












天才球星. 敎育專家

   近日我的朋友Dr.Wood 邀請我去他家採訪一位60 年代籃球明星Jerry Lucas,他不僅是一個籃球明星而且是一個記憶力超群的天才,他出生在俄亥俄州Middletown, 一個只有三萬人的小鎮,又畢業于俄州大學,當年有160所大學給他全額奬學金,而他對自己出生地有着特別情懷,他選擇了他出生的地方俄州大學。當年的他不僅球打得好,進球的分數就跟現在的詹姆斯進球的分數差不多,而且他的學習成績都在A,他參加過奧運會,拿過金牌,他還寫過無數關於記憶力方面的書,並且發明瞭Dr.memory。
   Jerry Lucas,他有超人記憶,按照他説的這是上帝給他的禮物,他跟我説:他發現自己有這方面能力,是在他4年級的時候,他的老師在課堂上用了一個詞Home和圖片,讓他忽然發現這個字有四個字母,每一個字母又可以組成新字,用圖形的記憶那么字永遠在記憶里了。
他從打了10多年的專業球隊退出後,始終忘不了他四年級時候的夢想,他吿訴我,43 年來他發明一套讓孩子學習英文的方法。那天我們談了三個多小時,這位77歲從球星過來的創造家,堅持43年,每天除了4小時是睡覺,都在工作。他目前還製作成了3D的學習遊戲,我明白天才也是勤奮與努力換取的。
   那一天我非常興奮,幾乎忘記我在採訪他,我們坐在電腦前,他展示他的創作,雖然我不懂得美國的敎育體系,當我知道Jerry Lucas想見我的目地就是要改變美國敎育系統,並且希望我能把他學好英文的敎育系統帶到中國,我表達了:想要在美國改變敎育體系,應該找美國政府,另外這套敎育系統在美國流行,那么一定會在中國大受歡迎。
   當我目送Jerry Lucas上車的那一個瞬間,看着他開着一輛小Truck在奔波他的事業,心里一陣溫暖,明白一個道理:美國的強大是因爲他人民的強大,年齡不是阻礙,心靈是你目標方向,Jerry Lucas吿訴我,他們全家人都擁有愛:他的太太在家大院收養了無數的無家可歸的狗,還有一大片農場做有機蔬菜,他的一個比他還要高的兒子也是一位小學老師,已經在好萊

The New Jerry Ray Lucas
   Many years ago, I watched a NBA playoff game as a young 22-year-old in St. Louis, Missouri. It was between the New York Knickerbockers and the Boston Celtics.
   Clyde Frazier, Willis Reed, Bill Bradley, Dave DeBusschere, Earl (Tha Pearl) Monroe, and this tall, (6ft 8in), player from Ohio was being killed by the hated Celtics when the kid from Ohio ripped down a rebound, threw a long pass downcourt, then raced down to receive a return pass that he whipped across the court to a teammate that easily scored.
   That play changed everything and the tall kid from Ohio, (later named to the NBA Hall of Fame and later selected as one of the 50 greatest players in the history of the league), was named Jerry Ray Lucas.

   Jerry Lucas is much older and wiser, but still uses intelligence, energy, and his great gift of memory to improve his team, and right now that team is all of humanity.
   You see, playing basketball was only one of this amazing man’s talents. He was also gifted with an incredible memory that allows him to memorize whole sections of telephone books in a glance, 1 to 200 people’s names after being introduced to them once, (he did this trick at a Johnny Carson Show many years ago), and many other prodigious feats of mind and memory. He became so famous in this regard that he was known as Dr. Memory.
  But Jerry has taken that all to another level when, many years ago, he decided that memory was an easy thing if you had pictures to remember instead of dry facts or dates, (the Trivalent Understanding Noetics T.U.N.-teaches the same thing since making or interpreting images is a function not of your mind-but your spirit).
    Jerry took his immense talents and ability and started working on creating a means of teaching that required no memorization of dry facts or dates. He figured that teaching the English language would be easiest but there were parts of learning English for which there were no pictures, (what does a syllable look like? Or a participle?)
   He immediately went to work on creating them, (I can’t describe a picture of a syllable-but Jerry’s ‘Silly Bull’ is hilarious AND unforgettable). After creating a whole world of pictures for things that usually have no visual representation, Jerry formatted a whole program around his concepts that could teach English better that any other system now in existence.
   After completing the curriculum, he went to 3D animators to fully flesh out his creations. Once he had finished, he thought, “well the languages in which pictures are the words, (Japanese, Korean, and Chinese), may be the natural route to popularize his creations-and deliver them to the world. So he is now arranging presentations to those individuals and institutions who can best see this accomplished.
   The new Jerry Ray Lucas is no longer running up and down the court, but he is still taking missed shots and turning them into points. Taking students and subjects-putting them together in ways that make learning-a layup. May the Lord bless you and the Ancestors continue to protect you Jerry.
P.E.A.C.E.*(Proper Education Always Corrects Error)








