














   東方有一條龍,它的名字叫中國,而這條中國龍正是Jack心中的中國情 如果您常看伊利華報,那么你對Mr. Jack J. Craciun III(約翰. J. 克勒瓊三世)不會陌生,因爲我們時常報道他的故事。而我認識他是在2007年10月,整整10年,他熱情豪放,尤其他在中美建交之前在他父親強行要求下1985-2005年到了中國和香港生活了二十年。
   Jack Craciun III ,就讀于俄亥俄州的托萊多大學,主修工商管理。他的第一個工作是在1967年,他成爲著名自由-藍色音符唱片公司地區銷售主管。在僅僅6個月內,他的銷售小組就銷售了200多萬張五度空間合唱團的歌曲,他打破了該公司的銷售紀録.。另外他還當過Spizel廣吿公司業務經理,宣傳克里夫蘭管絃樂團,專題介紹克里夫蘭的布朗橄欖球隊,爲籌款項目作出了巨大的貢獻。因此,Spizel廣吿公司決定讓Jack用客戶的電台預算款來建立和初步發展WNCR調頻廣播電台。Jack不僅使WNCR成爲美國的首家調頻廣播電台,而且還使美國俄亥俄州的克利夫蘭成爲搖滾樂的世界之都。此外,Jack還在無線電廣播中大大地改變了調頻漸進式搖滾樂格式。他的這些輝煌成就爲在克里夫蘭建立造價1億2千萬美元的搖滾音樂名人堂與博物館起到了決定的作用。
2017 年10 月Jack再次回到他夢想的中國,她一定讓他心中那一條龍再次登上舞臺,因爲他曾經在70年代,在軍隊成功做過一場演出....
  10月20日,正逢他72歲生日,我認識的香港環球評報社長劉夏,在北京辦公室熱情接待了Jack , 他們從中午他們從下午2:00到晩上10:00大家暢談中美這三十多年,兩國文化、醫學、經貿、科技等多項領域的戰略的發展和進步,Jack表示:他要把中國的文化推向世界,世界人民需要中國的文化,當日Jack與劉夏還有來自香港韓國等媒體的會晤是我送給Jack最好的生日禮物。

Jason Xu Li, Founder of Maslink, Felicia Cui, Director, and Jack Craciun finalizing Strategic Alliance Arrangements in the Maslink Tea Room.

Winner of the 2017 China Science Award Dr. Yigong Shi & Family with USA guest Jack Craciun III

  Branding & Marketing the Culture of China to the World through Education and Entertainment by applying Modern ITM Global Communications Industry Knowhow and ITM’s Newsworthy Programs: The First Dragon Ltd, Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange Enterprise, The First Dragon Foundation Ltd &The Future of Medicine Inc.
   ECJ Global NEWS Update: Chinese Global Syndicated News Story about the Return of Jack Craciun III and ITM to China:
This is the first of many recent ITM feature news stories published in China and around the world by Beijing and Hong Kong medias reporting on the "US-China Cultural and Economic Promotion LLC" Authorizations and Agreements with ITM regarding its China-USA Investment Cross Cultural Exchange Programs, The First Dragon Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange Enterprises and The First Dragon Foundation programs!
   “Marketing the culture of China to the world is the most important job in the world today. Now we have the perfect president to begin to educate and entertain a globe of humanity hungry to learn about the mystic and global contribution of the people of China and their Culture. President Xi Jinping has now opened this large door to reveal the spirit and evolution of China history to the world. As the people of the world embrace Chinese culture, the Cultures of the world will begin to merge with Chinese culture. The merging of cultures throughout history has always produced the most significant roads to expanding global prosperity! President Li said it best! “One Belt One Road” builds on the legacy of Chinese history to enhance the human condition around the world, one person at a time, at this important time in history!” – Jack Craciun III
   【Hong Kong News】During the 19th National Congress on 23rd October, with the help of the "one belt one road initiative", the great Chinese traditional culture will be led to the European and American countries, so as to promote the Chinese traditional culture to the world, promote the cultural exchange and trade between the United States and China, so that the Chinese wuyi tea expo will have a greater influence in the world, Mr. Jack Craciun III, Founder of the US International Techno Marketing Limited, and Mr. Yu Jieming, Executive Director of the U.S.-China Council for the Promotion of Cultural Economy and Trade, Vice-President of the Federation of American Overseas Businessmen, President of American Press, Cathay International, Director of Hua, signed a long-term cooperation agreement in Beijing to jointly organize overseas and domestic businessmen and overseas Chinese-language media to take part in the Tea Fair, to push Wuyi Tea Fair products and merchants to international markets, and to use this as an opportunity to promote Nanping Wuyi merchants out of the country and into the world.
Jack Craciun III, Yu Jeiming, and Shirley Lee
   In his report to the 19th National Congress, President Xi Jinping pointed out that cultural self-confidence is a more basic, deeper and more lasting force in the development of a country and a people, the soul of a nation.Culture prospers the country, culture prospers the nation. There will be no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation without a high degree of cultural self-confidence and the prosperity of culture.
    So what exactly does Chinese culture refer to Actually, it's not abstract. Literature, history and poetry and song are a kind of culture. Likewise, our tea, porcelain, silk, calligraphy and painting, traditional Chinese medicine, etc. are also a kind of culture. But as a Chinese, how many people know anything about our culture? Do you know the birthplace of kungfu tea? Do you know how to distinguish the merits of tea? Can you tell the history and story behind tea? I'm afraid only a handful of people can tell. Confidence is not in the mind. Consumption is not the reason, because of the era of network development, you want to know these can be foundonline.
    Today, a 72-year-old American gentleman, he traveled from America to China for more than 30 years, constantly doing strategic cooperation in culture, economy, trade, science and technology and so on between the two countries. He told us in an interview that he wanted to bring Chinese culture to the world, that the people of the world needed Chinese culture, and in his eyesrevealan inner hunger for the heart of Chinese culture. Mr. Jack Craciun, founder of US International Techno Marketing, was an inventor of the first successful FM radio broadcast in U.S. history, FM-WNCR, and the promotion of brands like Progressive Rock, Coca-Cola, Land Rover, Mazda Motors and so on, was only a small part of his business. Today, such a wise man has set his eyes on the promotion of Chinese culture, such as tea, porcelain, silk, calligraphy and painting, and Chinese medicine. This is a historic moment, because coffee and cars are available in many countries, but tea, Chinese medicine and so on are only available in China. Only a very few people in the rest of the world really know about these cultures in China. Chinese kung fu is well-known in the United States, but it is only used, like Tai Chi, tae Kwon Do, and dancing, to be imitated. Almost no one knows the story behind martial arts and the history of its development. Today's signing ceremony opens the door to Chinese culture, so that Chinese culture can tell its own story, its own history. These are the backbone of Chinese culture.
   Mr. Jack Craciun went to China for the first time in 1985 and has done business more than 20 times in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Chengdu and many other cities. At the same time, he has been in contact with people from all walks of life, Diligent and simple and so good quality impressive, broad and profound Chinese traditional culture of interest. Since then, he has called for the world to preach the story of the Chinese story. Mr. Jack believes that Chinese culture is a miracle and the greatest gift that God has given to the people of this land. "It's a preference," he said. But now many people in the world do not understand China, and even misunderstand China, there are their problems, but also China's problems. China's story is very exciting, but the Chinese people do not tell it well through the use of music, audio and video and other forms of art. With the United States there is a big gap. As a pioneer in the field of FM radio and MTV, he believes that it is necessary to tell the Chinese story in a variety of ways in order to enhance its attractiveness and attention.
   General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the report of the nineteenth, that openness leads to progress, with closure is bound to lag behind. China's open door will not close, it will only open bigger. I believe in the near future, the Chinese people no matter which country they go to in the world, they can be proudly say: tea, porcelain, silk, painting, Chinese medicine are produced from our country, if necessary, I will take you to visit China to order."
China's culture needs to go to the world, the world also needs Chinese culture. As President Xi Jinping said, let the people of the world discuss, build and share in the development.
Chinese media and ITM Chairman Gathered
to Enhance Cooperation and Development
   (October 20), Chairman of ITM International Techno Marketing, Ltd. Mr. Jack Craciun III, ITM Ambassador and Chinese Cultural Adviser Miss Shirley Lee, President of Global Review Press Liu Xia, Deputy Editor of the United States Jixin network Zhu Changwen, director of Macao TV Technology Liu Jiming, South Korea Xinhua Newspaper President Cao Mingquan, South Korea World Newspaper Chief Chen Junyu, Philippine China Peace Development Association Long Wang Yong and his entourage came to the Beijing NanluoguxiangBaishu public welfare office for a discussion and exchange.
   The symposium started at 15:00 pm and was warmly followed by the guests' coming and continuing.
    From left to right: Zhu Changwen, editor-in-chief of Jiexin Network, Chairman/CEO of ITM International Techno Marketing, Ltd., Jack Craciun III, ITM Beijing Ambassador & Chinese Culture Consultant Ms. Shirley Lee, Director Liu Xia, Macau TV Technical Director Liu Jieming, Macao TV reporter Wang Feng, Philippine China Peace Development Association President Wang Yong, South Korea Overseas Chinese News President Chen Junyu, South Korea Xinhua News President Cao Mingquan.
Global commentary - Liu Xia President introduced the purpose and objectives of the Chinese Baishu public welfare and the establishment of more than two years of development and extended a warm welcome to the VIP visit of US ITM International Techno Marketing Co., Ltd. Chairman and CEO Mr. Jack Craciun. President Liu Xia made a special introduction to the public welfare team composed of hundreds of public opinions, event photos and hundreds of journalists in the global network.
Mr. Jack Craciun III, Chairman and President of ITM, gave a detailed introduction to ITM's global programs. ITM is a business dedicated to global Chinese news social media, consumer goods, cultural exchange and intellectual property packaging, sales and licensing. ITM's team will be the first to tell the story about the birth and evolution of Chinese culture and belief. Through collaboration, ITM's research, writing and production teams have created corporate news value as the essence of cultural exchange. Its fields cover art, calligraphy, literature and music to provide e-commerce consumer goods and intellectual property licensing sales, which will provide education and entertainment for people around the world for decades.
    Liu Jieming, Technical Director of Macao Satellite TV, briefed the members of the symposium on the current operation and development goals of Macao TV. South Korea's overseas Chinese newspaper president Chen Junyu, and South Korea Xinhua newspaper president Cao Mingquan Came to the symposium, participated in the nineteenth conference and talked about the participants feelings.
At the symposium, everyone speaks freely and ends in a warm atmosphere.
Communicate and Promote Win - Win Cooperation and Development
  October 20 at 14:00 pm, Hong Kong News Group, China Executive President and Director Liu Xia, US International Techno Marketing Co., Ltd. (ITM), Chairman Mr. Jack Craciun III, Ms. Shirley Lee, ITM China Cultural Consultant, held talks in Beijing. The two sides discussed the future cooperation and win-win development as the main topic of the exchange.
   Mr. Jack Craciun Ⅲ said that since the first time he arrived in China in 1985, he has been more than 20 years working in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Chengdu and many other citiesto carry out business activities, while at the same time has had extensive contacts with people from all walks of society, and has been impressed by the Chinese people’s warm hospitality, diligence and sincerity and the impressive, broad and profoundly interesting traditional culture. Since then, he has had to tell the world the true story of China. Jack believes that Chinese culture is a blessing, the best gift that God has given to the people of the world at this important time in world affairs. At this time, many people in the world do not understand China, or its magnificent culture and frankly even the people of China misunderstand the value of its culture being embraced and merged into a world of diverse cultures. Merging cultures is the road mankind has taken since the beginning of time to deliver their dream of prosperity – today it is a global prosperity we seek among cultures. Presently, as it should be at this time in history, there is a gap in merging Chinese and US cultures in the fields of education and entertainment -- the use of music, audio and video and other forms of art. As usual, it will all blend over time to enhance the human condition one person at a time. As a pioneer in the field of FM radio and and merging Radio and Television through national simulcasts and finally into satellite programing like MTV, he believes that it is necessary to market Chinese culture to the world through education and entertainment in order to enhance its attractiveness and attract global attention. The world is hungry to learn about China and its people.
    Mr. Jack Craciun III 71st birthday, President Liu Xia gives the birthday present
President Liu Xia briefed on the development of the Hong Kong Commentary and its achievements since its inception in 2007, and extended a warm welcome to the VIP visitors. Liu Xia president said: "Comments" –is a commentary hot spot that reports to the world since its establishment in Hong Kong in September 2007. Over the years it took root in Hong Kong, backed by the mainland, concerned about the Chinese world., it is Hong Kong and the rest of the world's favorite large-scale comprehensive publication and multi-channel new media news agency. Since its inception, it has complied with the principle of openness and objectivity, and evaluation of the word. Review the hot spots and report to the world.
    February 2011 According to the development needs, the timely introduction of news network (www.pingbao.hk) with audio-visual interaction as the core, the integration of global, multi-lingual, multi-terminal financial network features, with credibility and authoritative network channels, became a public service interactive communication platform.
    In 2016 Beijing Internet radio and television station signed a contract to become the first Beijing news broadcast platform of overseas Chinese media; and in the same year opened the People's Daily Overseas Internet client "Hong Kong" channel.
    At present, the Hong Kong newspaper has developed into a newspaper (including electronic version), website (live + video function) and mobile version of the trinity of the multi-functional news agency which has a large number of different directions of reporter teamsin the world, covering Europe, North America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Russia and other countries and regions, initially showing its strong influence.
From left to right: Ms. Liu Xia, President and Director of Hong Kong News Group China, Mr. Jack Craciun, Chairman, International Techno Marketing Limited (ITM), Ms. Shirley Lee, ITM China Cultural Consultant, USA Deputy editor of the network editor, Zhu Changwen, South Korea Xinhua newspaper reporter in Beijing, Zhang Weiguang
The United States Jixin network deputy editor Zhu Changwen, South Korea Xinhua newspaper reporter in Beijing Zhang Weiguang attended the talks.









