













    3月5日是每月一次哥倫布匯友軒活動日(每月的第一個星期天),這是協會創始人Amy Ho 第三次邀請我爲她們講我的辦報過程,這次對我來説眞是難得的一次享受,去年我認識了一位鋼琴家又是牧師唐可,在她的盛情邀請下,我星期六就住她家里,她熱情好客,當天我就認她是我大姐。
   唐可牧師也是上海人,星期天一早,唐可牧師爲我做了家鄉的早餐,葱油餅油條,我和她一起去了敎堂,她在那里彈琴,她讓我感到我離上帝很近。想着昨晩唐可牧師吿訴我她的故事,她自己,她的家人,她的父親是中國有名的企業家唐炳麟先生。那晩我們聊了5個多小時,我們有太多相同的地方,我們的血型都是AB,她1941年出生,1961年來美國,鋼琴系博士畢業,碩士在朱麗葉3年畢業,南加大讀了博士。52歲又在duke university讀了四年的神學院,她的經歷太豐富多彩。她4月2號到10號要回她已經多年沒有回去的上海,她的學生藍水請她去上海看他指揮樂團演奏,請看下期她的故事。
   一個人的快樂是因爲你能給別人帶來快樂,我看到匯友軒七年來的成長,看到Amy Ho對每一次活動的安排,七年來他們有4萬張照片的回憶,這也許就是我想當克利夫蘭婦女會主席的願望,希望能變成更好的自己!(浦瑛)

文: 柏文濤

   初春的三月,乍暖還寒。〝匯友軒〞的朋友們相聚于鋼琴家兼牧師 Lil y Chou 書香飄溢的雅居,叙友情,品佳肴,聆聽Lily巧指間傾瀉而出的靜謐婉轉,清新悠揚的鋼琴曲,何等美妙。餘音尙繞梁,伊利華報創始人蒲英社長接着給我們分享了她豐富睿智的人生感悟,令人收益發人深思。回味着蒲英女士的分享,思緒起伏。唯恐才疏學淺,難以表達其心境感悟之萬一。流年易逝,經過多少波折磨難,堅韌善進取之士,便把扎人的沙泥修煉成了珍珠。蒲英女士從除了自己的才識膽魄,幾乎一無所有的創業之初,到如今華報覆蓋美中各州,其中的曲折歷程,借一箋素宣,我是否就能寫盡她這一路的承受和拼搏我無限感概,她卻淡淡然一笑而過。我看到,她溫婉柔弱的外表下,分明深藏着一顆堅定執着而自信快樂的心。我想,她強大的心靈,不僅僅因着善於學習的聰慧,更是本着”三人行,必有我師“ 的謙遜。無論什么身份職業,什么宗敎信仰,學位高低,蒲英都能發掘且吸收他們的優點長處。兼容並蓄,有容乃大,是成就一個高格局人生觀的根基。有母如此,她的女兒也不落俗流,雖私校畢業,如願進入**大學,可她卻不甘于埋頭萬卷書。毅然休學,只爲力行萬里路,投身更爲廣闊的社會大學堂,遨游世界,開闊眼界。女兒如此特立獨行,對於平常父母,無疑是難以接受和理解的,而目光高遠的蒲英,卻波瀾不驚,欣然接受並支持。她的女兒,便有了一番更爲廣闊的天地,盡情翱翔。家庭中,良師益友般稱職的媽媽。事業上,從一無所有到成功的報人。冰凍三尺,絶非一日之寒

On a beautiful spring day when the skies were blue and the wind was calm, the Friends Social Club (匯友軒) in Columbus held its March potluck and lecture in the home of Dr. Lily Chou in Galloway. Although she has only moved to the Columbus area barely a year ago, this was the second time she had graciously hosted our meeting. After a delicious potluck, Dr. Lily Chou, concert pianist, was called on to perform two short pieces in the pentatonic scale, on her Fazioli 7-ft. grand piano, which wasmostly hand made in Venice. She favored us with Alexander Tcherepnin's 2 Concert Etudes, "The Lute" and "Homage to China." These pieces made the piano sound like the Chinese instruments, guzheng (古箏) and pi pa (琵琶). Ms. Pu Ying, founder and editor of the bi-monthly Erie Chinese Journal was the featured speaker and gave a moving talk. She drew on her experience of founding this newspaper 15 years ago and how she made it a success through her indefatigable spirit, optimism, faith, and hard work. Her maxim has always been "turning work into joy." Although to most people, being 6nanciallyresponsible and in every other way to sustain a newspaper issuedtwice monthly would be a great burden and chore, Ms. Pu handledit with aplomb. Be it soliciting advertisement, gathering, writing, and editing news, interviewing people, delivering the journal, etc. Ms. Pu has consistently maintained a high standard and a cheerful attitude. She has brought the Chinese community in the greater Columbus area, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and even Pittsburgh, New York, and Kentucky closer through this journal. Her impact and contribution to the solidarity of American-Chinese is incalculable. We are struck by her optimism and faith, sheer good sense, and determination. She also broached the subject of the generation gap and bringing up children, drawing from her own experience to share with her audience the art of learning to trust and pass the baton to our children. Her e;ervescent personality and her personable style of delivery made the afternoon <y by like a twinkling of an eye. She invited the audience to share their experience at the conclusion of her talk, to a most enthusiastic response from the <oor. Everyone leftthe meeting not only with a full stomach but also a heart brimming with goodwill and joy. (唐可牧师)









