













洛琳達.勞芙林,杰克.克勒瓊三世, 彭偉權小陳和浦瑛


杰克.克勒瓊三世, 彭偉權

   在費城期間,我採訪了安良工商會元老彭偉權。彭先生表示:中華文化5000年,他這個年齡的人應該是全心全意爲中華文化敎育做一點事情,他感嘅萬分地説了:世界歷史中記載的華人華僑,像一盞明燈點亮在異國他鄉,忘不了早期華人華僑來美國創業的艱辛,更忘不了華人的心願:世界要和平,祖國要統一。今年是孫中山先生誕辰150周年,他也想到了要做系列緬懷紀念活動,我説:ITM 中西合璧火龍基金會TM與伊利華報也將合作舉辦籌款音樂晩會,他們已經做了11首原創關於中華文化和龍的原創歌曲,彭總表示:希望大家抱成一團,共同實現夢想。


   ITM集團以及伊利華報爲唱響中國一條龍合作已經有5年之久,爲了擴大團隊,浦瑛表示,很多大事都是有華人華僑的參與並獲得成功,而現今正是以文化敎育交流活動爲契機,合作共贏,擴大安良工商會以及“世界孫中山基金會”的國際影響的最佳時機。而世界孫中山基金會是2005年中國國家主席胡錦濤訪問美國,會見華人社團元老彭先生等領袖人物時建議他們成立的 。
   在費城唐人街,杰克,浦瑛等人一起參觀了彭先生唐人街建設發展公司後,杰克與彭先生首先討論了美國歷史的演變, 現在人們向往自由並敢於爲實現美國夢而拼搏不懈的外來移民緊密相連。另外大家就安良工商會在美國150年的發展歷程,從18世紀大批華裔工人定居西海岸並投入美國建設工程,隨後他們向東遷移並開始建立華人團體和唐人街,而安良商會則是最早的華人團體之一,是幫助華人商業文化發展的組織,更重要的是華人華僑在世界各地都心系中華。


   TM硏究、著作以及開發團隊共同協作並創造了以跨文化交流爲核心的企業實質,挖掘高雅藝術,文學以及音樂作品潜在價値並轉化爲電子商務運營以及知識産權創新,最終實現敎育一代人,娛樂一代人的目標中華文化淵遠流長,早在猶太基督敎文化誕生千年之前就已存在,ITM集團將擔當起第一個在世界面前展現中華文化誕生與發展的第一火龍音樂專輯TM 將會是三張絶無僅有的富含文化特色的音樂專輯,將會詮釋搖滾文化空前絶後的嶄新一面與生生不息的源源活力。“克利夫蘭之歌(TBT)”以及“時機已到(做回你自己)”也展現了ITM“第一火龍文化交流有限公司”致敬阿蘭.弗里德,致力于跨越文化邊界並創造多元敎育娛樂産業的決心與意志,也是克利夫蘭精神與態度的眞實寫照。


Pu Ying and Jack Craciun III Meet with On Leong Leader Mr. WaiKuen PangOn Leong is the world’s largest Chinese merchant Association

This past week, Erie Chinese Journal (ECJ) Publisher Anne Pu Ying invited ITM Ltd. (Group) Chairman/CEO Jack Craciun III, a global China Specialist,to travel to Philadelphia to be introduced to On Leong leader Mr. WaiKuen Pang and his associates at the Chinatown Development Corporation. Mr. Craciun was invited to discuss how the Chinatown Development Corporation, ITM and ECJ can work together to advance the global interests of On Leong and the recently established “Sun Yat-sen Foundation” of Mr. Pang through cross-cultural exchange.
In 2005 during his visit to New York City, China’s President Hu Jin Tao met with Mr. Pang and other leaders of On Leong and requested they create a new global future for On Leong. Mr. Pang then began the process to establish the “Sun Yat-sen Foundation.”
After meeting at the Chinatown Development Corporation offices in Philadelphia’s Chinatown, Jack, Anne Pu and ITM Associate Lorinda Laughlin enjoyed a beautiful Chinese banquet as Mr. Pang’s guests, along with his associate, Zhance Chen. Jack and Mr. Pang were delighted to learn they had many things in common, each having had three wives and five children made up of two boys and three girls. They were even more amazed to discover that both have sons named John!
Jack spoke with Mr. Pang about the change that took place in America after the Civil War when the Industrial Revolution shifted the world’s 10,000 year old agricultural-based economies into two new major global economic drivers: a new industrial manufacturing based economy built in tandem with real estate property development. The latter was needed to accommodate new industrial, commercial, retail and residential requirements, a need which was intensified by waves of new immigrants seeking the American Dream of freedom and entrepreneurialism.
Mr. Pang, Jack and Pu Ying discussed how the 150 plus year development of On Leong in America and around the world was based firstly upon income derived from restaurants and grocery stores that quickly grew intoChinatown real estate property investment and development. Chinese workers, who first settled on the west coast in the early 1800’s to help build America, moved east and began to build communities known as Chinatowns. On Leong Chinese Merchants Association was one of the largest of several Chinese associations organized to provide support, protection, and services to help foster business development, provide services and promote Chinese culture in their communities.
Mr. Pang has been a leader in real estate development that benefits Chinese communities throughout America. A native of Guangzhou, China, Mr. Pang lived in Hong Kong before coming to America almost forty years ago. A leader in the On Leong Chinese Merchants Association, Mr. Pang has made major real estate investments in Houston, Atlanta, Orlando and Philadelphia that cater to and benefit the Asian Communities in those cities. His company, Chinatown Development LLC, owns many condominium complexes and Asian retail super centers. Believing that “Chinatown isn’t Chinatown unless it belongs to the people,” Pang has a history of incorporating tenants as co-owners in his commercial and residential real estate development projects.
Jack explained that the new Information Age marks a shift from economies driven by real estate property development fueled by industrialization to a new and even more powerful high tech, knowledge-based global economy born from the Digital Revolution. Jack explained how the future of the new generation of On Leong depends on a shift to 21st century thinking—that the new property economic generator that is required to feed the world and enhance expendable income ratios is Intellectual Property. Jack stated that in the very near future intellectual propertywill surpassreal estate property as the primary and most powerful source of economic growth here in the USA, China, and around the globe.
John J. Craciun III (better known as “Jack”), a native of Cleveland, Ohio, is an American and European-educated China Specialist whose literally earth-shaking work in the fields of FM Radio broadcasting, Media communications, intellectual property branding, cross cultural exchange, cross-over artist development, live event and film/video productions, and third-world market economic development, has consistently and repeatedly redefined international consumer product manufacturing and branding based on defining new media networks and related demographic groups to deliver new consumer expendable income ratios. His hallmark humanitarian endeavors and initiatives perpetuate the pioneering spirit of his family name, “Craciun,” Romanian for “Christmas.”
As Anne Pu interviewed Mr. Pang and Jack for ECJ the next day over dim sum, they continued their discussion about how intellectual property is now replacing real estate development as the new and most powerful global entrepreneurial economic driver sure to enhance the well-being and prosperity of our children here and around the world through cross-cultural exchange that markets education and entertainment. Mr. Pang shared his earnest interest get involved with philanthropic endeavors through ITM’s “The First Dragon FoundationTM,” to study with ITM the unprecedented, powerful and faceted cross cultural intellectual property economic drivers in ITM’s The First DragonTM Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange Entrepreneurial Enterprise, and to learn how each will serve to enhance the human condition around the globe, one person at a time by marketing Chinese Culture and merging it with Western Culture. To this end, plans are underway for Mr. Pang to visit with ITM at their US headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio to study how he can work with ITM to help deliver The First DragonTM to a global demographic of people clamoring to embrace Chinese culture. He has also invited ITM and ECJ to meet with his son, John D. Pang in Orlando, Florida in the near future.
The First Dragon FoundationTM Ltd:
Global Education and Global Cross Cultural Exchange.
- Integrative Medicine and Integrative Cancer Research (ITM and Dr. Dwight McKee):
(Merging Traditional Chinese Medicine with Western Pharmacology);
- Community Social Services Programs (ITM and Dr. Rubin Cockrell):
(“Immigrant Student Employment Sponsorship Project” to develop proven and Sustainable long-term community economic enhancements);
- US Veteran Affairs:
(Global Memorial Day Celebration) (ITM and Dr. Cockrell);
- Build “The First Dragon Museum of Art and CultureTM” in Cleveland, Ohio Chinatown (ITM).
The First DragonTM Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange Entrepreneurial Enterprise:
The ITM Research and authorship team working together created the essence of cross cultural art, literature and music to deliver eCommerce consumer sales and intellectual property licensing that will educate and entertain a globe of humanity for decades.
The team will be the first to tell the story of the evolution of Chinese Belief and Culture that precedes by millennia, and then parallels, the belief and culture of Judeo/Christian tradition.
The art, literature, music and other intellectual properties highlight the similarities and differences of the parallel traditions in ways that clarify their contributions to human culture and promote those ideas which foster understanding and respect.









