












I Felt Cold but Hopeful---- A message to fellow rally participants in supporting Sherry Chen

March 15, 2017
By Dr. Weigang Meng

Hello my compassionate friends! Do you feel cold? Sure, you feel cold. I feel very cold. Sherry feels extremely cold! Where does the cold come from? The cold was brought in by National Weather Service. The cold comes from Washington!
    I share lots of common things with Sherry. Sherry emigrated from China for freedom and a better life. So did I. Sherry naturalized and became a loyal American citizen. So did I. Sherry was really smart and worked with flood modeling, the high tech stuff. I am not smart at all, but I do work on sensitive high tech stuff. Sherry worked hard and paid taxes. So do I. Sherry volunteered and gave back to the community. So do I. So, you can see: Sherry is like me, I am like Sherry!
   Sherry was wrongfully charged - I felt cold. Sherry was wrongfully arrested - I felt cold. Sherry was wrongfully terminated from her job - I felt cold. Sherry was racially profiled - I felt cold. Sherry was racially discriminated - I felt cold. Sherry was retaliated at work place - I felt cold.    It's Sherry today. Will it be me tomorrow? Will it be YOU tomorrow?
I felt cold. But, I feel hopeful today. The spring is coming, the warmth is coming, and the victory is coming! The spring will defeat the winter, the warmth will defeat the cold, and justice will defeat injustice! Injustice to Sherry is injustice to Weigang; injustice to one is injustice to all. Sherry must win. Sherry will win. WE will win!
* Dr. Weigang(George) Meng is a passionate math teacher, engineer and community leader in Mason, Ohio.









