各項活動來影響更多的人。

APAPA 俄亥俄靑年分會(APAPA Ohio Youth Chapter)針對11月7日的選舉,在11月5日,也就是選舉日兩天前,在哥倫布的兩所 中文學校,先後開展了兩場突擊性科普講座。兩所學校領導們都很支持這次公益活動,積極提供了場地及器材。60多名 學生和家長參加了講座。學生和家長們關於選票上的議題進行了提問,APAPA靑年團隊都認眞的一一解答,會場上氣氛積極熱烈。
   這次科普講座主要針對本次選舉的幾個熱點議題。參與本次活動的七名團隊成員一起負責各個議案的調硏和講解。Vincent Ma 和Andrew Shen 講解了選票上的第一個議案 – 犯罪受害人的權益(Issue 1: Crime Victim Rights); Hannah Qin 和Norah Xu講解了第二個議案 –處方藥價格調整 (Issue 2: Prescription Drug Issue); Andy Yu講解了第四個議案 –殘疾徵稅 (Issue 4: Disability Levy); Grace Wang 分析了參選的法官們; Flygon Zhang設計並打印了本次活動的宣傳單,所有成員參與了宣傳和分發。本着科普的原則,APAPA靑年團隊的成員們把每個議案的優缺點都一一陳列並講解給聽衆, 讓聽衆們更好的瞭解各項議案,而不是吿訴聽衆應該投贊成票還是反對票。團隊積極解答了聽衆問題,並建議感興趣的人可以再去做深入調硏和瞭解。講座後聽衆反應非常積極正面, 説這次講座對他們瞭解各個議案眞是幫助很大。有些沒能來親自聽講座的家長還聯係我們,專門把講座的內容發給他們。
   APAPA靑年團隊爲這次講座進行了充分的準備。團隊成員于10月28日在靑年團隊主席Andy Yu家里開會,一起確定這次科普講座的內容。大家對選舉和選票上的議題進行了積極的調查和硏讀。哥倫布本地的7名會員都親自到會,克利夫蘭和辛辛那提的成員和家長們也通過電視電話會議積極參與並獻計獻策。經過近4個小時的討論和準備,團隊確定了講座內容,每個參加的成員都積極的領取了任務。
    APAPA 俄亥俄靑年分會的這次講座,給亞裔社區對這次選舉進行了科普,調動了亞裔社區對時事和對選舉的關注,鼓勵了亞裔積極參與公共服務,並達到了宣傳APAPA 俄亥俄靑年分會的預期效果。講座後很多學生家長來詢問如何加入APAPA 俄亥俄靑年分會,並有5名學生當場報名加入。
     APAPA俄亥俄靑年分會創建者和共同主席Andy Yu 和Norah Xu 歡迎了到會的聽衆,感謝了中文學校領導的支持。他們講訴了APAPA 俄亥俄靑年分會的宗旨和使命,並宣傳了APAPA的夏季實習生項目和優秀靑年領袖峰會。這是繼10月21號的靑年圓桌論壇之後,APAPA俄亥俄靑年分會成功舉辦的第二次活動。APAPA俄亥俄 靑年領導力量主席邱紅、共同主席張曉艷和殷艷鈴女士到會支持並鼓勵靑年們。
    APAPA 俄亥俄靑年分會隸屬APAPA俄亥俄,是靑年們自創自建的優秀靑年領袖團體。該團體是無政黨,非盈利的公益組織。APAPA 俄亥俄靑年分會的宗旨是鼓勵亞裔瞭解社區,參與決策我們所在社區內的切身問題和公共事務。

The APAPA Ohio Youth Chapter held voter education conferences at two separate locations on 11/5/17.
   We intended to educate the public about the November 7th ballot measures. In the weeks before the event, we conducted detailed research and the members met at my house to discuss the project. Our members from Cincinnati and Cleveland joined a call with us and gave their input as well. We created a presentation that each member would help present. We each dedicated several hours of work in order to bring our education session to life.

   On November 5th, we presented our nonpartisan research to a total audience of more than 60 people at the two locations. In addition, upon seeing such young activity in the community’s civic theatre, 5 new students applied to be members of our organization. In fact, many people expressed gratitude for our efforts, and individuals who could not attend in person requested digital copies of our presentation. Overall, it was a great second success for our young organization, and sets a phenomenal example for future events hosted by the APAPA Ohio Youth.
   None of this would have been possible without our core leadership team and their work, Andrew Shen with his hardworking diligence, Hannah Qin with her energetic eloquence, Norah Xu, my co-chair, with her collected composure, Vincent Ma with his confident consistency, Grace Wang with her cheerful atmosphere, and Flygon Zhang with his important contributions behind the scenes. In addition, I would like to thank Vincent Wang, APAPA Ohio Chair, and the APAPA Ohio Youth Advisors for their support and guidance in our endeavors. Finally, thanks goes to the two chinese schools OCCS and OCS for providing the facilities.
    We are preparing multitude of events for the near future, and I look forward to working with each and every one of the youth. Please stay tuned for future events. We always welcome new members.
Note: APAPA Ohio Youth Chapter is a non-partisan youth organization under APAPA. The Youth Chapter’s mission is to encourage and empower Asian communities including youth to learn about and have a voice on the issues impacting the communities we live in. It was founded and run by aspiring youth who are interested in civic engagements and public affairs.

By Andy Yu, Co-Chair and Co-Founder of APAPA Ohio Youth Chapter








